• 两名主要竞争对手由于长期政治流放处于不利地位

    His two main rivals suffer the disadvantage of having been long-term political exiles.


  • 本周美国证交会委员丹尼尔·加拉格一次演讲表示:“短线思维似乎已占据主导地位代价长期投资受损。”

    "There seems to be a predominance of short-term thinking at the expense of long-term investing," said Commissioner Daniel Gallagher of the US Securities and Exchange Commission in a speech this week.


  • 尽管HTML显然不能提供其他技术可以提供的那么丰富用户体验,但是基于HTML 的用户界面仍然长期占据一定地位

    While HTML clearly can't deliver a user experience as rich as one that these other technologies can deliver, HTML-based user interfaces will continue to have a long-term role.


  • 巴西长期以来都是一部分利润来源通用中国占据重要地位

    Brazil has long been a source of profits, and GM has a leading position in China.


  • 如今排焦虑头名无力的欧洲政策长期担心崛起中的亚洲金融中心伦敦金融界地位挑战

    On top of current anxieties are longer-term worries about unhelpful European regulation and the challenge to London's status from emerging financial centres in Asia.


  • 有一些基金经理脱颖而出,尤其是那些长期保有股票大宗商品市场地位的基金表现尤为出色

    Some managers were able to stand out. Those that took long positions in equities and commodities did particularly well.


  • 重要的是,摩根大通柜台交易衍生品市场巨头信用违约掉期业务上长期处于霸主地位

    More importantly, it is a giant in the over-the-counter derivatives market, and number one by a long way in credit-default swaps.


  • 所有人都要求相同权益机会,尤其某些事情上,比如说女性选举权,经历长期艰苦争取获得平等地位

    We all want the same rights and opportunities, and for some things, such as women's suffrage, it was a long, hard fight to achieve equal footing.


  • 长期取向的人则关注社会地位为基础的关系的保存更为节俭

    With a long-term attitude, the focus is on preserving status-based relationships and thrift.


  • 他因调查长期利率短期利率之间关系而确立了自己学术地位最近转向撰写教科书

    He secured his academic standing with investigations into the relationship between long-term and short-term interest rates, but has lately turned his hand to producing textbooks.


  • 叙利亚长期鼓吹自己阿拉伯地位经常强调自己阿盟的创始国。

    Syria has long liked to boast of its Arab credentials and has often pointed out it is a founding member of the Arab League.


  • 夫表示,“一个主导地位股东好处在于,长期战略稳定性得以延续。”

    Says Reithofer, "The advantage of our major shareholder is—among other things—that they give us the stability to think long-term."


  • 鉴于中国长期增长战略中的重要地位两家集团急于避免它们在美国电影《给我最大号》(SuperSizeMe,又译“超码的我”)中的公众形象。 这部电影记录一个连续30麦当劳食品的经历。

    With China an important part of their long-term growth strategies, both groups are eager to avoid Super Size Me-style publicity - the film that tracked a man eating only McDonald's for 30 days.


  • 小贴士不要过分吹嘘主意而和背离公司方向,那样长期下区你就会失去地位

    Tip: Don't oversell your ideas and push against the company's direction, which might risk losing ground in the long run.


  • 所有一切丰田带来危险美国,丰田车的忠诚客户(多数情况下满意)长期以来一直认为公司与众不同,正是这点使丰田在消费者心目中更高地位

    The danger in all of this for Toyota is that its loyal (and mostly satisfied) customers in America have long believed that the firm was different from others and thus hold it to a higher standard.


  • 如果应用程序开发部署方面存在竞争,那么长期维护性可能被放在比较次要地位

    If you're in a race to get your application developed and deployed, long-term maintainability can take a back seat to getting something to work.


  • 某些标准看,西门子的迅猛增长甚至主要竞争对手,世界上长期占据统治地位通用电气公司身后

    Siemens’s growth spurt has even placed it ahead of its archrival, General Electric (GE), long the world’s dominant industrial company, on some measures.


  • 由此可见海冰范围首先主导地位气候状况决定;单独来看,冰反射反馈机制影响太过微弱,无法长期保持水平的海冰覆盖

    Hence, sea ice extent is primarily defined by the prevailing climate conditions; the ice-albedo feedback mechanism is, in isolation, too weak to stabilize a very low sea-ice cover.


  • 让我们失望罗姆尼先生那崇高美国拥有长期支配地位目标缺乏想象力的方案之间的差距。

    What is more disappointing in Mr Romney is the gap between his lofty aim of perpetual American ascendancy and his unimaginative means.


  • 作为长期以来苹果公司苹果产品粉丝越来越担心苹果处于无懈可击的市场统治地位能力

    A long time fan of the company and its products, I've become increasingly worried about what this company would be capable of once in a position of unassailable market dominance.


  • 古典音乐长期以来一直被视为一种地位象征财富联系一起。

    Classical music has long been seen as a status symbol, and is often associated with the wealthy.


  • 愚人文学长期以来处于文学研究边缘地位独特研究价值往往学界忽视本文尝试对此进行研究。

    The fool's literature always lies in frontier position for a very long time, its special study worth is often overlooked by academic circles, this article tries to study this theme.


  • 作为长期信任的随从,比如事务官维扬。普尔或者卫队长乔里。凯索,他的社会地位等级是210史塔克家族的影响力点数。

    A long-favoured retainer, such as Steward Vayon Poole or Captain of the Guard Jory Cassel, would have Social Status Rank 2, and have 10 Influence Points to spend on House Stark.


  • 智者哲学地位长期以来一直没有得到公正评价

    The status of Sophists has not got a just evaluation ever since a long time ago.


  • 然而在“欧洲中心主义东方主义”阴影,在西方普通读者中,中国文化长期处在弱势边缘地位

    Nevertheless, under the domination of "Europocentrism" and "Orientalism", Chinese culture has long been depreciated to an inferior position by the common Western readers.


  • 然而在“欧洲中心主义东方主义”阴影,在西方普通读者中,中国文化长期处在弱势边缘地位

    Nevertheless, under the domination of "Europocentrism" and "Orientalism", Chinese culture has long been depreciated to an inferior position by the common Western readers.


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