• 放在口袋几乎感觉不到重量可以说运动员们理想随身播放器

    You can barely feel the weight in your pocket. It can be said that it will be the ideal player for athletes.


  • 我们喜欢外观网络环境中,我们无法感觉质地质量合身形状褶皱的下垂耳环重量

    We can love the look but, in an online environment, we cannot feel the quality of a texture, the shape of the fit, the fall of a fold or the weight of an earring.


  • 我们喜欢它们外观网络环境中,我们感觉不到质地形状褶皱以及状况下,感受不到耳环重量

    We can love the look but, in an online environment, we cannot feel the quality of a texture, the shape of the fit, the fall of a fold or, for that matter, the weight of an earring.


  • 这样可能有点不稳感觉但是一旦抬腿好后,重量就又至到上。

    This might feel insecure, but once you step up, your weight will shift back onto your feet.


  • 即使加上新式橙色救生衣”——固定在顶部使漂浮(图片所示),你也几乎感觉不到重量

    Even with its new orange "life jacket" that hooks around the top to keep it afloat (see photo), the device feels weightless.


  • 但是想想控制车子感觉重量方向盘刹车油门等等各种各样问题

    But consider: There is the problem of controlling the car, getting a feel for its weight, the sensitivity of the wheel, the brake, accelerator, and so on.


  • 研究人员知道重量感觉是否广泛影响人们判断

    The researchers wanted to know whether the sensation of weightiness might influence people's judgments more broadly.


  • 不过即使感觉敏锐读者也不会为这负担感到承受过多因为即使是相当于整个图书馆容量的电子书重量不会超过一个DNA分子。

    But even the keenest readers are unlikely to suffer too much of a burden, as a full library of e-books weighs no more than a single molecule of DNA.


  • 回到主站第一次拿起这只手机感觉重量看起来的还要沉重一点点背后的太阳能时候一点软软的感觉

    Moving on to the meat. Upon first touch, the Puma Phone is -- due to the solar panel on the back -- a tad heavier than it looks, but it does feel solid with just a little creakiness when squeezed.


  • 它们边走边似乎完全感觉不到身上负担重量

    They sang as they went, and did not seem to feel the weight of their burdens at all.


  • 如果感觉任一疼痛手肘膝盖关节离开额外重量

    If you feel any soreness in your elbow or knee joints, take off the extra weight.


  • 虽然多余的两条上涨够行走,但预知他确确实实能够感觉得到,后背重量预知了姿势行走的能力

    Although he cannot move his extra legs, he does have feeling in them and carrying the weight on his back is damaging his posture and ability to walk.


  • 独自步行回家的时候,他感觉肩上有种沉重的重量

    He felt like there was a heavy weight on his shoulders as he walked home alone.


  • 君越稍有不足之处在行驶方面,虽然感觉平稳,但缺乏重量威慑力,即使重量已经超过了1.8吨。

    Where the LaCrosse falls a bit short is in its ride. While it feels sure-footed, it lacks a sense of weight and authority, even though it weighs more than 4,000 pounds.


  • 虽然通过健身法减肥的,但我力量训练,前重量第四——这只不过自己感觉帮一些罢了(一条)。

    Though I lost weight by doing body building, I used to do three out of four sets with light weights, the fourth set was extra heavy just to make me feel good (see point below).


  • 选择,他是否温暖舒适产品重量坚固性是否提高感觉

    Is it warm and comfortable when I pick it up? Does the weight and sturdiness of the product enhance my sense of quality?


  • 机械外骨骼手套可以减轻工具重量避免工人很快就感觉手部酸痛

    Forming an exo-skeleton it takes the weight out of the tool and stops the worker getting aches and pains as quickly.


  • 李斯特坐在钢琴前,你可以感觉那双大手重量胳膊燕尾服的的袖子拖出来,使得双手坠在膝盖以下

    The weight of those hands , when richter advances on the piano , drags the arms from the sleeves of his tailcoat so that they hang well below the knees.


  • 是个手机形状盒子里面一个可以移动的铁块,随著重心改变,我们可以感觉重量位置

    It is a mobile phone-shaped box that has an iron weight inside, which we can move. And you can feel where it's heavy.


  • 学习整个身体全面观察感觉存在近距离的观察。学习重量均匀地分配脚趾脚跟

    Learn to have an overall glance over the whole body to feel its existence and nearness. Learn to distribute the weight evenly on the feet, soles and heels.


  • 手臂模块积极支持佩戴者手臂负载所以感觉实际重量只有十分之一。

    The arm modules actively support the wearer's arms, taking the load, so it feels only a tenth of its real weight.


  • 如果放在手上几乎感觉不到重量看上去淡蓝色幽灵般——固体

    If you hold it in your hand, you can only barely feel its weight, and it looks bluish and ghostly - like solid smoke.


  • 用手去感觉一条蹦蹦鳟鱼重量随后线又是有规则地跳动着。

    I pulled and felt the live weight of the trout and then the line throbbed again.


  • 口感清凉爽快并带有活泼酸度充满刚刚割下鲜草口感,并带有少量热带水果感觉微妙且适量的法国橡木味道处理增加了其酒体的重量复杂感。

    Palate: Refreshing, clean with zippy acidity. Freshly cut grass abound with hints of tropical fruit characters. Subtle partial French oak treatment adds weight and complexity to the palate.


  • 癫痫伴有伴有昏迷或痉挛突然重量运动神经感觉心理失常特征的神经混乱中的一种。

    Any of various neurological disorders characterized by sudden, recurring attacks of motor, sensory, or psychic malfunction with or without loss of consciousness or convulsive seizures.


  • 如此下来重量管理画,正直的寒冷饮料的有感觉附加无论生活何处找

    So, to slim down with this sensible addition to your weight management program, just chill and drink, wherever life finds you.


  • 如此下来重量管理画,正直的寒冷饮料的有感觉附加无论生活何处找

    So, to slim down with this sensible addition to your weight management program, just chill and drink, wherever life finds you.


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