• 首先介绍了IETF的基于GMPLS对等模型ITU TASON重叠模型,并且比较了它们之间的关系;

    This article first introduces IETF GMPLS-based peer madel and ITU-T ASON-based overlay model together with their comparison.


  • 框架多重重叠视图表示模型子集

    Multiple, overlapping views within the framework express subsets of this model.


  • 例如瀑布递增或是迭代模型可以相同重叠方法内容建立

    For example, waterfall, incremental, or iterative models can be created with the same overlapping method content.


  • 如果极端地追求重叠迭代技术,那么您沿着瀑布模型

    If you pursue the technique of overlapping iterations to the extreme, you will end up at the waterfall model.


  • 避免各个项目使用重叠不一致治理模型造成混乱阻碍,需要有企业级、项目的视野

    An enterprise wide and cross-project scope is needed to avoid overlapping and inconsistent governance models embedded within individual projects that may lead to confusion and slow downs.


  • 看起来什么,它简单笛卡尔模型,就是这样重叠的。

    What it looks like up here, the simple Cartesian model of it is these things smear this way.


  • 此款软件利用重叠快照构造实景3D模型可以旋转各个角度观看

    The software uses overlapping snapshots to build a photo-realistic 3-D model that can be spun around and viewed from any angle.


  • aspnet _ isapi模型创建固定数量命名管道并且通过一个小的线程使用重叠操作并发链接服务

    The aspnet_isapi module creates a fixed number of named pipes and USES overlapped operations to service simultaneous connections through a small pool of threads.


  • 如果生成各个文件所需模型数据集合重叠,则可以说这两个文件“mdd相关”(术语)。

    I say two files are "MDD_related" (my terminology) if the two collections of model data needed to generate the respective files overlap.


  • 根据电子攻击信号脉冲被保护雷达信号脉冲重叠时间大小以及先后到达顺序不断变化一被保护雷达,给出了电子攻击信号源布站模型

    Based on the changing of the overlap time and the arrival orders of the pulses of EA signal pulse and a certain radar signal pulse, the model of EA emitters is put forwarded.


  • 高斯分量概率密度互不重叠条件下,使用动态算法(DC)则快速精确地估计出混合高斯模型参数

    And if there are no overlaps between each Gaussian component, parameters of Gaussian mixture PDF model can be exact estimated quickly with the dynamic cluster algorithm (DC).


  • 通过对模型研究建筑取得了令人惊异的重叠视角创造惊人的空间能量

    Model studies which yielded amazing overlapping perspectives created an astonishing spatial energy.


  • 上述模型对于重叠重叠子阵均适用

    The above models are appropriate to overlapped or non-overlapped subarrays.


  • 本文提出了一种计及不同停运模式重叠情况配电系统可靠性分析计算方法,建立了相应的可靠性计算数学模型

    The model can reflect the effect that the overlap of different outage models as well as changes in the parameters of the components were taken into consideration for distribution system reliability.


  • 应用重叠模型描述高能核-核碰撞带电粒子度(快度)分布

    The overlapping cylinder model(OCM) is used in this letter to describe the rapidity (or pseudorapidity) distributions of charged particles produced in nucleus-nucleus collisions at high energies.


  • 针对细胞核之间经常出现重叠聚堆现象,提出了一种新的基于模糊膨胀模型的细胞核轮廓提取方法

    In this paper an automated cell nucleus segmentation method is proposed based on a novel fuzzy growing snake model for color cell images from esophageal smears.


  • 提出水平演化监督分辨率影像分割模型,避免传统多水平集方法中的区域重叠问题。

    The paper presents an unsupervised segmentation model based on multiple level sets evolution for high resolution satellite imagery.


  • 这种方法能够充分利用数据重叠特征辨识数据对应状态,结合统计模型规则模型的优点。

    This approach makes use of overlapping features to identify the corresponding state of data items and every state is the result of state-state transition and observation-state transition probability.


  • 模型解决了以往研究存在的指标反映信贷风险信息重叠与遗漏的问题,以及不能科学确定指标体系中各指标权重的问题。

    The internal rating model that is established in the paper can resolve many problems, so it can be used to control credit risk.


  • 本文对H.263基于平移模型重叠运动估计补偿方法进行改进提出了一种基于仿模型重叠块运动补偿方法,该方法复杂运动图像质量有明显改善

    This paper proposes an overlapped block affine motion compensation method to improve the translational motion model used in H. 263, and it improved the quality of image with complicated motion.


  • 根据实际重叠设备现场安装经验,推导出一种比较简单力学模型

    From actual installation of the overlapped horizontal vessel on site, a more simple mechanics model I built up, thereby, a kind of strength calculation formula for the vessel is derived.


  • 通过拟合实验数据表明1N自适应卡尔滤波器快速傅里叶变换和标准加入法相结合,用于补偿系统模型误差和进行重叠峰的分辨,效果良好。

    The neopoloarographic synthetic data test indicated that 1 :N adaptive Kalman filter can compensate for modelling errors of system and resolve over- lapped response signals.


  • 考虑到网络结构模型通用性,协议设计同时,本文对已有的almi协议的重叠构建过程进行改进,设计了T - ALMI重叠网构建算法

    Moreover, for the sake of proving the generalization of the tree model, we modify the ALMI protocol, and design the T-ALMI (topology-aware ALMI) overlay construction algorithms.


  • 论文采用重叠灵敏度矩阵面积重建图像吸收组织模型不同深度下的信比等评价参数,对提出多边形探头分布模型性能进行评估。

    The overlapping sensitivity matrix, area ratio (AR), reconstruction image, two-absorber model, and contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) in different depths are used to evaluate the performance of PG.


  • 标量计时模型中各阶段的神经机制重叠分离。

    Scalar timing model (STM) was taken as a framework with analyzing many references about temporal cognition neural mechanism.


  • 本文力学观点阐明多层重叠形成机制介绍弹性壳压曲破坏模型

    In this paper, the forming mechanism of the multilayer rafted ice is described from mechanics view, and the buckling failure of a plate on an elastic foundation is introduced.


  • 模型存在重叠模糊性相互矛盾性缺乏改进针对性等问题。

    Second, the model is still overlapping, ambiguous, contradictory and the lack of improvement target.


  • 模型存在重叠模糊性相互矛盾性缺乏改进针对性等问题。

    Second, the model is still overlapping, ambiguous, contradictory and the lack of improvement target.


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