• 克利里家族第一成员婚姻有所贪图婚姻,都是有目的结婚的。

    The marriages of the first generation members in Cleary household all were coveted marriages, they marriage only for something.


  • 排卵试纸到底有没有起作用,汉娜已不得而知。科学也好,运气也罢,重要的是,200年来家族的“生男魔咒“终于打破了

    Hannah will never know if her ovulation kits did the trick. But whether by luck, or science, the 200-year Lawrie family boy spell has finally been broken.


  • 殿的文物和文件展示了皇室家族的生活方式。

    The cultural relics and documents in the palace show how the royal families lived.


  • 海德家族柴郡诺伯建立了长时间

    The family of Hyde was long established at Norbury in Cheshire.


  • 还以为我们一个古老家族呢;可是一家全都新的。”,口气一派天真

    'I thought we were an old family; but this is all new!' she said, in her artlessness.


  • 拉基本人在也门没什么名气,但是来自强大的奥拉基部落一个有名家族

    Mr Awlaki is not well known in Yemen but he hails from a prominent family within the powerful Awlaki tribe.


  • 致病微生物引起结核麻风病菌属同一家族但是布鲁溃疡这些疾病获得较少重视

    The causative organism is from the family of bacteria which causes tuberculosis and leprosy but Buruli ulcer has received less attention than these diseases.


  • 还要执行委托坚持埃德加·林不能他妻子旁边,要葬在教堂他的家族在一起。

    He would have carried his delegated authority to the point of insisting that Edgar Linton should not be buried beside his wife, but in the chapel, with his family.


  • 这样艰难时刻拥有一百多年经验对于家族企业来说,本应优势

    Having a century or more of experience is supposedly a big advantage for family firms in difficult times.


  • 来自新泽西罗德尼·弗林·海森则国会供职第六家族成员。

    Rodney Frelinghuysen, from New Jersey, is the sixth generation of his family to serve in Congress.


  • 对情侣肯尼亚山附近唐斯野生动物保护区订婚。 保护区的所有者是杰卡·克雷格的家族所有,巧合的是威廉王子与杰卡曾经约会过

    The pair got engaged at Lewa Downs Wildlife Conservancy near Mount Kenya—which happens to be owned the by the family of Jecca Craig, who William once dated.


  • 皇室家族价值不是均等的”,普尔大学日本分校亚洲研究主管杰弗·金士顿表示。

    "The values of the imperial family are not part of the equation," says Jeffrey Kingston, director of Asian Studies for Temple University's Japan campus.


  • 15世纪,美第-卡迪作为美第奇家族官邸而修建那时真正眩晕地方拥有的艺术作品洋洋大观,让人惊叹。

    In the 15th century, when it was built as the town house of the Medici family, this was truly a place to make you pass out.


  • 企业12雇员,其中有6名是家族成员女儿儿子女婿老公孙女爷爷

    Of her 12 employees, six are family members: a daughter, a son, a son-in-law, a husband, a granddaughter and a grandson.


  • Mugrabi家族拥有一百一十件斯特的作品,其中包括组展览:浸泡福尔马林溶液三十只羊只鸽子条鲨鱼一头伸展开的

    The Mugrabi family owns some 110 Hirsts, including an installation that features 30 sheep, two doves, a shark and a splayed cow in formaldehyde.


  • 华盛顿报道-作为自由意志主义第一家族,来自德克萨斯州杰克逊保罗家族,在家庭没有太多规矩

    WASHINGTON — In keeping with their position as the First Family of Libertarianism, the Pauls of Lake Jackson, Tex., did not have many rules around their home.


  • 有一次登革热加尔各答肆虐时候,我们家族一部分人就分流都先生的河边别墅避难

    Once, when the dengue fever was raging in Calcutta, some portion of our extensive family had to take shelter in Chhatu Babu's river-side villa.


  • 现在生物学家需要重新开始这种观念自然界许多东西,并不全是纯净家族血统产物,恰恰是交叉藕合、杂乱无章的物种。

    Biologists are now coming round to the idea that much of nature is not a product of neat family lines, but a messy mass of cross links.


  • 雏鸟孵化时许多看着,并且它们容易家族圈子发现

    As young birds hatch, there are more birds to observe and they can be easier to spot in family groupings.


  • 清楚地记得脑子些什么真是个大块头,他留着桔黄色的短直发,还肯尼迪家族的人。

    'I can still remember exactly what went through my mind: he's so big, he has orange spiky hair and he's married to a Kennedy.


  • 家中至今保存着一些不知名中国文物很像中国古代皇宫用品,家族保留的一些习惯中国民俗相似

    There are some unknown Chinese antiquities in Ribery's home like things used in ancient Chinese imperial palaces, and the customs in their family also similar to that of China.


  • 保护草药-哈布斯堡家族传统偷听鸟儿的话经常能得到有用的信息金苹果的确来自赫斯帕得斯

    Protection of all herbs was a tradition of the von Hapsburgs; birds are often overheard giving useful information; and the golden apples really are from the Hesperides.


  • 雨果·沃尔德整个家族家长,众多的侄子、外甥、姻亲大广场街上稍差的公寓大厦

    Hugo Waldman was the paterfamilias of the whole tribe-nephews, Cousins, and uncles-in-law who lived along the Concourse in lesser palaces.


  • 以团结著称日本企业这种紧密关系时常得到体现,有些企业甚至会成为同根生的大家族

    Such strong relationships are echoed in Japan's tightly knit firms, some of which are clannish to their roots.


  • 科赫家族阿拉斯加德克萨斯明尼苏达经营石油精炼业务,拥有近四千长的输油管道

    The Kochs operate oil refineries in Alaska, Texas, and Minnesota, and control some four thousand miles of pipeline.


  • 这个家族第四行政总裁保罗基尔亨尼,1999年接管公司。 他介绍道:“我们沙司第一次卖是装在喷洒盖头的小香水瓶子的,到现在我们仍然保持这个风格。”

    "Our sauce was first sold in old cologne bottles that had sprinkler tops and we kept the style, " notes Paul McIlhenny, the company's fourth generation chief executive, who took control in 1999.


  • 这个家族第四行政总裁保罗基尔亨尼,1999年接管公司。 他介绍道:“我们沙司第一次卖是装在喷洒盖头的小香水瓶子的,到现在我们仍然保持这个风格。”

    "Our sauce was first sold in old cologne bottles that had sprinkler tops and we kept the style, " notes Paul McIlhenny, the company's fourth generation chief executive, who took control in 1999.


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