• 手指头一般都中间根最长这座山是的石峰最高。

    Normally the middle finger is the longest, but the peak on the side is the tallest.


  • 发现履带已经到了,已经完全超出滚雷装具支架的边缘

    I found out that my right track had thrown to the inside, and had gone completely over the edge of the mine-roller bracket.


  • 十分仔细地查看左边衣袖里侧,还有他上衣口袋的那几个小包

    Please look very carefully inside his left sleeve and at the several little packets inside the large pockets of his jacket.


  • 小心翼翼地将放置玻璃窗以此保证能吸收充足阳光避免丢失过多水分

    I carefully set it on the inside of my glass window for enough sunshine and to avoid losing too much water.


  • 到能微风漂浮孢子古老的地方带到数千随意沉积光秃秃

    Spores light enough to float on the breezes were carried thousands of miles from more ancient lands and deposited at random across the bare mountain flanks.


  • 无助地水沟挣扎时,张开,犹如头部切开了道深深的伤口

    The gill flaps opened like two gash wounds on the sides of its head as it thrashed helplessly in the gutter.


  • 我们片肺复杂管子交叉网组成的,心脏悬浮着,在有弹力纤维构成的框架胸腔

    Our two lungs are made up of a complex latticework of tubes, which are suspended, on either side of the heart, inside the chest cavity on a framework of elastic fibers.


  • 每个流行音乐自己见解,”,“而且我们还发现一首歌专家意见相同时,纹状体区域的反应会非常强烈。”

    Everyone has an opinion on pop music,” says Frith. “And we found that activity in the ventral striatum was very high when the individuals and the experts agreed on a song.


  • 每个流行音乐自己见解,”,“而且我们还发现一首歌专家意见相同时,纹状体区域的反应会非常强烈。”

    "Everyone has an opinion on pop music," says Frith. "and we found that activity in the ventral striatum was very high when the individuals and the experts agreed on a song."


  • 有树荫院子或者树林中会使人神清气爽,就在一个湿热夜晚翻身床上凉爽的一一样

    Escaping into a shady courtyard or grove of trees is as refreshing as rolling into the cool bit of the bed on a steamy night.


  • 海岸小镇基尔马诺克距士满东部90分钟路程大街商铺餐馆以及一家小医院

    Kilmarnock, a small coastal town, 90 minutes east of Richmond, with a main street flanked by small shops and restaurants and a small hospital.


  • 在前裤子内部打几个洞用于安放蜂鸟,为了不让小鸟逃走只蜂鸟还硬生生地,当然穿着这样裤子肯定是很不爽了。

    Furthermore, each bird was cruelly wrapped in cloth before being placed in its pouch, in order to prevent an escape attempt, which would no doubt prove painful for the wearer of the trousers.


  • 段录像中,鳟鱼水缸游动,这时一组涡流先后的两靠近。

    In one video, a trout swims in a tank as eddies come toward it, first from one side and then from the other.


  • 最后呼吸新鲜空气赞叹晴空万蓝天,驻足欣赏街道两树林美景什么时候

    When is the last time you felt the fresh air, admired the beautiful blue sky and saw the beauty in the trees lining your street?


  • 弗·动物服务人员通力协作才成功营救出它。

    Riverside County Animal Services officers got on both sides of the wall and managed to extricate Rebel.


  • 但是西多还是知道到底是为什么要冬天擦窗户,所以顺着雪堆呀,爬呀爬,一直爬到了顶上,然后再从滑了下去,正好看见狐狸先生在窗户。

    But Theodore still wanted to know why, so he climbed up, up, up a snowy hill and slid down the other side. There he found Fox standing on a ladder washing his Windows.


  • 照片试图捕捉破晓太阳在山头一越过星星仍停一边的美丽景象。

    In this shot, I was trying to get the pre-dawn glow of the sun over the mountains on one side and the stars on the other.


  • 泥潭边,马路上寨子,山冈,大海,鬼魂们各种形状聚集一起:无头女人、披甲勇士、深斑野兔,长着火舌的猎犬,鸣叫海豹等等

    By bog, road, rath, hillside, sea-border they gather in all shapes: headless women, men in armour, shadow hares, fire-tongued hounds, whistling seals, and so on.


  • 个儿童三角钢琴,角落一对巴塞罗那上能看见一个。

    There is baby grand piano on one side of the room and a pair of Barcelona chairs in the nooks, one of which is shown.


  • 通过手中的双望远镜,鲍尔不时扫视着周围平淡乏味的环境——灰色水泥跑道黑色沥青道,深黄色的草地——这时耳机传来夹杂着静电杂音的通话。

    As he continued to catalog the flat featureless landscape through binoculars - gray concrete runways, black asphalt service roads, brown grass - Bauer's headset crackled.


  • /神经在阅读起的作用在这同样适用

    I think the same ventral/dorsal explanation applies.


  • 新家长滩荒凉海湾旁,这个地方对这个51的小岛而言,好像位于西伯利亚

    It's now in a desolate cove on the other side of the island - as close to Siberia as you can get on a slip of land about five miles long and a mile wide.


  • 极坐标记住在积分,只是把x变成rcosθ,y变成rsinθ

    So, when you go to polar coordinates, basically all you have to remember on the side of integrate is that x becomes r cosine theta. y becomes r sine theta.


  • 杰克道,打开自己车门,一个滚翻钻进枯黄的草丛。 四周烟尘飞扬,杰克几乎看不见辆黑色探路者,耳机传来呼喊声射击中,他知道布莱克本和突击队的其他成员已经后门冲出报废的维修,并用火力压制了对方。

    From the shouts and sounds in his headset, Jack knew Blackburn and the rest of the tactical team had burst out of the side and rear doors of the crippled van and laid down suppressing fire.


  • 混乱庄园大厦天花板地面镶着玻璃一个外伸屋顶遮挡窗户免于阳光直射,双层窗户和低散射玻璃保持着屋子在夏天也很凉爽。

    GLASS, from ceiling to floor, covers two sides of Mayhem Manor. An overhanging roof shades the Windows from direct sunlight.


  • 你可以联想一下F16上面那种固定狭小座舱的凳子:一共3;以过道分割,一边个;每个座位配有扇舷窗,机头顶扇。

    Think more like the seats in an F-16, bolted into a Spartan cabin: three rows, a seat on either side of the aisle and two windows per passenger, one to the side, the other overhead.


  • 居然坐在。”声音有点难以置信的味道。挑起眉头。

    "And yet here you sit. " There was a trace of disbelief in his voice; he raised one eyebrow.


  • 居然坐在。”声音有点难以置信的味道。挑起眉头。

    "And yet here you sit. " There was a trace of disbelief in his voice; he raised one eyebrow.


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