• 政府移民入境采取了强硬的态度

    The government has adopted an aggressive posture on immigration.


  • 今天市政府已经采取了措施防止去年冲突重演

    Today the city government has taken measures to prevent a repetition of last year's confrontation.


  • 总统采取前所未有举措召集所有州长参加一次教育讨论会

    The president took the unprecedented step of summoning all the state governors to a conference on education.


  • 我们采取联系各家报社非常规做法劝阻他们不要承接则广告

    We took the unusual step of contacting newspapers to advise them not to accept the advertising.


  • 采取了非常严格的措施来控制病毒。

    The government took too strict measures to control the virus.


  • 着病毒蔓延到中国其他地区,政府采取了行动来控制疾病的传播。

    As the virus spread to other areas of China, the government took action to control the spread of the disease.


  • 们的政府在今年年初遇到困难的时候,采取了行动,迅速解决了这些问题。

    Our government took action to solve them quickly when we had difficulties at the beginning of this year.


  • 在那时,赛迪曼采取了行动,以便让他的子孙可以充分利用种植的树木。

    It was then that Sadiman took action so that his children and grandchildren could take advantage of the planted trees.


  • 国各地的社区工作者采取了严格的行动,要求人们呆在家里,并帮助老人购买日常必需品。

    Community workers across the country took strict action, asking people to stay at home and helping the old buy daily necessities.


  • 1934年,随着《候鸟狩猎印花税法案》的通过,为阻止对迁徙的水禽以及对水禽生存至关重要的湿地的破坏,一个日益感到担忧的国家(指美国)采取了坚决的行动。

    In 1934, with the passage of the Migratory Bird Hunting Stamp Act (Act), an increasingly concerned nation took firm action to stop the destruction of migratory waterfowl and the wetlands so vital to their survival.


  • 国会已经采取了一些温和的措施

    Congress has already taken some modest steps.


  • 错误思想一冒头及时采取措施

    Proper measures were taken as soon as the erroneous ideas cropped up.


  • 最近南非政府采取了一些措施保护苏铁偷走交易

    Recently, South African government has taken some actions to protect cycads from being stolen or traded.


  • 约翰斯·霍普金斯大学的内科项目2011年采取同样政策

    Johns Hopkins'internal-medicine program adopted the same policy in 2011.


  • 这种法律空缺情况下,各个过去年间已经采取行动

    In the absence of such laws, the states have actually taken action over the past 5 to 10 years.


  • 英国没有遵从而是采取新的策略声称受欢迎许多海滩根本不是海水浴场

    Britain, rather than complying, took the novel strategy of contending that many of its most popular beaches were not swimming beaches at all.


  • 然而组织采取了与1999年相似方法,即,一致反对儿童接触被动媒体或接触任何类型屏幕

    Nevertheless, the group took largely the same approach it did in 1999, uniformly discouraging passive media use, on any type of screen, for these kids.


  • 去年零售商感恩节圣诞节之间获得了全年24%收入,而在现在这个关键时刻采取了一种谨慎的做法

    For retailers, who last year took in 24 percent of their revenue between Thanksgiving and Christmas, the cautious approach is coming at a crucial time.


  • 19世纪中叶美国政府采取项将印第安儿童美国化政策,即将印第安儿童赶出他们家园并且将他们与其文化隔绝。

    In the mid-19th century, the US government adopted a policy of Americanising Indian children by removing them from their homes and culture.


  • 声称只是受了胁迫采取行动。

    He claimed he had only acted under coercion.


  • 尽管采取这些措施经济仍然停滞不前

    Despite these measures, the economy remains in the doldrums.


  • 采取焦土政策摧毁村庄烧掉了庄稼

    He employed a scorched-earth policy, destroying villages and burning crops.


  • 不断增加的经济困难迫使采取铤而走险办法

    His increasing financial difficulties forced him to take desperate measures.


  • 采取了管制措施来重新分配资源转变资源投放方向。

    Controls were used to redistribute or redirect resources.


  • 已经采取了一切措施保证张传单上所有信息准确

    Every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of all information given in this leaflet.


  • 他们采取一些极为可疑商业手段取得目前市场地位

    They indulged in some highly dubious business practices to obtain their current position in the market.


  • 如果他们我们方向采取了任何行动的话,我们就会进行反制

    If they had made any sort of move that was in our direction we would have made a countermove already.


  • 尽管种族隔离取消后采取了平权举措,几乎没有黑人运动员达到过顶极。

    Despite nearly a decade of positive discrimination since apartheid was dismantled, few black sportsmen have reached the top level.


  • 国政府还采取了其他措施来保护学生的视力。

    Chinese government has also taken other steps to protect students' eyesight in China.


  • 空变得更蓝了,因为我们采取了行动来保护环境。

    The sky is much bluer because we have taken action to protect the environment.


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