• 就是我们需要研究目的是最终决定我们真正需要持续双重抗血小板治疗多长时间。

    That is the kind of study that we need to have in order to make a final decision about how long we really need to continue dual anti-platelet therapy.


  • 就是我们需要多次接种疫苗的原因。

    That's why we need to take the vaccine more than one time.


  • 不幸我们继续应对生命终结危机一样应对“生活方式”危机,就是我们为什么需要反思我们应对策略的原因。

    Unfortunately, we continue to respond to Way of Life crises as if they were End of Life crises, and that's why we need to rethink our response.


  • 就是为什么美国需要一个公正指数反映我们当地法院主要做什么工作

    That's why America needs a "justice index" to show how the essential aspects of our local courts are working.


  • 就是为什么美国需要一个公正指数反映我们当地法院主要做什么工作

    That's why America needs ajustice indexto show how the essential aspects of our local courts are working.


  • 创业者需要比”主动性“更深远的素质。 虽然可能性很小,就是我们寻找的。

    Founders need to go so far beyond “initiative” it’s rarely possible; but that’s what we’re looking for.


  • 就是我们需要采取新的实实在在措施帮助小企业,实现经济增长创造就业的原因——我们需要立即采取行动。

    That's why we need to take new, commonsense steps to help small businesses, grow our economy, and create jobs - and we need to take them now.


  • 就是为什么我们需要工作假期的原因,我们思想每天要面对工作问题中放松下。

    That's why we all need a work vacation, to give our minds a rest from the issues we face every day in our jobs.


  • 好的就是我们路易斯结构,所需要完成步骤不管什么样路易斯结构样做。

    All right, so this is the same procedure that we're going to go through, regardless of what kind of Lewis structure we're going to draw.


  • 就是我们现在需要解决一些非常严重问题

    That said, we are at a moment where we have to resolve some very serious issues.


  • 就是我们需要医疗道德原因就是传统上将医生视为特殊期望他们按照超过平均职业水准行事的原因。

    That's why we have medical ethics. That's why doctors have traditionally both been viewed as something special and been expected to behave according to higher standards than the average professional.


  • 为了确定哪个表现出技术风险我们需要了解单个用例一般要点就是为什么我们最初要点描述用例。

    To determine which use cases represent technical risk, we need to understand both the general gist of the individual use cases, which is why we initially documented the use cases in point form.


  • 降低贸易逆差我们需要美国商品更具竞争性,就是换算成他国货币时,我们需要令美元价值降下来

    To get our trade deficit down, however, we need to make American products more competitive, which in practice means that we need the dollar's value to fall in terms of other currencies.


  • 就是目前的我们有权需要做出修改增加,请在群里生存下来,证明一个值得拥有的群

    There are the regulations we provide right now and we have the rights to perfect it whenever we need, so be a good team-player survive start from here, prove you are a worth member that we need.


  • 就是教父们认为我们需要互相帮助,为上文提到的重大礼拜准备的原因

    That is why the leaders in this church have felt that we need to help each other to prepare for that great worship in which we will engage in above.


  • 就是为什么我们需要几个小时两三天时间

    That is why we indicated it is something in the range of a bunch of hours to a couple of days.


  • 就是问题所在如果积分我们需要处处定义旋度0那么你的积分也是。

    OK, so that's the problem. I mean, if you try to integrate, we've said everywhere where it's defined, 0 the curl is zero. So, what you would be integrating would be zero.


  • 就是为什么我们需要敏捷未来一点我们必然改变创建新的差异。

    That's why we need to be Agile here; because at some point in the future, we'll need to change, and to find new ways of differentiating ourselves.


  • 常识来看我们改掉我们原先习惯之前我们需要不断努力就是人类的法则。

    Based on our present knowledge of the human mind, we see consistently that it takes a good number of times before we manage to change habits. This is how humans work!


  • 由于我们现在需要消耗能源的量之前所未有,而且对于能源的消耗是长期、持续的,就是变革推动力

    The need to keep doing the same thing-consuming energy in ever larger quantities-is a force for change.


  • 食品店的服务员过来问:衬衫吗?是的我们店里需要衬衫进入就是衬衫。

    Guy at natural food store: do you have a shirt? Yeah, um, we require shirts in the store. Me: this is a shirt. #croptop #fashionproblem


  • 如果需要工具支持的话增加过程特性容易一些。就是我们为什么使用IBMRational工具中内嵌的最佳实践减轻风险的原因。

    It is much easier to add process features if you do not need to support them in tools, which is why we are mitigating this risk by using best practices embodied in the IBM Rational tools.


  • 就是为什么我们重视父亲孩子们妻子们必须自己的父亲和丈夫明白,他们需要他,感激他。

    That's why we want children and partners to celebrate Father's Day this Sunday, to show fathers they are appreciated, and for everything they do。


  • VMID识别器本地操作系统进程识别器(“pid”)并不总是相同就是我们需要JDKjps实用程序原因

    The "VMID" identifier is not always the same as the native operating system process identifier ("pid"), which is why we need the JDK's jps utility.


  • 就是为什么我们view方法需要任何代码的原因,虽然需要存在使得它可以设置为 :Exported

    That's why there didn't need to be any code for our view method, although it did need to exist so that it could be :Exported.


  • (鼓掌)看到更多产品全世界销售,上面的商标三个骄傲的字:“美国制造”,这就是我们需要做到的。

    (Applause.) I want to see more products sold around the world stamped with the three proudwords: “Made in America.”


  • 计算简单-我们需要结合能负值同样很容易理解因为就是能量差,所以我们得到就是结合能,当它取负值,电离能就是5。

    It's an easy calculationwe're just taking the negative of the binding energy, again that makes sense, because it's this difference in energy here.


  • 讨论两个氢原子我们需要把它乘以因此应该,2624,千摩尔就是单个的氢原子的情况。

    If we want to talk about two hydrogen atoms, then we just need to double that, so that's going to be negative 2 6 2 4 kilojoules per mole that we're talking about in terms of a single hydrogen atom.


  • 命令会下载大量数据(就是为什么我们需要128MBcf原因了)—我们正在获取Debian版本可用软件包列表

    This downloads a fairly large chunk of data (which is why we needed a 128mb CF card) — we're getting a list of the available packages for this version of Debian.


  • 命令会下载大量数据(就是为什么我们需要128MBcf原因了)—我们正在获取Debian版本可用软件包列表

    This downloads a fairly large chunk of data (which is why we needed a 128mb CF card) — we're getting a list of the available packages for this version of Debian.


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