• 句话意思当然明确,虽然必须承认自己从未如此疯狂过

    It definitely makes sense though I have to admit that I never went to such extremes.


  • 句话意思对不起拨叫的用户不在服务区检查号码拨。

    Sorry, the number you are calling is not in service, please check your number and redial it.


  • 句话意思容易,行动很难想法付诸行动是世界上最难。”

    Thinking is easy, acting is diffcult, and to put one's thoughts into action is the most diffcult thing in the world.


  • 个聪明的儿子都立刻明白了这句话意思

    Each son, being intelligent, understood the meaning at once.


  • 这句意思就是:“1969 年七月二十号发生了一件对我们大家来说很重要事。 那天,宇航员尼尔。

    Something important to all of us happened on July 20, 1969.


  • 句话意思不要冒险已经有的东西换取那些看上去一些但你未必能得到的东西。

    This means you should not risk losing something you have by trying to get more of something you do not have.


  • 句话意思说,云里数据的时候应该某种建的冗余方式

    What he means by this is that when storing data in the cloud there should be some sort of built in redundancy.


  • 句话意思,自己严格要求,可以做出对不起别人的事情;别人宽容,特别是别人无心之失时.

    It means we should be strict with ourselves in trying not to do any harm to others while generous to others when they do wrong to us, especially if they do so unintentionally.


  • 句话所要表达意思匪夷所思,725个客户实在是个微不足道数目不值得拿出来说。

    What this actually means is unclear, but 725 customers is such an insignificant number that one has to wonder why it was mentioned at all.


  • 句话意思机械学习理解内在学习过程

    The saying refers to the learning of a process without an understanding of why it works.


  • 句话意思:“正当那个人欺负的时候,哥哥出来我要不要帮忙。”我哥哥一个大腰圆的足球队队员

    These two guys were pushing me around until my brother, who's a beefy football player on the school team, came out and asked me if I needed help.


  • 句话意思:“最近看见亨利没有?”为了减肥,按照特殊食谱吃了个月

    Have you seen Henry lately? For two months he's been on this special diet to lose weight.


  • 他们问候刚刚父母来到美国男孩误解句话意思,随即抬头望向天空

    Upon hearing their greeting, the boy, who had just moved to the us with his parents, raised his head and looked at the sky.


  • 这句话意思是:朋友丹尼尔没有受过教育所以很难找到一个像样的工作有足够来养家活口

    My friend Daniel has no education so it's hard for him to find a decent job and earn enough money for his family.


  • 句话意思:“最近看见亨利没有为了减肥,按照特殊食谱吃了个月你看,他已经减掉了四十现在真是非常了。”

    Have you seen Henry lately? For two months he's been on this special diet to lose weight. Well, he's taken off forty pounds and now he's all skin and bones.


  • 句话意思:“我们当时正在行军前线去。”突然德国战斗机我们前面山头上出现。

    We were marching on this road to the front when this German fighter plane came over the hill ahead of us like a bat out of hell.


  • 了好几个人句话到底是什么意思没人说清楚

    However, I asked several people about what it really meant, but nobody could give a clear answer.


  • 这句话意思是:希望一下,最好不要讲那种很长的

    I wish somebody would tell Joe that he shouldn't try to tell those long jokes.


  • 句话意思:"镇上钢铁工厂关闭时候,每个处境一样工人没有工作就意味着商店没有生意那儿困难。"

    When the steel plant shut down, the town's people were all in the same boat. The workers had no jobs, and this meant the shops had no business. It was really tough all around.


  • 句话意思我翻译为:目前,很多广受欢迎的餐馆总是藏匿公寓大厦地面上方楼层,就厨师们自家门口或是的空地外面营业。

    These days the most sought-after tables are hidden away, several floors above ground, in the city’s high-rise apartments, which are run by chefs out of their own homes or from rented spaces..


  • 句话意思:“现在离开选举只有星期了,但是,共和党民主党在竞选方面仍然不分上下,没有一个专家预测到底那个在竞选中获胜。”

    Right now, only a week from the election, the republicans and the democrats are running neck to neck and none of the experts can predict which party will win.


  • 句话另一层意思就是某些特殊场合使用单一鼻孔呼吸能够单独激活“思考感知”的右脑

    The flip side of course is, single nostril breathing can be used to activate, just the left "thinking" or just right "feeling" side of your brain for specific situations.


  • 句话另一层意思就是某些特殊场合使用单一鼻孔呼吸能够单独激活“思考感知”的右脑

    The flip side of course is, single nostril breathing can be used to activate, just the leftthinkingor just right “feeling” side of your brain for specific situations.


  • 斯莱特先生这句话意思是说,现金最终必须兑换其他东西

    But to paraphrase Mr Slater, cash must eventually be turned into these other things.


  • 句话意思:“两个竞选参议员的人在电视上进行辩论时真是毫不留情。”

    That TV debate between those two guys running for senator was sure a no holds barred affair.


  • 这句话意思是:“比尔饭馆倒闭没有来还银行贷款。”

    After his restaurant failed, Bill couldn't pay back the money he had borrowed from the bank.


  • 这句话意思是:“比尔布朗小女儿上星期车祸受伤以后,我们办公室募捐了三百多美元帮助比尔医疗费。”

    When Bill Brown's baby daughter was hurt in that auto accident last week, we passed the hat around the office and collected three hundred dollars to help pay the doctor's bill.


  • 这句话意思真是替玛丽感到难受,因为吉姆长期感情毫不介意。

    I feel sorry for Mary - Jim has been playing fast and loose with her affections too long.


  • 句话意思:「1987年股票价格大幅度下降的时候,有些投资者损失了几百万美元可是,大多数投资者没有采取什么行动,只是观望,等待股票市场回升。」

    When the stock price dropped drastically in 1987, some investors lost millions of dollars. But the majority of investors were sitting tight waiting for the stock market to bounce back.


  • 句话意思:「1987年股票价格大幅度下降的时候,有些投资者损失了几百万美元可是,大多数投资者没有采取什么行动,只是观望,等待股票市场回升。」

    When the stock price dropped drastically in 1987, some investors lost millions of dollars. But the majority of investors were sitting tight waiting for the stock market to bounce back.


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