• 玻璃蜂房可以观察工作中的蜜蜂每个蜂房蜂王打上白点标记

    Glass hives offer a close-up view of the bees at work, with the queen bee in each hive marked by a white dot.


  • 从来没有来过这样动物园这里可以抚摸长颈鹿、也可以很近距观察大象河马

    I have never been in a zoo where you could touch giraffes or get this close to elephants and hippos.


  • 彼此观察相互交谈使人们可以进行一种微妙观点交流情感互动

    Seeing and talking with one another in close physical proximity makes possible a subtle exchange of ideas and feelings.


  • 在为拉票这个月中有机会离地观察他的竞选机构

    I had the chance to view that organization up close this month when I canvassed for him.


  • 对于近距观察图像元素密度能够一个标准计算机屏幕大约英寸80。

    For close viewing the density of picture elements should be no worse than on a standard computer screen, about 80 per inch.


  • 无论如何,也许时候我们近距观察自己在线些什么研究一下自己数码映像了。

    Either way, perhaps its time we all took a bit of a closer look at what we do online and studied our digital reflection.


  • 然而越是近距观察便越能清楚地看到国家层面行动需求才最为迫切

    The closer you look, though, the clearer it becomes that action is most urgently needed at the national level.


  • 上图土卫十六本身表面近距观察展现了有趣的结构坑洞

    Close inspection of the surface of Prometheus itself in the above image shows interesting structure and craters.


  • 从来没想到看到这样景象非常离的观察我们眼睛时,眼睛呈现出外星球上才有的神奇景象

    He never thought he would see anything like that - when viewed really close up our eyes look like some dramatic surfaces of far and unknown planets.


  • 成都这个钢铁枷锁,毁掉这个农民城市居民分割久的高大围墙后,整个国家近距观察成都未来年会发生什么

    The whole nation is watching closely to see what happens over the next few years as Chengdu takes off the iron collar and breaks down the wall that kept farmers and urbanites separated for so long.


  • 无数企业倒闭事件(也包括自己的几个初创企业)作过近距观察

    I have had a close-up view of numerous business failuresincluding a few start-ups of my own.


  • 乔治梅森大学一位博士生卫星得以近距观察这个自古以来就神秘兮兮的国家

    A doctoral student at George Mason University is using satellite images to get a closer look at a historically secretive country.


  • 观察这种塑造地球原始力量让人着迷,但不能任由自己拜倒火山魅力之下,尤其是尼拉贡戈这种难以捉摸的火山。

    Seeing at close range the primal forces that shaped the planet can be hypnotic. You cannot allow yourself to fall under a volcano's spell, especially one as unpredictable as Nyiragongo.


  • 近距观察,原来他们戴了面具眼部鼻子附近有许多方便观看呼吸小孔

    Close inspection shows that they are wearing masks with tiny perforations around the eye and nose area for seeing and breathing.


  • 参观者可以近距观察啤酒业现代设备技术可以小尝一下代表经典巴西产品的独特饮料

    Visitors were able to take a close look at modern equipment and technologies of the beer industry and also sip unique beverages made of typical Brazilian products.


  • 近距观察委内瑞拉外国官员表示古巴军官委国军情局担任要职,这些说法未能得到证实

    Foreign officials who watch Venezuela closely say that Cuban agents occupy key posts in Venezuela's military intelligence agency, but these claims are impossible to verify.


  • 以下观察结果来自对于牌子相机主人近距离接触以及曾经作为某个牌子相机粉丝的体验。

    The following observations are based on close association with the various groups of camera owners and from having belonged to each group at one time or another.


  • 科研人员根据已有数据,通过哈勃太空望远镜近距观察这个黑洞发现M87星系特大质量黑洞已经移出中心位置

    Researchers used data from the Hubble Space Telescope to look more closely at the black hole, and found that the supermassive black hole in the M87 galaxy is, in fact, displaced from the center.


  • 驾驶架飞机卡拉·哈里野生动物进行空中飞行调查同时他和迪丽娅还鬣狗群体生活进行了近距观察以便了解它们令人惊奇集群行为

    He used the plane to make aerial surveys of the Kalahari's wildlife, and he and Delia conducted close observation of the social life of hyenas, learning about their surprisingly communal behavior.


  • 其次,有些目击者报告那些球状闪电包含近距观察,有的详细介绍了内部结构,而且甚至还关联着气味和声响。

    Some reports of ball lightning even involve multiple eyewitnesses who saw the same phenomenon from different angles and saw the balls travel in the same directions.


  • 关于宇宙星云最新发现为我们提供了一次观察婴儿恒星诞生的机会。

    A new panorama of a cosmic nebula offers an up-close glimpse of baby stars being born.


  • 环保意识人喜欢环保假期”,这样旅行使他们观察动植物,并且不会扰乱了大自然敏感生态平衡

    Environmentalists prefer "green vacations." These trips allow them to observe flora and fauna up-close without disturbing the sensitive balance of nature.


  • 飞行测试即将结束,我们再回过近距观察一下机场跑道上空中飞行3小时39分钟的RC501。

    Eventually the inside tour came to an end and it was time to get back to the runway to watch RC501 touch down after three hours and 39 minutes in the air.


  • 不久以前今天境况有多呢?走着瞧吧我们近距观察

    It was not that long ago. Who is to say how bad things can get today? We will see, and we will watch things closely.


  • 近距离的观察证实了他们的怀疑

    A closer look confirmed their suspicions.


  • 志愿者要获得这份令人神往的工作,让游览者可以离的观察动物园动物,那么他要参加训练包括动物照料和演讲技能。

    Volunteers who work this attraction, where visitorscan see zoo animals up close, are trained in animal handlingand public-speaking skills.


  • 苏格兰位于英格兰西北部的湖区度过了几个夏天,同时近距离地观察大自然也因此成为名研究菌类专家 —— 一名“真菌学者”。

    She spent her summers in Scotland and the Lake District, where her close observation of nature led her to become an expert on fungi or "mycologist."


  • 苏格兰位于英格兰西北部的湖区度过了几个夏天,同时近距离地观察大自然也因此成为名研究菌类专家 —— 一名“真菌学者”。

    She spent her summers in Scotland and the Lake District, where her close observation of nature led her to become an expert on fungi or "mycologist."


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