• 女性军人已经面临现实战斗证明了她们高昂的斗志捍卫美国同胞的决心。

    Female service members have faced the reality of combat, proven their willingness to fight and yes to die to defend their fellow Americans.


  • 苹果公司早期工程师乔布斯释放出种“现实扭曲”,就是说服力

    Jobs was said by an engineer in the early years of Apple to emit a "reality distortion field", such were his powers of persuasion.


  • 现实生活也是如此但是多数经历父母离婚十几岁的孩子都发现有时连他们自己都感到吃惊),他们可以这个困境中成功地走出来

    That's how it is in real life too. But most teens who go through a divorce learn (sometimes to their surprise) that they can make it through this difficult situation successfully.


  • 奇怪的是,1996年阿伦.韦斯兴起创建分布式虚拟现实这个“疯狂主意并没有听说杰伦尼尔的名字。

    Oddly, in 1996, when Allan Weis had a “crazy idea” to create distributed virtual reality, he hadn’t heard of Jaron Lanier.


  • 奇怪的是,1996年阿伦·韦斯兴起创建分布式虚拟现实这个“疯狂主意没有听说杰伦·拉尼尔的名字。

    Oddly, in 1996, when Allan Weis had a "crazy idea" to create distributed virtual reality, he hadn't heard of Jaron Lanier.


  • 该城私人直升机拥有率全世界数一数二——算是人们躲避底下惨不忍睹现实世界做掩耳盗铃之举,一点也不为

    The city has the highest rate of private helicopter use in the worlda literal sign of what heights people will go to in order to avoid the realities of the world below.


  • 有人建议一个网上圣诞派对提供虚拟食物礼品;还有人则办法现实世界里个节

    Some suggested holding an online Christmas party with virtual food and gifts provided, while others said they would figure out their own ways to spend the holiday in the real world.


  • 我们自称为“重视现实”的民族于是要求信心更摸得到的东西可是保罗不是的吗?

    We boast of being so practical a people that we want to have a surer thing than faith. But did not Paul say that the promise was by faith that it might be sure?


  • 完美的搜索引擎应该上帝大脑一样,“这样。”公司的首席执行官EricSchmidt则描绘出幅这样的图景:在将来Google会帮找到下一份工作或者人生中的现实之路

    "The perfect search engine would be like the mind of God," he has said, and CEO Eric Schmidt spun visions of a future where Google helps you find your next job, or your real path in life.


  • 前面现实情况B2B项目在某种程度上依然是痛苦昂贵的。

    As I said earlier, the reality check is that B2B projects remain somewhat painful and expensive.


  • 但是在现实世界里这个想法无从下手,许多物理学研究我们是否真的假设性洞(天体物理学术语)”来跳跃空间。

    While nothing even close has yet made its way to the real world, a number of physicists have studied whether we really could hurtle ourselves through a hypothetical wormhole.


  • 真是这种感觉及时唤醒,否者就会改变现实以至于从来没有真正舞台上大声叫嚣

    I dare say it is the suffering from this that awakens me in time, or changes the current of my dreams so that I have never yet been actually hooted from the stage.


  • 尽管如此,还是一点现实不一样,我们看到的画面很细心剪辑所有1950年后建成建筑画面都被删除。

    There's a twist, though, to the picture's emphasis on architecture: It has been carefully edited to excise virtually all shots of buildings finished after about 1950.


  • 孩子获得的成就,他们便误以为现实社会成功也是这般唾手可得。

    Kids are sprinkled with achievements so much, so early, and so easily, and they believe that succeeding in the real world will be the same.


  • 如果常常梦到自己溺水或是巨浪席卷而来吞没了你,或是水你的头顶- - - - -是你觉得现实生活中的某些事让你无法解决。

    If you regularly dream that you are drowning, or that large waves wash over you, or floodwaters rise over you - I would suggest that you might be feeling a bit overwhelmed by something in your life.


  • 现实似乎从来没缺少在这方面努力

    There seems to be no shortage of effort.


  • 魔幻现实主义有没有描述故事所创造的梦一般的现实

    LM: Does magical realism describe the dream-like realities created in your stories?


  • 在那之前,我要一直找下去直到找到对的,直到找到我死去——现实快把折腾死了

    The year before, I had said that I was going to keep trying to find someone until I got it right, even if it killed me - and it almost did.


  • 已经别人这样很多很多很多了,他们告诉奇幻跟现实完全没有关系

    I have heard many, many, many times that people who tell me that fantasy is not concern about reality.


  • 总之没有落下任何一点Google服务,我曾经认真考虑作出这样转变困难的,但是现实是它很快容易没有一丝犹豫。

    Overall, I haven’t missed the Google services one bit. I really thought it would be harder to make the switch, but it was fast, fairly easy, and without glitches.


  • 16以前从没有想象我会实现如今我所拥有的一切。梦想最终成形并且成为现实

    16years ago, I never thought I would achieve what I have-that the vision that had gradually taken shape over several years would actually become a reality.


  • 我坚信也亲身体验事情总会变,只是需要时间。现实世界里存在善良邪恶对抗我们必须选择立场

    There is a battle between good and evil in our world, and we must choose sides.


  • 每种实际上都非常小;URL参数要缩写东西返回新的压缩文本

    The implementation of both clients are in fact remarkably similar; they both take a URL with a parameter (the thing that is being shortened) and then return the newly shortened text


  • 华盛顿住年以后常常对在好莱坞现实主义真诚生活充满了渴望

    After two years in Washington, I often long for the realism and sincerity of Hollywood.


  • 俱乐部官方杂志中谈到:“事实上一切像是回归到现实了,特别是在经历九场不败之后,连胜总终结,但是桑德兰终结记录很令人失落,结果发挥都不好,现在我们继续前进把目光投向另一个不败之旅。”

    The result and the performance were disappointing, but we move on now and we set our sights on another unbeaten run like the one we have just had.


  • 曾说一句现实分毫不差重叠,一刻,让前面彻底输了

    He also said this one, dream and reality overlap Folks, that moment in the life in front of me completely lost.


  • 曾说一句现实分毫不差重叠,一刻,让前面彻底输了

    He also said this one, dream and reality overlap Folks, that moment in the life in front of me completely lost.


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