• 最初阶段看到有三模具生产电动车车体

    The initial phase will see three of these molds producing auto bodies for the electric car.


  • 路轨木头改为钢轨并且增大车体积。

    He changed the tracks from wood to steel and made the locomotive much larger.


  • 此款概念采用大量量化的材料减轻车体重量

    Lightweight materials extensively used throughout the concept car allowed to make it lighter.


  • 过山车三个基本部分——轨道车体动力设备。

    Roller coasters have three basic partsthetrack, the train, and a motor.


  • 某大型落下孔车体进行结构分析稳定性计算

    The bodywork structure in a well car and the calculation of its stability were analyzed.


  • 任何范围横向移动需要整个车体进行运动

    Any large traversing of the main gun had to be done by moving the entire vehicle.


  • 就是车体部分包括车轮电机车架通讯模块部分

    Is a body part, which includes the wheels, motors, trailers, and some other communication module.


  • 基本层面来说过山车一种利用重力车体沿着弯曲轨道运行机器

    At its most basic level, a roller coaster is a machine that USES gravity to send a train along a winding track.


  • 安装机械手搭载移动车体升降台上使其具有较大的工作高度移动范围

    The installation of mechanical hand carried on a mobile vehicle on the lifting platform, which has larger working height and moving range.


  • 有时候,分明手现已上去了但是因为失效然后形成事端发作

    Sometimes, it is now the handbrake pull up, but because the brake system failure and then formed a disturbance attack.


  • 除了车体前面10英尺(3)外,其余部分都对传送过程中的空气泄漏进行补足。

    Progressive air spill provisions should be provided except in the front 10 feet 3 m of length.


  • 很多物品被打捞了上来比如送餐车发现时候,车体食物压缩到了一块儿

    Many of the items recovered, like meal carts, were found with their contents compressed from the bottom, and pieces of the plane's underbelly were flattened as if struck from below.


  • Pritchard小姐说,乘客被迫从离地面米高车体跳到地面上。

    Ms Pritchard said passengers were forced to jump to the ground, which was a couple of metres below the carriage.


  • iStream车体采用可回收塑料制造机械固定,地盘采用轻型复合薄壁

    IStream cars comprise a body of mechanically fastened panels made from recycled plastic bottles, around a lightweight composite chassis of thin-walled tubes.


  • 因此对于为何火车疑问回答中国乘坐现了所有旅行乐趣

    Therefore, my answer to the question about why I take the train is that riding trains in China embodies all that I enjoy about travel.


  • 电动汽车原型——代号为Urbee,这辆汽车第一全部车体都由3d打印机制造的汽车。

    A prototype for an electric vehiclecode named Urbee — is the first to have its entire body built with a 3d printer.


  • 由于车体使用坚固且轻质碳纤维加固合金材料因此该车同类铝材料设计220

    The car is also made of strong yet lightweight carbon-fiber-reinforced polymer, which makes it about 220 pounds lighter than an equivalent aluminum design.


  • 研究者正在探索其中解决办法利用复合材料制造车体:一种可以同时储存电能复合

    One solution which researchers are exploring is to build cars using a hybrid material: a carbon composite that is also capable of storing electrical energy.


  • 更令人震惊的是,铁道部迅速清理车厢残骸显得十分草率,更有甚者,直接就地掩埋车体

    Most astonishingly, the ministry appeared in unseemly haste to remove the wreckage and, mystifyingly, even bury some of it.


  • 的左车门不能保持半开状态,后盖则也根本不能开启(美其名曰,增强车体强度以提高安全性)。

    When left open, the doors do not remain ajar, and the rear hatch does not open at all (to increase the car's strength and safety).


  • Clarity燃料电池部件大概只有一台桌面电脑那么大,安装位于驾驶员乘客之间车体中部

    The Clarity's fuel-cell is roughly the size of a desk-top computer and sits in the car's centre console between the driver and passenger.


  • 他们认为,如果驾驶员前方车体部分尺寸能够达到英尺长,就消散碰撞产生能量,降低速度变化的突然性

    With several feet of car body in front of the driver, the energy of a crash can be dissipated and the suddenness of the change in velocity can be reduced, they say.


  • 上星期拉斯维加斯举行消费者电子产品展中,通用汽车展示辆自动驾驶现了这种趋势最新进展。

    The latest edition in this trend comes from General Motors, which showed off a self-driving car last week at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas.


  • 采用有限单元车体结构强度刚度稳定性、挠跨比、扭转刚度进行计算,为车体设计提供了参考依据。

    The strength, rigidity, stability and torsional rigidity of the bodywork structure were calculated by using finite element analysis. Thus the optimum fillet of the bodywork structure can be specified.


  • 汽车一个很复杂对象成千上万其它对象组成,发动机车轮方向盘车座车体等等其他不同部分部件

    It's an object, though a complex one, which consists of thousands of other objects such as the engine, wheels, steering, seats, body, and thousands of different parts and machinery.


  • 这些六边形透明区域并不仅仅增加了进入车体光线可以吸收太阳能维持车内照明温控系统的正常运作。

    These hexagonal transparent areas not only let in extra light to the Forvision's cabin but also capture the sun's energy to power the car's interior lighting and climate system.


  • 轿车基本架构成本大约占75%,其余的费用则花该车特有车体车厢,以及打磨刹车器、方向盘悬架上

    About 75% of the cost of a car is in its architectural underpinnings. The rest goes on giving it a distinctive body and cabin, while honing the brakes, steering and suspension.


  • 现了技术。装乘客侧视的大范围前部和侧部监视器帮助驾驶者观察难以看到的盲区。

    It also features new technology, such as wide-view front and side monitors located in the grille and under the passenger side-view mirror to aid drivers with hard-to-view areas.


  • 这些模具加快大城车辆车体生产进程,安德烈亚斯·莱因哈特解释说负责监督项目碳纤维增强塑料生产

    These molds will set the pace for the MCV body manufacturing process, explains Andreas Reinhardt, who oversees the production of the CFRP components for the project.


  • 这些模具加快大城车辆车体生产进程,安德烈亚斯·莱因哈特解释说负责监督项目碳纤维增强塑料生产

    These molds will set the pace for the MCV body manufacturing process, explains Andreas Reinhardt, who oversees the production of the CFRP components for the project.


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