• 夜晚月亮中,沉寂现在,未生者秘密音乐持续再持续,超越概念超越存在醒来

    At night under the moon, or in a quiet room, hush now, the secret music of the Unborn goes on and on, beyond conception, awake beyond existence.


  • 但是这些问题现在已经存在了,已经重新站起来了,并且我会不断变强,超越工作期望

    These problems no longer exist and I'm up and running strong to exceed expectations in my new job.


  • 地球生命网络所有分布式存在一样,超越了作为其组成成分的生命本身。

    The network of life on Earth, like all distributed being, transcends the life of its ingredients.


  • 互联网存在超越肤色社会身份以及国界研究表明,互联网并没有带来这样的变革。

    The internet was supposed to transcend colour, social identity and national borders. But research suggests that the internet is not so radical.


  • 当然人性部分,你可以超越这种老鼠般的存在

    Of course, the human part of you is able to say there's more to you than this rat-like existence.


  • 但是这些问题现在已经存在了,已经重新站起来了,并且我会不断变强,超越工作期望

    These problems no longer exist and I'm up and running strong to exceed expectations in my new job


  • 意识似乎能力超越自身一个感觉真实更大存在融合

    The mind seems to have the ability to transcend itself and merge with a larger presence that feels more real.


  • 认为这里存在孩子文化媒体文化,他们超越我们认为孩子应该什么。”麦吉尔弗兰岑博士

    "What that said to me was that there is a kid culture and a media culture that transcends what we think kids should be reading," Dr. McGill-Franzen said.


  • 回答这个悖论可以上帝存在超越时间来解释——可以知道未来如同他知道过去现在

    ANSWER: This paradox is explained by God being outside of time-he knows the future just like he knows the past and the present.


  • 虽然目前这件服装只是保盒子里布片雕塑,但团队希望有一超越艺术的范畴。

    Though right now the dress exists as a fabric sculpture in a box, the team hopes that it will one day be more than art.


  • 只是超越它们存在对象搜索方法最强部分结合起来。

    You just override them, which combines the strong points of existing object finding method.


  • 认为人生不存在奇迹时候,会得到力量去做任何想要做的事情,而且你会超越极限。

    When nothing is a miracle, you gain the power of doing anything you want and you have no limits.


  • 这种权力影响,会超越时间存在甚至可以超越拥有权力之的生命而存在

    This leads to influence that lasts over extended periods of time and can even outlive the person from whom it emanates.


  • 追随数学内在逻辑脚步,数学家可以超越人类观察的局限,脱离客观存在暂态,而发现永恒的真理。

    By following the internal logic of mathematics, a mathematician discovers timeless truths independent of human observation and free of the transient nature of physical reality.


  • 然而这些极限存在你的心里。如果超越这些极限,那你就学到了潜能无限一课

    However, boundaries exist only In your mInd. When you are able to transcend them, you learn the lesson of limitlessness.


  • 尽管如此,它们仍旧热点话题因为研究它们可能会揭示物理肯定超越标准模型存在的。

    They are, nonetheless, a hot topic, for studying them could reveal the physics that must exist beyond the Standard Model.


  • 就是为什么每当超越担心我们存在铺平了道路。

    That is why every time you transcend your fear it paves the way for our presence.


  • 认识论框架内,传统教学认识论存在合理性需要超越其不容忽视的局限性

    Within the epistemology the traditional teaching epistemology has the rationality for its existence but it is necessary to exceed its limitation.


  • 最近没有考虑放弃工作如果认为的,可能已经超越他的著名的关于非凡现象存在证据

    Recently, Hawking, who has no qualms about recanting his own work if he decides he was wrong, may have transcended his famous proof that singularities exist.


  • 什么保持加强这种敬畏好奇感价值某些认识超越人类存在极限吗?

    What is the value of preserving and strengthening this sense of awe and wonder, this recognition of something beyond the boundaries of human existence?


  • 术语进化创造说用于特定信仰此信仰里上帝超越正常时空不依赖意志自然存在

    The term evolutionary creationism is used in particular for beliefs in which God transcends normal time and space, with nature having no existence independent of His will.


  • 大多数情况下对于编辑超越存在validate(…)方法来说已经足够了。

    In most cases, it will be sufficient for you to edit and override the existing validate (...) methods.


  • 如果存在信贷市场那么个人可以选择超越,PPF曲线范围,达到没有信贷市场时更高消费水平

    But if we have credit markets, then people can individually choose to be off the production possibility frontier and at a higher level of consumption than otherwise would.


  • 就是在祖父身边,认识当今世界上真正确实存在着,并且可以超越死亡

    It was there he realized that true love does exist today and will survive beyond death.


  • 现代社会企业存在意义已经超越了单纯牟利工具范畴

    Significance there existing in enterprise in modern society, has already exceeded the category being an implement make a profit exclusively.


  • 压力水平逐渐减小一点就是结构能够经历足够应力反向之后继续存在超越组件预期寿命

    As the stress level is gradually reduced, there comes a point where a structure can survive enough stress reversals to exceed the component's expected life.


  • 这个谎言信念以及是一种文化上断言你们只不过就只是一个物质人类,并且,并不存在其他超越你们人世体验之外的其他领域存在

    This lie is the belief and cultural assertion that you are nothing more than a physical human being and that there are, in fact, no other realms of being beyond your earthy experience.


  • 这个谎言信念以及是一种文化上断言你们只不过就只是一个物质人类,并且,并不存在其他超越你们人世体验之外的其他领域存在

    This lie is the belief and cultural assertion that you are nothing more than a physical human being and that there are, in fact, no other realms of being beyond your earthy experience.


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