• 赛事开始真的连想都没想到。

    It was certainly not what I was expecting when the tournament started. I mean, of course not.


  • 大型赛事开始他们通常演奏参赛国国歌

    They usually play the national anthems of the teams at the beginning of a big match.


  • 本次赛事开始,俱乐部利用丰富教练员资源世界杯开赛前举办一个教练培训

    There will also be a coaching seminar held prior to the start of the tournament utilizing the vast coaching resources that will be present prior to the kick off of the Vikings World Championships.


  • 这次赛事开始张艺谋那震撼人心构思大胆完美实施开幕式。这场开幕式同类活动下了一个无法逾越的标准

    Theses Games began with Zhang Yimou's stunning Opening Ceremony, so boldly conceived and brilliantly executed, that it set a standard for such occasions unlikely to be equaled.


  • 结果,英格兰其中赛事未能通过预选赛,一项赛事开始之前特里已经剥夺队长职位。历史表明不是摩尔

    But the team failed to qualify for one and he was stripped of the captaincy before the other. History would therefore suggest he is not exactly Bobby Moore.


  • 2004年居住开普敦的时候,南非正式获得2010年世界杯主办权,我第一次开始思考世界杯这样国际赛事能够南非城市带来哪些变化

    Living in Cape Town in 2004 when South Africa was announced as the 2010 host, I first became intrigued by how an international event such as the World Cup could help to transform South African cities.


  • 整个赛事加州长滩当地一个泳衣节目开始一家泳装公司组织

    The pageant started as a local bathing suit revue in Long Beach, California, organized by a swimwear company.


  • 2008年开始,这样的赛事已经加拉加斯(委内瑞拉首都)辛辛那提这种闪电式的作战活动已经在全世界举办好多次。今年会有超过100座城市加入进来。

    With events organised from Caracas to Cincinnati, these flash-mob style fights have been held worldwide since 2008, with more than 100 cities joining in the fun this year.


  • 第一赛事星期天开始运动员使用奥运会使用过许多场地

    The first day of competition is Sunday, and athletes will use many of the same venues that were featured in the Olympics.


  • 这场比赛标志着NFL热潮开始,NFL最终成长美国当下欢迎体育赛事

    The game marked the beginning of the NFL's popularity surge, and eventual rise to the top of the United States sports market.


  • 让你只看五分钟值得记住的比赛,赛事刚一开始主场作战的不莱梅就立即抢攻,企图马上拜仁置于他们巨大的压力之下

    The opening minutes promised that this would also be a game to remember. Bremen started very aggressive and immediately attempted to put Bayern under pressure.


  • 下个开始男朋友记得赛事日程球队

    Next month, your boyfriend will only have room in his memory for the competition schedule and teams.


  • 1999年,位于悉尼兰斯俱乐部这个奖杯赠送澳大利亚橄榄球联合会,两国之间的这项赛事正式开始

    The competition was inaugurated in 1999 when the Sydney-based Lansdowne Club donated the trophy to the Australian Rugby Union.


  • 昨晚胜利第三球队陈述了这个赛季责任赛事才刚刚开始星期

    He stated his duty to the club for the third time this season after last night's triumph, and the campaign is not even a week old.


  • 现在可以下赌注——赛事小时后开始

    Place your bets now-the race begins in half an hour!


  • 1988年开始承担一不平凡的使命,当时她在英国广播公司的体育赛事部担任主管

    She began her remarkable role in 1988, when she was working as manager of the BBC's sports and events department.


  • 中国开始使用一些志愿者当啦啦队填补奥运会赛事空置座席

    China has begun using squads of volunteer "cheerleaders" to fill empty seats at Olympic events.


  • ,“一些环境优美空气清新相对偏远城市开始承办一些大型赛事提供更好运动设施不足为奇。”

    "It's not strange that some relatively remote cities with better environments and clean air have begun landing major events and providing better fitness facilities, " he said.


  • 从每场重大赛事大概三个星期开始进入一个极其专注自我世界中去,此时观众甚至不敢大声鼓掌

    About three weeks before each big tournament he would enter a bubble of concentration that muffled even the crowd's applause.


  • 联邦航空管理局官员也在现场观看比赛他们现在已经开始负责调查此事这次为期三天赛事取消

    Officials from the Federal Aviation Administration were viewing the air show and have taken charge of the investigation. The rest of the three-day event has been cancelled.


  • 1998年年中决定赛事领域作为全职工作,我们决定在1999年开始马哈GP组别比赛

    In mid 1998 I decided to make the racing world my full time occupation when we decided in Yamaha to start our own factory GP race team in 1999.


  • 我们希望赢得我们参与的每一赛事的冠军,”教练希斯菲尔德的焕然一新的队伍已经周六赢得第一项冠军,赛季开始前的传统锦标赛联赛

    "We want to win every competition we're in," said coach Ottmar Hitzfeld, whose new-look team won their first prize on Saturday by lifting the traditional season-opening tournament, the League Cup.


  • 据《华尔街日报》网站报道,鉴于美国国家足球队近期赛事中的不给力表现该国评论界开始反省:为什么美国就不能培养出一个足球巨星呢?

    Disappointed by the us national soccer team's recent lousy play, critics are asking why the country can't produce a soccer star, the Wall Street Journal website reported.


  • 周五比赛开始上层看台的大约200个座位赛事志愿者坐满。这场比赛最终1:1平局

    The upper-tier section of around 200 seats was filled by tournament volunteers later in Friday's match, which ended in a 1-1 tie.


  • 另外一个犯的错误是以个大家共知文化经历开始交谈比如最近的一项体育赛事

    Another common error is to begin the conversation by mentioning a Shared cultural experience, such as a recent sporting event.


  • 另外一个犯的错误是以个大家共知文化经历开始交谈比如最近的一项体育赛事

    Another common error is to begin the conversation by mentioning a Shared cultural experience, such as a recent sporting event.


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