• 创始人:布莱尔·布兰特贝尔顿·贝克

    Founders: Blair Brandt and Belton baker.


  • 如果慈善活动,比弗·布鲁克公司会你一天带假期,薪金足以支付你赞助款项。”贝尔

    "If you need to take a day off to do something for charity, then Beaverbrooks gives you a paid day's leave and matches the amount of sponsorship you raise," says Belton.


  • 萨尔斯爵士2002年获得贝尔生理学医学奖

    He won the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 2002.


  • 现年65岁的阿尔·斯:“贝尔父亲特点以及口音都像极了。”

    Alston, 65, says: "Bale had my father's mannerisms and accent down to the exact detail."


  • 波士学院韦斯实验室主任约翰·贝尔注意到,从地震学角度说,现在似乎重现了世纪中期一系列地震

    John Ebel, director of Boston College's Weston Observatory, noted that seismically, the current period seemed to resemble the cluster of large earthquakes in the middle of the last century.


  • 村上获得过卡夫卡以及普林斯大学列日大学荣誉学位还是贝尔文学奖热门人选。

    He is a recipient of the Franz Kafka prize, has honorary degrees from Princeton and liege, and is tipped for the Nobel prize for literature.


  • 爱恩·兰德米尔·弗里德曼、弗里德里克·海克以及支持固定汇率货币约束贝尔获得者罗伯特·芒德尔等极为推崇。

    He has also paid homage to Ayn Rand, Milton Friedman, Friedrich Hayek and Robert Mundell, a Nobel laureate who champions the monetary straitjacket of fixed exchange rates.


  • 阿拉斯泰尔·贝尔菲利普·古尔德于布莱尔而言不可缺少的人物,较之其它内阁部长,史蒂夫·希尔安迪·库尔大卫·卡梅伦更加亲密。

    Alastair Campbell and Philip Gould were indispensable to Tony Blair; Steve Hilton and Andy Coulson are closer to David Cameron than most cabinet ministers.


  • 本文作者LarryDoyle华尔街资深人士供职于第一波士(First Boston)、贝尔斯登(Bear Stearns)UnionBank银行

    Larry Doyle is a Wall Street veteran, having worked at such Banks as First Boston, Bear Stearns and Union bank.


  • 为了通货膨胀赋予清晰表述,已故贝尔得主米尔·弗里德曼曾将其描述“无论何时,无论何地,它都是一种货币现象”。

    Seeking to provide clarity as to the true meaning of inflation, the late Nobel Laureate Milton Friedman helpfully described it as "always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon."


  • 90年代成为了超模10年位超模分别是:克劳迪娅·希弗,琳达·伊万·格丽·斯塔,克里斯蒂特灵辛迪克劳馥,凯特·摩斯纳奥米·贝尔

    The 90s became the decade of the supermodels, dominated by 'the big six' : Claudia Schiffer, Linda Evangelista, Christy Turlington, Cindy Crawford, Kate Moss and Naomi Campbell.


  • 已故贝尔经济学奖获得者米尔弗里德曼总是用对方付费电话回复记者问题。

    Milton Friedman, the late Nobel laureate, routinely returned reporters' calls collect.


  • 费恩·贝尔可能阻拦收件人不仅控告英国石油公司还有其他公司例如跨洋货运哈利伯

    Feinberg said he may also bar recipients from suing not just BP but other companies, such as Transocean and Halliburton.


  • 我们高兴宣布签下来自南安普威尔士国家队全能后卫贝尔

    We are delighted to announce the signing of Wales international full-back Gareth Bale from Southampton.


  • 同年,另外两部小说相继出版,它们阿克·贝尔的《阿格尼丝·格雷》以及埃利斯·贝尔的《呼啸山庄》。

    Two other novels were published the same year, Agnes Grey by Acton Bell and Wuthering Heights by Ellis Bell.


  • 米尔·弗里德曼2000年获得贝尔有关货币以及其他普林斯大学出版社一个消费函数(1957年)工作经济学理论。

    Milton Friedman won the Nobel Prize in Economics in 2000 for work related to a Monetary History as well as to his other Princeton University Press book, a Theory of the Consumption Function (1957).


  • 知道贝尔蒙特约翰李文斯的电话号码

    Yes. I'd like to know the number of John Livingston in Belmont.


  • 人们一直认为所有名字都是根据柯勒埃利斯阿克·贝尔现实中,出版作品个人生产

    It has been thought that all the works published under the names of Currer, Ellis, and Acton Bell were, in reality, the production of one person.


  • 变得那么职责简单解释来源柯勒,埃利斯和阿克·贝尔作者

    It becomes, then, my duty to explain briefly the origin and authorship of the books written by Currer, Ellis, and Acton Bell.


  • 波士儿童医院贝尔福特博士她的同事研究母乳喂养时间分别3、7岁时儿童认知能力的关系。

    Mandy B. Belfort, M. D. , M. P. H. , of Boston Children's Hospital, and colleagues examined the relationshipsofbreastfeeding duration and exclusivity with child cognition at ages 3 and7years.


  • 张照片拍摄地摄影师贾森-贝尔掌镜,乔治王子接受洗礼时的官方照片也是他亲自拍摄。 。

    Thee photograph, was taken at Kensington Palace by Jason Bell, who also took the official pictures of Prince George's christening in October.


  • 因此许多投资银行贝尔斯登商业银行,美国银行(BAC),花旗集团(C),和JP摩根大通(JPM)而不倒”危机(奥尔e。德鲁,2009)中。

    So many investment Banks such as Bear Stearns and commercial Banks, bank of America (BAC), Citigroup (c), and JP Morgan Chase (JPM) are 'too big to fail' during the crisis (Alton E. Drew, 2009).


  • 一家电报局成立。波士纽约第一通过电报线联系起来。苏格兰爱丁堡人,亚历山大。格雷厄姆。贝尔出生

    First telegraph company offices opens. Boston and New York first joined by a telegraph line. Birth of Alexander Graham Bell, Edinburgh, Scotland.


  • 丹尼尔·卡勒曼是普林斯大学心理学家于2002年获得贝尔经济学他认为人们并不那些不爱管闲事的经济学家们那样神秘

    Daniel Kahneman, a psychologist at Princeton University who won the Nobel prize for economics in 2002, reckons people are not as mysterious as less nosy economists supposed.


  • 夫人认为伊莎贝尔嫁给哈罗德是糟塌了自己

    Mrs. Knighton thought that Isabel had hurled herself away on Harold.


  • 夫人认为,伊莎贝尔哈罗德是糟塌自己

    Mrs. Knighton thought Isabel had thrown herself away on Harold.


  • 牧师阿尔·夏普威胁抗议纽约城陷入停声称2006年枪杀肖恩·贝尔却宣告无罪警察应该受到起诉。

    The Rev. Al Sharpton is promising to shut down New York City with protests. He says the officers acquitted in the 2006 shooting death of Sean Bell should be required to face a jury.


  • 伊斯·贝尔体育体育用品市场刚刚超过80经验确立了自己作为一个公认可靠品牌名称

    Easton-Bell Sports has just over 80 years of experience in the sporting goods market and has established itself as a recognizable and reliable brand and name.


  • 伊斯·贝尔体育体育用品市场刚刚超过80经验确立了自己作为一个公认可靠品牌名称

    Easton-Bell Sports has just over 80 years of experience in the sporting goods market and has established itself as a recognizable and reliable brand and name.


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