• 确实非常擅长的。” —“觉得是吧。”凯特谦虚

    "You really must be very good at what you do."—"I suppose I am," Kate said modestly.


  • 评价全球化影响时,你需要谦虚

    You need humility when evaluating the impact of globalisation, he says.


  • 其实觉得谦虚老是大学混日子,英语得很,可是我就算没有见过,我也觉得她的外语肯定不会差的。

    As a matter of fact, I find she is very modest and always says that she did not study hard in college and her English is extremely poor.


  • 尤其是环球这样唱片公司,星探大佬愈加希望签约艺人创下了一份,谦虚可以养活自个事业

    Particularly at big labels such as Universal, A&R executives increasingly expect acts to have built a self-sustaining, if modest, business before they offer them a recording contract.


  • 人们夸奖时,总是谦虚:“只是心中琢磨成熟的竹子画下来罢了。”

    When people spoke highly of his paintings, he always said modestly that he had just put the images of the bamboo imprinted in his mind on the paper.


  • 虚伪而谦虚,这部西尔维娅·普拉唯一一部非同寻常优秀作品. .。

    Sylvia Plath's only novel is a deceptively modest, uncommonly fine piece of work...


  • 谦虚就是:“要把一生放在计划里,因为我的计划不怎么样。”

    Humility is when you say, "I'm going with God's plan for my life, because my plan isn't as good."


  • 与其银行稳定源泉,倒不如银行强化经济周期银行公司经济繁荣毫无规矩在经济萧条时又毫不谦虚

    Rather than being a source of stability, banks intensified the economic cycle, with firms showing little discipline during the boom and no humility afterwards.


  • 谦虚可以创建articlechapter清单1中的示例那样。

    Even more modestly, you might be creating an article or a chapter, as in our example in Listing 1.


  • 最初文法一个恰当名称Ted(不太谦虚是个很棒的名称)组成。

    Initially, the grammar consists of only one proper name, Ted (modesty aside, it's a great name).


  • 这样不是谦虚而是觉得实实在在如此,我可不是邀功的人

    I do not say this is not modesty, but I think it is really so, I am not a person take credit for Oh!


  • 那位科学家谦虚做的一切不值一提

    That scientist said modestly that what he had done wasn't worth mentioning.


  • 身为中国收入最高网络作家张威谈论自己成功时并不谦虚。“热爱写作有天分,”现年35岁的张威最近接受采访时

    Zhang Wei, China's top-earning online novelist, is not modest about his success. "I love writing, and I'm gifted," Mr. Zhang, 35, said in a recent interview.


  • 他们注意到脸上露出特别谦虚表情,就像参观人家的一个园地阅读人家的一本书时,你看到的园丁或作者本人常有的那种表情一样。 苏珊:“这条水坝筑的多好啊!”

    They also noticed that he now had a sort of modest expression on his, face - the sort of look people have when you are visiting a garden they've made or reading a story they've written.


  • 人们奖励时,老是谦虚:“只是心中琢磨成熟的竹子画下来而已。”

    When people spoke highly of his paintings, he always said modestly that he had just put the images of the bamboo imprinted in his mind in the paper.


  • 一直自己出口成章能力而自豪谦虚认为语言取之不尽魔力源泉治愈伤害,抚平伤痕。

    I've always pride of myself on my ability to turn a phrase. Words are, in my not so humble opinion, are most inexhaustible source of magic. Capable of inflicting injury and remedies.


  • 或许当下上海需要一个这样的表演者也很乐意欢乐思考赠与这个时代及这座城市,”谦虚

    Perhaps at this time, this city needs a performer like me, and I'm willing to offer my joy and thinking to this time and city, he says modestly.


  • 那样做不恰当”,丽贝卡带着一种骄傲谦虚回答:“因为由做伴认为使我的女保护人有失身份。

    "It were not fit I should do so, " answered Rebeeca, with proud humility, "Where my society might be held a disgrace to my protectress. (Walter Scott)


  • 两个胜利者非常谦虚他们认为本人别的歌手强。

    Both winners were very modest, and said that they didn't think they were better than the other singers.


  • 只是随便乱的,谦虚,“画了一个下午。”

    "It's just a modest little daub" he said self-deprecatingly. "It only took me an afternoon to paint. "


  • 不过保罗非常谦虚抢断诀窍只是单纯条件反射,以及他对打球的难以抑制的渴望所制造的。

    Yet, Paul, ever unassuming, said his knack for stealing the ball comes naturally and is merely enhanced by his unquenchable thirst for playing the game.


  • 见到一支谦虚尤文图斯,就场比赛时一样。”拉涅利

    "I want a humble Juventus, like the one seen in the past two matches, " he said.


  • 从根本意义上讲游戏不够好玩。(喂喂,能再谦虚点么) 就是,游戏核心架构并不是能快速令人愉悦或者不同难度等级上没有持续的可玩性。

    Games that are not fundamentally fun. That is, their core mechanics are not quickly enjoyable or do not have lasting value at a variety of difficulty levels.


  • 西方文化人们交往习惯影响也是巨大的以前如果受到夸奖我会谦虚:“没什么。”

    Western culture is enormous too for people's contacts to used to influence, were praised in the past, I know very modest saying: "This does not matter."


  • ”乐队主唱盖伊•加维领奖时激动万分地:“想我应该冷静点一些谦虚的话简直我们经历过美妙的事情。”

    Elbow frontman Guy Garvey was overwhelmed. He gushed "I know I'm supposed to be cool and say something coy but it's literally the best thing that's ever happened to us" in his acceptance speech.


  • ”乐队主唱盖伊•加维领奖时激动万分地:“想我应该冷静点一些谦虚的话简直我们经历过美妙的事情。”

    Elbow frontman Guy Garvey was overwhelmed. He gushed "I know I'm supposed to be cool and say something coy but it's literally the best thing that's ever happened to us" in his acceptance speech.


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