• 敢于公开地谈论自己想法

    She had no inhibitions about making her opinions known.


  • 喋喋不休地谈论自己问题

    She talks endlessly about her problems.


  • 我们愉快地谈论过去时光。

    We talked pleasantly of old times.


  • 正在谈论开创全新事业

    He's talking in terms of starting a completely new career.


  • 迪伊滔滔不绝地谈论她自己

    Dee talked incessantly about herself.


  • 演员多姆·德卢斯谈论喜剧事业

    Actor Dom Deluise talks about his career in comedy.


  • 他们正在谈论着经济膨胀物价控制

    They're talking about reflation and price controls.


  • 他们谈论那些相互矛盾生命起源理论

    They talked about the competing theories of the origin of life.


  • 常常谈论没有一丁点儿概念

    Half the time, I don't have the slightest idea what he's talking about.


  • 坦率谈论问题

    He spoke revealingly about his problems.


  • 此刻谈论自己生活中的酸甜苦辣。

    Here, she talks about the highs and lows of her life.


  • 政客喜欢自以为是谈论不断下降标准

    Politicians like to pontificate about falling standards.


  • 查克允许佩尔曼开始公开谈论经受伤害

    Chuck gave Pellman the go-ahead to speak publicly about the injury he sustained.


  • 一直在毫不避讳这些群体谈论艾滋病

    She has been talking very explicitly about AIDS to these groups.


  • 随后玛丽走了进来我们刚才还谈论她呢。

    And then Mary, who we had been talking about earlier, walked in.


  • 他们彼此达成协议,公开谈论他们的歧见。

    They have made a pact with each other not to speak about their differences in public.


  • 男孩子往往不如女孩子敢于谈论自己的问题

    Boys are often more inhibited than girls about discussing their problems.


  • 当时很高兴,还他们谈论他们问题

    She was cheery and talked to them about their problems.


  • 而且很奇怪他似乎不谈论这件事。

    He said no and seemed oddly reluctant to talk about it.


  • 习惯谈论自己

    She was unused to talking about herself.


  • 我们突然领悟到原来我们谈论的不是同一个人

    Suddenly it clickedwe'd been talking about different people.


  • 孩子们很兴奋没完没了地谈论第二活动

    The children chattered to each other excitedly about the next day's events.


  • 想你以前从未听过多丽丝谈论自己感情生活

    I don't think you've ever heard Doris talking about her emotional life before.


  • 我们谈论恰好这个时候走进来了

    We were just talking about her when, at that precise moment , she walked in.


  • 下周采访斯皮尔伯格,请谈论他的最新电影

    Next week, I will be interviewing Spielberg about his latest movie.


  • 想到这会儿他们大概正在谈论,他不禁笑了起来。

    It amused him to think that they were probably talking about him at that very moment.


  • 癌症是个禁忌话题人们公开谈论感到害怕尴尬

    Cancer is a taboo subject and people are frightened or embarrassed to talk openly about it.


  • 知道有人懂的语言谈论你,这种感觉奇怪。

    It's a funny sensation to know someone's talking about you in a language you don't understand.


  • 官员聚集每一个门面办公室前兴奋地谈论

    Officials were clustered at every open office door, talking excitedly.


  • 他们时间谈论托马斯去世以及悲伤他们带来影响

    They took the time to talk about the loss of Thomas and how their grief was affecting them.


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