• 手指适当地方线目标

    Use your finger to draw lines in the right places to get the ball to the goal!


  • 好几,才有人想到要去掉篮筐底部下去。

    It was several years before someone came up with the idea of removing the bottom of the basket and letting the ball fall through.


  • 这个员能否最大距离取决于踢出角度

    The only choice he has to make to maximize distance, then, is the angle at which he kicks the ball.


  • 今天多数设计师不是推土机干掉,就是让球车道绕过它。

    Nowadays, most architects either erase it with a bulldozer, or route the cart paths around it.


  • 身体重量慢慢上,按摩足跟,脚前部脚趾

    Gradually add more body weight over the foot, allowing the ball to press into your arch. Begin to slowly move your foot, allowing the ball to massage your heel, forefoot, and toes.


  • 希望快速转移脚下,他希望永远在跑动

    He wants the ball to be moved around sharply to feet and he wants perpetual movement from his players.


  • 这些觉得怎么觉得而是用尽全力去

    Listen to these words, I don't think again how to let the ball all feel pain, but tried to rob the ball.


  • 一直以来,溜溜绳子都是上,让球盘旋转到底时可立即反转向上爬。

    All along, the string was tied to the axle, causing the spinning disks to return up the cord immediately after they hit bottom.


  • 闪光文件了一个定期图片许多过滤器三维。

    A really cool 3d ball light flash file. I used a regular picture and many filters to make the 'ball' look 3d.


  • 我们新增队友一种理解力将会看到他们离开而且容易

    We have now added new intelligence to team mate which will see them step out of the way of passes to make bypassing them and picking the pass more easy.


  • 其中的个,罗达·雷加最后一天进入斯托克城那个逃离降级的厄运。

    However, one of these; from Hugo Rodallega at Stoke on the final day, was the goal that kept the Latics in the Premier league.


  • 以往任何时期相比我们应当明白,必须把开不佳的游戏玩完开始学习落洞。

    Now more than ever, we've gotta play through our bad shots and learn to sink the ball we start with.


  • 为了门柱他们必须学着瞄准往常一些,起飞角度降低左右

    To get the ball under the bar, they must learn to aim slightly lower than normal, reducing the ball's take-off Angle by around half a degree.


  • 一个一臂之力,第二登上果岭,否则,你必须让球停稳在峡谷边上。

    A long tee shot helps your chances of going at the green on the second shot. Otherwise a lay up short of the canyon is called for.


  • 这样练习可以在思考过程中自信,也可以帮助你摆脱束缚以前滚动得更好

    Working on this drill will help you become more confident through your thinking process and to help one get out of their own way and roll the ball better than ever.


  • 我会两腿之间手指上自甚至可以做到用手着我的宝贝,然后

    I can dribble the ball between legs and spin it on my fingers. I can even make the ball roll from arm to arm around my baby.


  • 阶梯看台被推倒;取而代之的安全座位改进感觉到自己像是观众而不是动物

    Out went crumbling terracing; in came safer seating and improved facilities that made fans feel more like spectators than animals.


  • 投手禁止人为旋转轨线例如切口或上戳刺,也禁止投手污垢烟草头油让球变色。

    Pitchers were forbidden to give the ball an artificial spin or trajectory by, for instance, nicking it or spitting on it and from discolouring the ball with dirt or tobacco juice or hair grease.


  • 世界杯期间,“黄油手”则指那些扑住了对方进却又手中溜进门的守门员,就好像他们手上了黄油似的。

    During the World Cup, the term refers ironically to those clumsy goalkeepers prone to let shots slip through their hands as if they had applied butter to their fingers.


  • 不像许多其他的“如何书籍可能已经看到到的,丽莎其实需要你的显示按部就班如何滚动

    Unlike so many other "how to" books you may have seen or read about, Lisa actually takes you by the hand and shows you step-by-step how to get the ball rolling.


  • 格林膝叩地,以教科书般的姿势迎接来偏偏让球手套门。 郁闷之极场面,郁闷之极的格林。

    He had the shot covered, one knee on the floor and body behind the ball in textbook fashion, yet he simply allowed it to bounce off his gloves and spin behind him.


  • 对于远离身体的来可以不同方向回击,并且你的需要力量而不只是单纯地过去拍子一下停住。

    The ball is angling away from you. While you can take different directions to intercept it, you want to hit the ball back with some power and not simply run over and touch it or just stop it.


  • 由于顺风顺势,你稍稍短即可。正前方左边沙坑环绕,不过仍有足够空间让球跃上段连绵起伏果岭,果岭上还不止一个。

    Bunkers surround the front and left sides with plenty of room to hit this rolling green which provides plenty of hole locations.


  • 对手队伍全员防守,甚至摆起大巴的时候,对边路队员来说非常重要的是保持放松注意持续传导,传动控运的过程中善于发现防守的裂缝

    When teams are defending deep – 'parking the bus' – it's important to stay relaxed and focus on keeping the ball moving and searching for the gaps.


  • 一时地失掉了,霍洛威跑垒成功。

    The ball was bobbled momentarily, allowing Holloway to race home.


  • 进水里,自己棒,然后出了

    I tossed his clubs into the water, told him to get his ball and clubs himself, and ran off the course.


  • 过来看到地板上大脑会发出一个命令你把它捡起来

    You turn toward a ball on the floor, and your brain sends a command to pick it up.


  • 天下午老师李芳队友这样他们就可以

    One afternoon, the teacher had Li Fang hit the ball to her teammates so that they could knock it over the net.


  • 天下午老师李芳队友这样他们就可以

    One afternoon, the teacher had Li Fang hit the ball to her teammates so that they could knock it over the net.


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