• 爸爸县上大学,然后继续家里省钱

    My father wanted me to attend the university in our county and save money by continuing to live at home.


  • 现在水彩画另一个问题想起来妻子一下级别

    OK, now just another question for the watercolours class; I've just remembered that my wife asked me to find out about the level.


  • 史蒂文这件毛衣。

    Steven wants me to exchange this sweater again. First he thinks the color is too bright.


  • 医生们不想赫尔辛基呆在国内是不可能的。

    My doctors didn't want me to go to Helsinki, but staying home wasn't an option.


  • 国家心理健康研究所调查那次事故对民众精神上影响

    I was asked by the National Institute of Mental Health to investigate the psychological consequences of the accident.


  • 试图说服老爸爵士乐游泳课,但是同意。

    I actually tried to convince Dad to let me do Water Jazz instead of swim team, but he wouldn't go for it.


  • 父亲先是海滩客户做向导,因为知道各种在哪里

    My father sent me out on the beach with clients because I knew where all the fish were.


  • 天早上上课物理老师物柜前,教室

    One morning my physics teacher walked up to me at my locker before school and asked me to step inside his classroom.


  • 制作出一个拼图,寻找左上角调色板非常明显。

    We'll shape like a puzzle piece that will allow me to go to the looks palette at top left and it's pretty self-explanatory.


  • 即使撒谎杀人,上帝作证不要挨饿

    If I have to lie, steal, cheat, or kill, as Godas my witness, I'll never be hungry again.


  • 在路上射倒一只狮子的事情所罗王说了,说服应战

    I told Saul the story about my sheep and how I had slain thelion which managed to convince him to let me go fight Goliath.


  • 你那里,必须完成使命,还要派接受的作为。

    But concerning what you wrote to me namely to come to you, it is necessary for me to complete here all for which I was sent, and after the completion to be received up to Him that sent me.


  • 但是左眼看起来还是轻微退化试试这些新的有作用的眼药水。

    My left eye though, it seems to continue to very slightly degrade. He wants me to try these new more powerful eye drops.


  • 苦苦哀求军舰借给,好让我爱慕里努看看,来展示奇巧

    I would beg hard for the loan of this to display its marvels to the admiring Lenu.


  • 母亲……口才好,那里继承了这一点美术馆跳舞剧院

    My motherwas very articulate, I got that from her, she would make me go to art galleries, dances and theaters….


  • 马上决定吧:要住在这儿林惇仆人们打一仗看凯瑟琳呢?

    Let us settle it at once: will you stay here, and am I to fight my way to Catherine over Linton and his footmen?


  • 本来参赛,有人还说赞助金将捐给慈善机构,既然这样何乐而不为呢?

    I hadn't thought of doing it before but someone asked me and the money goes to charity so why not?


  • 因为教书专业知识,教书变得简单,并且已经所教的产生很大变化

    Because I have expertise that is easy for me to teach and yet makes a big difference to those I teach.


  • 可是老师叫校工时候,都会学校里转一圈然后自己回来,跟老师说不到它。

    When I was asked to get the janitor, I looked all over the school and reported back to the teacher that I could not find it.


  • 五月最后星期一个闷热晚上母亲打电话到宿舍来,让我去外公外婆那儿度暑假他们做做农场的活。

    Mom called me at the dorm one muggy evening during the last week of May. My summer break would be spent with grandma and grandpa, helping out around their farm.


  • 应该早点通过输入笛卡尔形式,来说明这个的,那么回到刚才说地方很抱歉让我这个a,1再做一遍

    I should have done this earlier by typing the Cartesian form earlier, so let me go back to where I was, sorry for that, let me go make this a 1 again.


  • 自己定了下心然后接下说:“愿意耽搁分钟不过还是替你找嘉丁纳先生夫妇吧,或是佣人也好。”

    Cried he, with more feeling than politeness; then recollecting himself, "I will not detain you a minute, but let me, or let the servant, go after Mr." And Mrs. Gardiner.


  • 妻子拜访一个女人就是妈妈守寡19年了由于工作需要以及三个孩子要抚养,很少有机会看望她。

    The other woman that my wife wanted me to visit was my mother, who has been a widow for 19 yearsbut the demands of my work and my three children had made it possible to visit her only occasionally.


  • 妻子拜访一个女人就是妈妈守寡19年了由于工作需要以及三个孩子要抚养,很少有机会看望她。

    The other woman that my wife wanted me to visit was my mother, who has been a widow for 19 years, but the demands of my work and my three children had made it possible to visit her only occasionally.


  • 所以,脑子里面想着工作事情的时候,孩子让我去他一起汽车变成一麻烦事,还不如在一起虚拟的世界和他玩玩虚构游戏呢。

    When I've got work on my mind, my son's request to play cars is an annoyance rather than an invitation into the world of imaginative play with my child.


  • 鉴于过广告拍摄经历而且镜头也表现十分自如,所以很多制片人愿意拍摄广告,这样就又有了更多拍广告的经验镜头前的自信。

    Since I already had experience and I loved being in front of the cameras, the producers were always inclined to cast me, and that of course kept giving me even more confidence and experience.


  • 鉴于过广告拍摄经历而且镜头也表现十分自如,所以很多制片人愿意拍摄广告,这样就又有了更多拍广告的经验镜头前的自信。

    Since I already had experience and I loved being in front of the cameras, the producers were always inclined to cast me, and that of course kept giving me even more confidence and experience.


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