• 树木遮住房子外视线

    Taller plants interrupt the views from the house.


  • 克莱尔让自己就位以便挡住戴维视线

    Claire positioned herself so as not to obstruct David's line of sight.


  • 泪水模糊了视线

    Tears blurred her eyes.


  • 挡住了克雷格视线什么也不见了。

    Jane blocked Craig's vision and he could see nothing.


  • 克莱夫看去时,刻意避开了视线

    When I looked at Clive, he studiously avoided my eyes.


  • 树木遮住了视线怎么看得见广场半部

    Trees obscured his vision; he couldn't see much of the square's southern half.


  • 汽车挡风玻璃上任何一条裂缝看起来总是正对司机视线

    Any crack in a car windshield always seems to be right in the driver's line of vision.


  • 转过身去视线中消失了

    He turned his back and disappeared from view.


  • 本的视线消失,科林转向玛丽

    When his head was out of sight, Colin turned to Mary.


  • 日本许多拉美国家视线放低些一种尊重表现

    In Japan and many Latin American countries, keeping the eyes lowered is a sign of respect.


  • 日本许多拉美国家视线放低些一种尊重表现

    But in Japan and many Latin American countries, keeping the eyes lowered is a sign of respect.


  • 约翰一直注视着乘客直到消失视线之外,然后油门驶出小镇

    John watched until his passenger had disappeared from sight, then stepped on the gas and drove out of the town.


  • 他们一起输了一些12点时,一切都视线中消失了

    He played with them and lost some of his money, but when it struck twelve, everything vanished from his sight.


  • 为了验证这个想法挡住了它们太阳视线并用镜子改变了太阳显现出来的方位

    To test this idea, he blocked their view of the Sun and used mirrors to change its apparent position.


  • 水生谈论它们如何看到其它的水生蝽爬上睡莲花的叶子,视线中消失

    A group of water bugs was talking one day about how they saw other water bugs climb up a lily pad and disappear from sight.


  • 看到愤怒同类时,它们视线更多地会落到嘴巴也许这样是为了解读威胁表情

    When dogs looked at expressions of angry dogs, their eyes rested more on the mouth, perhaps to interpret the threatening expressions.


  • 然而,在拉皮塔人后代驾船驶出陆地视线之外举目四望是空荡荡地平线后,真正冒险才刚刚开始

    The real adventure didn't begin, however, until their Lapita descendants sailed out of sight of land, with empty horizons on every side.


  • 英国高价足以使买主视线转向国外

    High prices in the UK make it worthwhile for buyers to look abroad.


  • 妈妈摸索椅背,她眼睛眼泪遮住了视线

    Her mother groped for the back of the chair, her eyes blind with tears.


  • 大卫小心翼翼地向前移动,视线越过边缘过去。

    David moved cautiously forward and looked over the edge.


  • 避免任何目光接触任何人接近都会迅速转移视线

    He avoids any eye contact, quickly averting his gaze when anyone approaches.


  • 终保持孩子在视线范围内。

    Keep children in sight at all times.


  • 无法将视线从最后一眼看到的景象移开。

    I could not look away from my last view.


  • 个徒步者立马开始寻找她,但树木挡住了他们的视线

    Several hikers immediately started looking for her, but their view was screened by trees.


  • 莉看了看图画书,然后抬头看了看我,最后移开了视线

    Shelley looked at the coloring book and then looked up at me, and finally looked away.


  • 孩子们跟着我进入花园时,我希望他们离开我的视线

    When the children followed me into the garden, I would expect them to be out of sight.


  • 中国园林的入口处,通常有一块巨石或墙来遮挡你的视线

    At the entrance to a Chinese garden, there is usually a huge stone or wall to screen your view.


  • 偶尔几个目光对接也只是相视,没人尴尬或是嫌恶地躲开视线,更没有恶言相向

    The few people I made eye contact with just smiled back, but not one looked away in embarrassment or disgust.


  • 试图妈妈那里叼只羊,它们相持不下。第三母羊视线,两只鹰中的只抓走羊羔

    Two eagles were trying to take a lamb from its mother and were struggling. A third eagle came in to distract the ewe and one of the others got the lamb.


  • 试图妈妈那里叼只羊,它们相持不下。第三母羊视线,两只鹰中的只抓走羊羔

    Two eagles were trying to take a lamb from its mother and were struggling. A third eagle came in to distract the ewe and one of the others got the lamb.


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