• 正式签约之前我们重申一下协议重点

    Before the formal contract is drawn up we'd like to restate the main points of the agreement.


  • 重申VMM目的管理RAM虚拟页面分配

    To reiterate, the purpose of VMM is to manage the allocation of both RAM and virtual pages.


  • 小姐,请重申昨天晚上厌恶请求。

    Do not be alarmed, madam, that I shall repeat the offer which so disgusted you last night.


  • 但是重申,这里改善改进炼金术

    But I reiterate, what is the point of improving ALchemy and changing for it, when it requires an improved driver?


  • 重申本周早些时候说过的话,对于他们指控都是毫无根据的。

    I would reiterate what we said earlier this week, that the accusations against them are without foundation.


  • 阿森纳队长范佩西解释为什么重申阿森纳忠诚。

    Arsenal captain Robin van Persie has explained his decision to reiterate his commitment to the club.


  • 对此我会稍加解释但是现在重申一下:成功关键成长是成为榜样

    I'll explain this in a little bit, but for now, let me reiterate that the key to success is to grow up and to "be" the example.


  • 重申美国不是南海问题当事国应该恪守在南海争议问题立场的承诺

    I would like to reiterate that the US is not a party concerned to the South China Sea issue and should honor its commitment of not taking sides on relevant dispute.


  • 重申的是,并不打算,进一步讨论这个问题,因为并不打算上面花太多时间

    Again, I'm not able to give this as much of a discussion as I would like because I don't want to spend too much time on this.


  • 重申过去多次表达说法:高盛从不、未来也绝不会宽容任何内部人员的不当行为

    I will repeat what you have heard me say many times in the past: Goldman Sachs has never condoned and would never condone in appropriate activity by any of our people.


  • 重申认为翻译者澄清解释讲解原文,就应该明确地标明注解翻译札记、或评语

    To repeat, I feel that should a translator wish to clarify, explain, or otherwise expound on the original text, such words should be clearly presented as footnotes, translator's notes, or commentary.


  • 通常推荐使用开销如此巨大性能工具所以重申一下,尽管filemon的确有其价值,但使用的时候仍非常小心

    We don't typically like to recommend performance tools that have such a substantial overhead, so we'll reiterate that while filemon certainly has a purpose, you need to be very careful when using it.


  • 还有最后条,我早先已经提到过不过如此精彩,我重申:在Kindle上随机加载价值1000美元

    And my last one, which I think I mentioned earlier, but it's so good, I'll mention it again: ship the Kindle with $1000 worth of books on it.


  • 扮演不同角色对于来说可能幸运的,可能是不幸的。但是要重申无论什么时候,只,我就听从教练的安排。

    I have the fortune or misfortune to play in different roles but I will repeat that I am at the coach's disposal whenever I am needed.


  • 通常推荐使用带来如此巨大开销的性能工具所以重申一下,尽管filemon的确有其用武之处,但使用时候非常小心

    I don't typically like to recommend performance tools that have such a substantial overhead, so I'll reiterate that while filemon certainly has a purpose, you need to be very careful when using it.


  • 表示决心,巴马先生重申改变破产规定想法这样法庭可以降低贷款本金

    As a stick, Mr Obama reiterated his intention to alter the bankruptcy code so that courts can reduce mortgage principal.


  • 然而Michael重申虽然接受开发人员或者测试人员无这一情况可能很难,但遵守WIP规则必不可少的,不然拉动系统不能正常运作了。

    However Michael reiterated that though it might be hard to accept that a devloper or a tester does not have anything to do, it is essential to follow the WIP rule else the pull system would not work.


  • 一些预算专家重申自己的观点,他们认为税收收入的增加可能触及家庭巴马承诺保护这些家庭。 赤字数据包括白宫预测的未来10年新增的9万亿美元债务。

    Some budget experts also reiterated their belief that tax increases may need to hit families that the president has vowed to protect.


  • 很多分析人员已经清晰地划定治理管理之间区别重申区别十分的。

    Many analysts have drawn a clear distinction between governance and managementand it's important to reiterate this difference.


  • 验尸官办公室重申杰克逊死的完整报告警方调查结束后公布。

    The coroner's office reiterated that it was withholding its full report on Mr. Jackson's death pending the police investigation.


  • 一篇文章讨论了浏览隐喻但是再次重申应该尽可能提供浏览隐喻

    The last article discussed browsing metaphors at some length, but I will reiterate here that it's very desirable to provide a browse metaphor if it's at all possible.


  • 这个部分中可以放心大胆的客户们重申公司所从事的业务;记住重点放在处理业务的方式上,让客户们了解你所用的方式有什么独到之处,又是多么有效。

    In this section, don't worry about telling your prospects what your firm does; focus on how you do it in a valuable or unique way.


  • 诺华董事长兼首席执行官Daniel Vasella博士说:“我们重申自己的承诺帮助麻风患者帮助把这个疾病作为公共卫生问题消灭。

    We are reaffirming our commitment to helping patients with leprosy and helping to eliminate this disease as a public health problem.


  • 就是说反复重申

    That means that you reiterate main points.


  • 我们再次重申我们不是表明一个“惩罚”,而是来自你们地球清算看起来像是来自你们的法律

    Again we stress that we do not mean punishment, although by your earthly reckoning it may be seen as such according to your laws.


  • 有人底线时,重申的底线。 。

    When someone wants to touch the bottom line, to reiterate your bottom line with a smile.


  • 再次重申我们常规武器一流的

    I want to reiterate that our conventional weapons are superior.


  • 美方谈判代表希尔再三重申美方详细掌握浓缩进展情况。

    Mr Hill, the American negotiator, said he told the North Koreans repeatedly that America needed to know "precisely" what was happening with uranium enrichment.


  • 美方谈判代表希尔再三重申美方详细掌握浓缩进展情况。

    Mr Hill, the American negotiator, said he told the North Koreans repeatedly that America needed to know "precisely" what was happening with uranium enrichment.


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