• 通常来讲,为了鼓励人转用本,会推出特别激励措施,上述差异化计息政策也就应运而生。

    Usually this compartmentalization is the result of special incentive offers from the issuing bank, to encourage balance transfers from cards of other issuers.


  • RecordsandElements选项Recorddetection设置Delimited使用DOSUNIX结束作为分隔符,使用 Postfix作为分隔符类型)。

    On the Records and Elements tab, the Record detection is set to Delimited (using DOS or UNIX Line End as the Delimiter, and Postfix as the Delimiter type).


  • 超过三分之一消费者选择一家信用而不是一家是因为低的入门利率

    More than a third of consumers pick one credit card over another based on which issuer has the lowest introductory interest rate.


  • 对于每个活动可能会显示二级选项反映一个活动存在多个功能步骤

    Within each activity, a second row of tabs might also display, reflecting multiple functions or steps within one main activity.


  • 旅游者每天晚上巨大巴西北部杰瑞沙丘面前排成一观看那里的夕阳

    Sunset in Jericoacoara nothern Brasil. Travellers line the giant sand dunes every evening during this time to watch the event.


  • 正如美国人身负大量信用债务一样,国会授权下,没有足够的偿还资本却仍敢于大肆举债

    Like Americans with too much credit-card debt, investment Banks have been allowed by Congress to take on debt with very little backup capital.


  • 分析家们主要信用(花旗集团美国摩根大通第一资本金融公司)利润会因条例草案受损

    Analysts said the profits of major card issuers such as Citigroup, Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase and Capital One would be hurt by the bill.


  • 这项措施大大限制信用提高现有余额利率能力

    The measure would sharply limit credit card issuers' ability to raise interest rates on existing balances.


  • 外出旅时是否容易受到信用欺诈值得商榷,可以肯定的是,旅途中更多的麻烦来自的反欺诈,尤其是出国的时候。

    Whether travelers are more likely to become victims of credit card fraud is debatable, but we're certainly more likely to get tripped up by efforts to combat fraud, especially overseas.


  • 等到蒂利睡着了,亨利总是小心翼翼地爬床,尽管知道他的小心有些夸张,这个时候撤退恐怕很难惊动两个孩子,要想吵醒她们,那得要大的动静

    Once Tilly and Karen were sleeping, Henry always crept out of bed with exaggerated carefulness, though he knew that something more momentous than his evacuation would be required to rouse them.


  • 他们1996年合著了关于平衡计分,该书第一这样写道:“设想一下,你进入到一个现代喷气式飞机座舱,结果发现只有一些工具在那里。”

    The first line of their 1996 book on the balanced scorecard reads: “Imagine entering the cockpit of a modern jet airplane and seeing only a single instrument there.


  • 建议检查信用额度因为可能降低了某些的信用额度;旅途中的消费也让你不知不觉刷爆。

    He also suggested checking your credit limit before a trip, since Banks have reduced credit limits for some cardholders; travel expenses can push up against those maximums.


  • 联合申请信用你们没有任何好处对发却有好处。

    Jointly applying doesn't do you any good, but it does do the credit card issuer a lot of good.


  • 很多城市之间白天列车上都设有这样的车厢,德里——普尔,德里——安哥拉,德里——希姆拉。持有ac 2的乘客可以乘坐。

    AC Chair class is found on a number of 'intercity' daytime trains (for example Delhi-Jaipur, Delhi-Agra, Delhi-Kalka for Simla), and is available to holders of a AC2 class IndRail pass.


  • 如果说信用借款人新生事物的话,许多印度的发来说亦是如此

    If borrowers are new to consumer credit, so are many Indian Banks.


  • 对于每个选项标题而言显示PageDesignerSource视图中。

    For each TAB header, this line will display in the Source view of the Page designer.


  • 如果告诉FindBugs在什么地方寻找代码就会转换相应选项突出显示有问题的那

    If you tell FindBugs where to find your source, it will highlight the offending line of code when you switch to the appropriate TAB.


  • Mappings选项使用表格格式布局,中的每一扩展映射

    The Mappings TAB is arranged in a table format in which each row in the table is an extension mapping.


  • Eclipse提供一个方便使用的快捷键可以简化操作ctrl +e组合键,然后选项中的右上角显示弹出菜单并列所有打开编辑器(参见2)。

    Eclipse has a nice shortcut that makes this easier: press Ctrl + e, and a pop-up menu appears at upper right in the row of tabs and lists all the open editors (see Figure 2).


  • 数据图只有一个输出因此需要修改查找输出代码,使其指向输出1而不是输出2card = map.getOutputCardObject(1);。

    The states map only has one output card, so modify the line of code that looks for the output card to point to output card 1 instead of card 2: card = map.getOutputCardObject(1);


  • 阿根廷北部小镇乌玛华(Humahuaca),汽车排成停靠在石头铺成小路上

    Cars sit parked along a narrow, stone-paved road in the town of Humahuaca in northern Argentina.


  • 1中,第29一条注释The accessibilitymodifier whichshouldbeprivateispublic”,并且界面底部ReviewEditor选项显示了条目状态

    In Figure 1, line 29 has an annotation of "the accessibility modifier which should be private is public," and the Review Editor TAB at the bottom of the screen shows the entry state.


  • DB2CommandCenter结果选项可以修改查询结果集,添加其他

    The result set tab of the DB2 Command Center allows to make changes to the result set of a query and to add additional rows.


  • 关于信用公司如何改变方式,主要发汇丰银对待McClelland先生表现就是一个很好的例子

    An example of how quickly the card companies are shifting their approach is in the behavior of.


  • 一些著名联邦主义者(例如德国外长约什·菲舍尔[Joschka Fischer])一直呼吁德国欧盟其他国家一起联合发布债券虽然信誉度较高的德国产生不良影响。

    Prominent federalists like Joschka Fischer, a former German foreign minister, have called on Germany to support joint euro-area bonds, though these might damage the country’s own high credit rating.


  • 但是索斯比拍卖雷托的素描,拍出了542500美元的价格,较低估价还高出了一倍多。

    A Canaletto drawing at Sotheby’s, however, fetched $542,500, over twice the low estimate.


  • 但是索斯比拍卖雷托的素描,拍出了542500美元的价格,较低估价还高出了一倍多。

    A Canaletto drawing at Sotheby’s, however, fetched $542,500, over twice the low estimate.


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