• 带领了一个学生团队参加“光盘“行动比赛。

    He led a student team to join in a competition for the "empty plate" campaign.


  • 习惯不断思考过去过的什么有了效果?什么改善行动项目思考一番会议结束的时候,评估下团队进程

    Make a habit of asking what worked and what could be better for both actions, and projects. Consider a round to evaluate group process at the end of meetings.


  • 这次回顾会议的一个行动项目这些介绍组织团队知识库中

    The action item decided upon in this session was to organize the presentations in the team repository.


  • 公司信息安全团队几乎立即发现攻击采取积极行动保护所有系统数据

    The company's information security team detected the attack almost immediately, and took aggressive actions to protect all systems and data.


  • 公司信息安全团队几乎立即发现攻击采取积极行动保护所有系统数据

    The company’s information security team detected the attack almost immediately, and took aggressive actions to protect all systems and data.


  • 使任何事情顺利进行关键是以某种方式分析采取行动确保所有开发人员了解团队共同达到的目的。

    The key to making anything work is to act on your analysis in some way to ensure that all developers understand what the team together is trying to accomplish.


  • 不管结果怎么样,团队没有准备好的情况下不要逼着他们采取行动

    Whatever the outcome, don't push the team to take action if they're not ready.


  • 这个问题发生许多追溯技术上特别是行动所有权清楚时,或者没有视为团队工作一部分时。

    This problem can occur with many retrospective techniques, especially when ownership of actions is not clear, or if they are not watched as part of the workload of the team.


  • 做不说——上一个相反有些团队过于关注一些具体行动没有从全局的角度考虑问题。

    All action and No Talk - the corollary, some teams are so focused on taking actions that they don't consider all the viewpoints.


  • 如果没有可以没有管理者许可情况下行动,那么团队管理者不在,或者在等待管理者明确指示的情况下就瘫痪。

    If no one can act without express permission from the manager, the team can become paralyzed when the manager is unavailable or when it is waiting for explicit directions from the manager.


  • 因此取代长时间讨论团队可以快速地转移行动选择上

    So instead of protracted discussions, teams can quickly move to choosing actions.


  • 虽然特纳还没有采取什么专门的行动,但是,使用操控者”词,就暗示了奥巴马团队将会采取更强硬的路线

    Although Mr Geithner did not commit himself to any specific action, the use of the m-word suggests Team Obama will take a tougher line.


  • 随着团队不断熟练他们可以调整15个问题2行动,2”的公式

    The "15 question, 2 action, 2 week" formula can be adjusted by teams as they get proficient.


  • 我们迭代方法价值在于降低项目风险,因此利用争取的度量加强管理使团队能够其付诸于行动之中。

    While we say that the value of the iterative approach is to reduce project risk over time, reinforcing this message with the right measurements enables the team to put this into action.


  • 设置任何新的行动之前,团队应该检查在以前的回顾是否出色行动

    Before setting any new actions, the team should review whether there are outstanding actions from their previous retrospective.


  • 许多项目团队确定出一个所学经验”集合但是没有人按照它们行动

    Many project teams identify a collection of "lessons learned," but nobody ACTS on them.


  • 为了大家共同工作委员会特别行动小组应该定期整个团队进行汇报

    To keep everyone working together, committees and task forces should regularly report back to the whole group.


  • 团队开始计划行动必须发现问题

    The team will need to prioritise issues raised before starting action planning.


  • 有些行动可能团队外界直接势力范围需要管理层支持获得支持,团队可能需要出售这些问题

    Some actions may be outside the direct sphere of influence of the team and require support from management - to get that support the team may need to sell the problem!


  • 敏捷团队行动非常迅速,他们创建很小代码工作周期有时甚至只有一周时间。

    Agile teams work very quicklysometimes in as little as a week — to create small chunks of code.


  • 团队能敦促我们采取实际行动减少垃圾排放量的不止一个,还有我的个室友,有许许多多的

    Being part of team also helps. I'm not just trying to cut down on garbage on my own, all three people in my household are doing it.


  • 德尔金说:“许多看清趋势唐不仅看清趋势,组建团队,将愿景付诸行动。”

    "A lot of people can see trends, but Don also formed a team that could execute against a vision," says Durkin.


  • 这些心理或者行动上已经离开团队。“逃兵退出或者停止做贡献。他们工作中一点表现也没有。

    This individual either mentally or physically leaves the team. The Deserter drops out and stops contributing. This person stops performing at work.


  • 这种情况下第一个行动搜集证据,以帮助团队说服老板行动起来。

    Your first action in this case, is to gather evidence that will help the team convince their boss action is required.


  • 大部分组织冲突产生并不是为了自身利益,而是因为不同团队对于公司采取的行动观念上存在合理差别

    Most organizational conflict springs not from battling egos but from legitimate differences of opinion among different groups about what the business should do.


  • 这个阶段提醒团队很重要的,我们想法未来行动计划找出具体解决方案

    It's important to remind the team at this stage that the idea is to identify areas to focus on rather than specific solutions as that comes in Action Planning.


  • 一个团队开始回顾他们发现他们团队内部付出大量行动

    When a team first starts with retrospectives they will find that they come up with plenty of actions that are internal to the team.


  • 2通过高级别的群体联合行动能够将“团队特定的”群体添加行动中,而且需要对计划做出改变

    Figure 2: By associating actions to high level groups, you can add "team-specific" subgroups to the action without making a schema change.


  • 雪佛龙有关最近这次漏油事故声明中指出,“在首次发现漏油情况后的短短4之内”,团队就“立刻”展开行动,竭力封堵漏油

    In a statement regarding the recent oil spill, Chevron noted its team acted "immediately" and went to great efforts to stop the source of the seep flow "within only four days of first detection."


  • 雪佛龙有关最近这次漏油事故声明中指出,“在首次发现漏油情况后的短短4之内”,团队就“立刻”展开行动,竭力封堵漏油

    In a statement regarding the recent oil spill, Chevron noted its team acted "immediately" and went to great efforts to stop the source of the seep flow "within only four days of first detection."


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定