• 提出种全新电荷锁相行为建模方法。

    A novel multi-layer Charge-Pump Phase-Locked Loop (CP-PLL) behavioral model is presented in this paper.


  • 行为综合中,一般在调度分配之前先将系统描述转换一个数据流程图(DFG)。

    In behavior synthesis, the behavior of the system is always transformed to a DFG before scheduling and allocation.


  • 高层次综合也叫行为综合,基本任务完成数字系统行为描述寄存器传输RTL)描述转换

    The main task is translating the behavioral description of a digital system into the design of RTL(Register Transfer Level).


  • 最后行为本文提出了基于最小能量的算子调度算法,对折叠循环结构的控制数据流图进行算子调度。

    At last, at the behavioral level, this dissertation proposes a minimal-energy based operator scheduling approach to perform operator scheduling for loop folding CDFG structure.


  • 目前本科学生讲授消费者行为课程,我们研究涉及消费者行为所有事情,尤其是消费者如何广告呈现的。

    Currently I teach consumer behavior to undergraduates in their second year and we look at all kinds of things in consumer behavior and particularly how consumers are presented in advertising.


  • 时候行为问题

    When I was in the seventh grade, I had problems with behaving.


  • 基于优先FIFO行为——前面同步示例中,将接着执行具有最高优先线程——适用争用者等待者队列

    Priority-based FIFO behavior — as in the earlier synchronization example where the highest-priority thread is chosen to execute next — also applies to the queues of lock contenders and lock waiters.


  • 进一步的,CMM一致是,尝试“逐步升高项目外部偏差可执行时,她保护以免于可能的“敌对人员行为”。

    Furthermore, in accordance with the CMM, she is protected against possible "adverse personnel actions" as she attempts to "escalate deviations outside the project" to the executive level. 7.


  • 同样rt - mutexes优先继承协议扩展健壮互斥锁后者允许rtJVM通过pthread依赖优先继承行为

    Also, rt-mutexes extend the priority-inheritance protocol to robust mutexes, which allows the rt JVM to rely on priority-inheritance behaviour via the pthread library.


  • 规定鼓励有人质询这个行为是否是欺凌弱小或者戏弄别人如果符合欺凌弱小实际描述那么就是欺凌弱小,或者A37违规。

    A rule does not encourage one to ask if the fourth grader's act was bullying or teasing; if it fits the physical description of bullying, then bullying or infraction A37 is what it is.


  • 1中的第二时间线显示了发生优先继承第一条时间线锁定行为变化情况。

    The second timeline in Figure 1 shows how the locking behavior of the first timeline changes when priority inheritance is in effect.


  • 缺省行为仍然只有对象包含字符标记创建对象的_ xml属性

    The default behavior is still to create an _xml attribute of a nested object only when it contains character-level markup.


  • 影响存储过程行为大多数参数实例(数据库管理)上定义的。

    Most parameters that affect the behaviour of stored procedures are defined at the instance level (that is, the database management level).


  • 密歇根大学行为神经内分泌学家莎丽。安德斯针对年龄18 -19岁之间的大学一年学生做了项调查。

    The research, by Sari van Anders a behavioral neuroendocrinologist at the University of Michigan, focused on 18 and 19-year-old men in their first year of college.


  • 但是按照生扎贾里就读克里斯蒂娜学区行为准则校方表示他们别无选择。

    But, based on the code of conduct for the Christina school District, where Zachary is a first grader, school officials had no choice.


  • 而言之,奔驰E轿车可以很好的诠释智能汽车定义:可以进行良好的自我控制,可以调整车体以适应路面其他车辆良好沟通,并且可以预见驾驶者行人的各种行为作出反应。

    In short, the E-Class embodies what it means to be a smart car: to communicate well with itself, the road and other cars, plus anticipating and responding to the needs of the driver and passengers.


  • 1999年,有38.3%12学生报告自己最近个月中没有饮酒疾控中心年轻人危险行为防控专家劳拉·凯恩说。

    In 1999, 38.3% of 12th-graders reported no drinking in the previous 30 days, says the CDC's Laura Kann, an expert on youth risk behaviors.


  • 它们与非集群WorkplaceWebContentManagement实例行为相同因为同步应用程序通过一个名为联合的外部机制完成的。

    They behave the same as non-cluster instances of Workplace Web Content Management because the synchronization is done through an external mechanism at the application level known as syndication.


  • 5.0发行版中针对Solaris平台线程优先实现方式做了一些修改,返回一种更原始的行为上。

    With the 5.0 release, the thread priority implementation for the Solaris platform changed somewhat, reverting to an older behavior.


  • 执行管理层复杂度上的关注将影响团队行为,这可以通过将改进的和可维护代码作为优先来实现。

    An executive focus on complexity influences team behavior by making streamlined, maintainable code a priority.


  • 但是,现今许多签字检测签字检测都是针对操作系统不是系统管理而且不能保证所有异常行为作出正确响应

    But many signature detection and non-signature detection approaches are at the operating system level not at the DBMS level, and cannot guarantee the prompt response for all abnormal behaviors.


  • 关于动力学方程式的求解结果用于理论上阐明草原上二系统处于稳定状态局部动力学行为可能出现变化过程

    The computed result can be applied to the theoretical explanation of a partial dynamic action under the stable and the possible changing process.


  • 由于寄存器传输(rtl)行为描述可以精确地确定数字系统操作,所以寄存器传输综合成为当前EDA行业主流设计方法

    Because the behaviors of digital system can be described by register transfer level (RTL) behavior exactly, RTL synthesis becomes the mainstream design method in EDA domain.


  • 海关作出的其它具体行政行为不服申请复议作出具体行政行为的海关的上海关管辖。

    The application for reconsideration of the decision concerning other specific Customs acts shall be dealt with by the Customs to which the Customs made the original decision is subordinate.


  • 比如日本一家豪华宾馆里,如果任何餐馆侍者或宾馆门房服务员小费,那么认为是一种粗鲁摆阔行为

    At a luxury hotel in Japan, for example, if you try to tip anyone from the wait staff at a top restaurant to the hotel concierge, your gesture will be perceived as a rude and flagrant show of wealth.


  • 大多数谋杀定义蓄意预谋非法杀害在预谋实施伏击受害人的犯罪行为

    In most states, first-degree murder is defined as an unlawful killing that is both willful and premeditated, meaning that it was committed after planning or "lying in wait" for the victim.


  • 大多数谋杀定义蓄意预谋非法杀害在预谋实施伏击受害人的犯罪行为

    In most states, first-degree murder is defined as an unlawful killing that is both willful and premeditated, meaning that it was committed after planning or "lying in wait" for the victim.


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