• 脾胃经期女性肠胃不好不宜饮用。

    Taste empty is cold person careful take, period female, intestines and stomach is bad to wait to should not be drinkable.


  • 结论针灸治疗骨关节炎有效疗法

    Conclusion Warming needle moxibustion is an effective therapy for knee osteoarthritis with kidney-yang deficiency and cold type.


  • 复发性口疮由脾胃虚寒火上浮所致者,临床并非少见

    The recurrent aphtha caused by flaring-up of deficient fire due to deficient cold of spleen and stomach is very common.


  • 尤其是平时胃酸过多,常常觉得脾胃、腹胀不宜

    Especially the ordinary time gastric acid is more than the correct or required number, often feel taste is false cold, stomach be swollen person, is inadvisable to give water to drink much more.


  • 目的探讨治疗脾胃慢性胃炎临床疗效作用机理

    Objective: to probe the clinical effect and the mechanism of "an Wei Yin" Decoction on chronic gastritis of insufficiency-cold in spleen and stomach.


  • 目的观察补肾通络治疗凝型膝骨关节炎临床疗效

    OBJECTIVE: To explore the clinical effect of the treatment of OA by invigorating the kidney, dispelling the cold and activating collaterals.


  • ”、“为血证急性基本病机,但亦不能排除

    Although fire and heat are the basic pathogenesis of blood syndrome at its acute stage, deficiency and cold syndromes are not excluded.


  • 春秋气候变化无常胃痛病人注意保暖,避免受冷

    Climate changes in spring and autumn when the stomach of patients with asthenic cold to keep warm and avoid the cold;


  • 目的:探求太阴湿阳明病肠热腑实证辨证客观指标的差异性。

    Objective: to distinguish indicators for syndrome differentiation between cold-dampness due to spleen insufficiency in Taiyin disease and solid-fu due to intestine-heat in Yangming disease.


  • 结论:脾胃胃溃疡动物模型临床脾胃虚寒胃溃疡病理过程类似

    Conclusion: The pathological process of rat model with gastric ulcer of deficiency cold of spleen and stomach type is similar to that of its clinical counterpart.


  • 治疗咳嗽脾胃虚寒呃逆等症的中成药,皆采用姜汤

    Where the treatment of cough and cold cold exterior syndrome of lung, stomach Deficiency, hiccup embolism of proprietary Chinese medicine, can be used ginger delivery service.


  • 结论:雷火治疗胃痛有效率优于中药治疗,能明显减轻胃脘部疼痛程度。

    Conclusion: the total effective rate of thunder-fire moxibustion on gastralgia of deficiency cold type was better than that of the traditional Chinese medicine in relieving epigastralgia.


  • 针对因脾胃虚寒所致的滞患儿,要加强脾胃本身功能促进运化,消除积滞。

    It is crucial to promote moving by strengthening the spleen &stomach function of itself to eliminate indigestion.


  • 病体弱、身体者皆不宜多吃性的蔬菜以免身体造成不利影响

    Long illness, infirmity, physical Deficiency by key should not eat vegetables cold side, so as not to add cold winter, a negative impact on the body.


  • 方法应用基因芯片技术同一家系中的4患者6正常人进行基因表达检测

    Methods: Microarray technique was used for examination of the gene expression profiles in 4 cases of cold syndrome patient and 6 normal persons in a same family.


  • 纳入研究型膝骨性关节炎患者进行关节疼痛、关节功能综合疗效不良反应等方面评估

    To evaluate joint pain, the joint function, the comprehensive curative effect, and adverse effects etc of these patients. Results: the therapies of two groups are equivalence.


  • 腻苔在Hp感染差异舌和Hp感染有相关性,脾虚寒湿证和湿热蕴脾证Hp感染中无显著差异。

    There is no difference between the teams of yellow greasy fur and white greasy fur at infection of HP but correlation existing in the team of pale tongue.


  • 生理学研究选择10骨关节炎虚寒证患者10例正常人,从植物神经系数交感皮肤反应、体表温度、植物神经反射等方面进行比较研究。

    Physiology research: To compare the coefficient of visceral nerve, response of skin interaction, body temperature and visceral nerve reflection between 10 patients and healthy people.


  • 但肾动物由于鸟氨酸氨基转移酶活性降低导致储存能量肌酸合成降低,使产生的ATP大部分通过热能形式消耗掉,从而导致肾阳的临床症状。

    The scarcity of ornithine aminotransferase in the kidney-yang deficiency rats resulted in deficient creatine phosphate which was need for depositing energy and most of ATP was consumed as heat energy.


  • 但肾动物由于鸟氨酸氨基转移酶活性降低导致储存能量肌酸合成降低,使产生的ATP大部分通过热能形式消耗掉,从而导致肾阳的临床症状。

    The scarcity of ornithine aminotransferase in the kidney-yang deficiency rats resulted in deficient creatine phosphate which was need for depositing energy and most of ATP was consumed as heat energy.


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