• 任何人管制,显然从不允许生活中的男性使她黯然失色

    Mo did not want to be ruled by anyone and it is notable that she never allowed the men in her life to eclipse her.


  • 学校没有暖气大多数餐馆商店莫不如此

    The schools are not heated, nor are most restaurants or shops.


  • 西先生,这样走过来莫不吓唬

    You mean to frighten me, Mr. Darcy, by coming in all this state to hear me?


  • 然而正如老子却是天下,莫行。

    Nevertheless, as Laotse say, everyone in the world knows it but no one is able to carry it out in practice.


  • 这些交易所开业股票价格莫不飞涨,获利

    The stock prices of these exchanges rose qiuckly after opening , they profit times excavated.


  • 河面大小船只莫不点了小小的油灯,拉了

    After the boats large and small had moored, all lit tiny oil lamps and fixed up mat canopies.


  • 任何人想要任何东西莫不是因为他们认为他们拥有感觉更好

    There isn't anything anybody wants that is for any other reason than that they think they would feel better in having it.


  • 其实世界各地莫不如此,亚洲女性肩负责任却是特别地沉重

    This is true elsewhere in the world, but the burden that Asian women carry is particularly heavy.


  • 那天下午又返回宠物,照此推测莫不如把变成老鼠地方

    He returned to the pet store that afternoon, reasoning that he might as well convert the snake's lair into a rat's nest.


  • 然而外国人有时候常常抱怨他们对于外部世界莫不关心所知少。

    Foreigners sometimes complain, however, that they have little interest in or knowledge of the outside world.


  • 物理学任何基本原理提出莫不建立一个标准思想实验基础之上。

    Whenever, in the history of physics, a new fundamental principle has been proposed, it was established on the basis of a standard thought-experiment.


  • 值得称道的高端阿达莫不包括4GB内置内存增加了一倍的空气。

    To its credit, the high-end Adamo does include 4 GB of built-in RAM, double that of the Air.


  • 这个故事辗转相传,好事之徒还将之写成小说流传后世读者莫不惊叹

    This story was spread far. Busybody wrote it into fiction, which came down to the aftertime and no reader wasn't amazed by.


  • 万物莫不存在破绽因为没有完美的东西会存在毁坏全体再造愿望

    Everything there is a flaw. Because there is no perfect thing, only possible to destroy all the wishes from a reengineering.


  • 当然世界电影强国比较我国电影差距很大农村题材影片莫不如此

    Certainly, comparing with the world film powerful country, our country film gap is big and the rural area subject film has the same question.


  • 卡莫经纪人又威胁说卡尤文一起降级,所以俱乐部准备用菲奥替代

    Mauro Camoranesi's agent warns he won't stay with Juventus in Serie B, so the club is looking to Stefano Fiore instead.


  • 也许面子看有点弱势,但世界上强大得国家莫不这个方法渗透战胜了敌人

    While on the face this may seem weak, some of the most powerful nations in the world use this very method to infiltrate and overcome an enemy.


  • 《墨经》中的“或不容穷;容尺,无穷也”,历来有多种不同解释

    There are many different explanations of an article in Mo Jing (MohistCanon) Concerning the concept of infinity.


  • 持续上升中国需求带动大宗商品价格节节走高——棉花铁矿石,从原油莫不如此。

    Rising Chinese demand has been driving the prices of commodities as diverse as cotton and palladium - and everything in between, from iron ore to crude oil.


  • 中华文明源远流长独特古老文明、特殊的文化特征世人莫不形成深感神秘困惑

    Of long standing Chinese culture, her age-old culture and peculiar character of culture let lots shows people many mystery things and let them feel confused.


  • 总结以上,得到结论:我认识所有热切感人地信主的人莫不忠心地成为教会一部分

    It comes to this: I have never met anyone with a vibrant, contagious faith who was not a committed part of a church.


  • 我们消费者引向私有软件,错误地以为一个好的选择,事实上,私有软件就是问题本身

    We must not direct the users towards proprietary software as if it were a solution, because proprietary software is the problem.


  • 收拾盏后,就莫不板上摊开了,把身体钻进那个预先卷一筒又湿的硬棉被里去休息。

    When the bowls had been cleared away, theboatmen who felt cold or tired out spread their bedding on the deck and burrowed into theirstiff, clammy quilts which they had laid out like tubing.


  • 个性存在表面存在自己所意识到内容完全解脱全人类而言莫不如此

    The uniqueness of man does not lie in the superficial but in complete freedom from the content of his consciousness, which is common to all mankind.


  • 四月整整一月格兰特莫不劳心费神,全力备战主要目标再次集中于盟军老巢、弗吉尼亚首府里士满

    Grant spent the month of April preparing for the big campaign. The main target, once again, was the Confederate capital at Richmond, Virginia.


  • 世间,曾有多少因为受不了失败打击放弃一切,在这世间莫不方向庸庸碌碌了结一生

    In this world, the number of people, unable to bear against the failure to give up everything in this world did not dare to find direction, powerless, settled life.


  • 世间,曾有多少因为受不了失败打击放弃一切,在这世间莫不方向庸庸碌碌了结一生

    In this world, the number of people, unable to bear against the failure to give up everything in this world did not dare to find direction, powerless, settled life.


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