• 西游记故事情节深受民间故事艺术影响

    The plot in "Journey to the West" is deeply influenced by the art of folk tales.


  • 尊美丽庄重佛像,有哪些域外艺术影响

    Looking at those majestic and lofty figures of Buddha, could one ever tell how Buddhism in Dunhuang is influenced by alien arts?


  • 同时分析了悟性思维对我国古代文学艺术影响评价

    In the meantime, it analyses the impact o the ancient literature and art of our country and evaluation.


  • 我们工作获得来自不断研究通过多种艺术的影响及其启示

    Our work obtains its inspiration from continuous research and through multiple artistic influences.


  • 本文四个方面探讨了《周易》美学思想中国古典园林艺术影响

    The impacts of the Book of Changes on Chinese classical gardens were analyzed in this thesis from four aspects.


  • 无论是绘画雕塑还是建筑米开朗基罗对于西方艺术影响深远的。

    Whether in painting, sculpture or architecture, Michelangelo's influence on the western art has been immense.


  • 现代影像对艺术影响非常深刻而后现代正是影像文化开始兴盛的时期。

    It has profound influence to the art. And postmodern is just the period which the image culture began to flourish.


  • 因为曲艺很大程度上地方性因此地方色彩浓厚,受当地民间艺术影响颇大。

    Since the art is largely regional, it shows heavy local flavour and the influence of the folk art of the area.


  • 今日欧洲极少主义建筑深远思想渊源受到六十年代极少主义艺术的影响

    Minimal Architecture can be traced deeply into the history of Architecture and it is influenced by 1960's Minimal Art.


  • 森泉受到普普艺术影响明亮色彩并列当代物件标志来歌颂平民百姓

    The celebration of the common people evident in the bright colors and their juxtaposition of contemporary objects and ICONS have also been influenced by Pop Art.


  • 抽象艺术影响特点是:注重实用,注重材料、新结构技术性能美学性能。

    This style is influenced by the abstract art, and its features:practical, new material, the technique and aesthetics function of new construction.


  • 我国植物造景古典哲学传统造园艺术影响崇尚“本自然高于自然”的思想

    The impact of the classical tradition of philosophy and gardening art in our country, Planting landscape advocates"baseding on nature, superior to nature"thinking.


  • 全文第一章,绪论介绍图形符号艺术设计中的概况设计艺术影响

    The full text is divided into four chapters, the first, synopsis introduction of figure, symbol in art designs totally and to the influence of the design art.


  • 艺术作为存在的重要领域同样面临技术境域技术艺术影响越来越大。

    Art, as an important territory of being, is also faced with a technical circumstance. Technology's influence to art is becoming stronger and stronger.


  • 道家文化不仅中国传统艺术有着深远的影响而且现代艺术的影响随处可见,俯拾皆是。

    The culture of Taoist School has not only profound influence upon China traditional art, but also upon modern art, which can be found everywhere.


  • 一位当地艺术记录了附近变化特征并且艺术的影响已经深深这些预制墙体之中。

    A local artist has documented the changing character of the neighbourhood, and the art has been cast into the precast walls.


  • 城市公共艺术相互关系入手明确公共艺术存在的物质条件城市文化对公共艺术的影响

    It made a definite analysis on the material conditions of public art and the influences of city culture from the interrelationship of city and public art.


  • 经过高度装潢19世纪末期菜单受到维多丽亚艺术的影响,后来又受20世纪现代艺术影响

    The highly decorated late 19th century menus, which were influenced by Victorian art, gave way to modern art in the 20th century.


  • 注意到尽管声乐艺术影响我们已经他们自己的乐器特点歌曲,像素质的塔尔蒂尼风格鞠躬

    In spite of the influence of vocal art that we have already noted, the song-like qualities of the Tartini style of bowing had their own instrumental specific features.


  • 本文只想沿着这些学者学术轨迹进一步探讨格式塔心理学设计艺术影响,追寻新的时代条件下的发展趋势

    This article aims to make a further search, along with these scholars's footprint, for the Gestalt psychology's influence to design art its future tend.


  • 龟兹佛教石窟主要内容和特点,阿艾石窟则表现深受中原佛教艺术影响这一时期龟兹地区东西文化交流的见证。

    Ah-ai grotto fresco shows that it had been deeply influenced by the Buddhism of the hinterland of China. It was a proof of east-west cultural exchanges in Kucha.


  • 本文通过毕加索古典主义”、“怪物米诺”和“画家——雕塑家”三个部分论述了毕加索的古典倾向受到的来自希腊艺术影响

    By using the Neo-classical period, Monster and Minotaur and Painter - Sculptor, this article discusses Picassos classical tendency and the influence from ancient Greek art.


  • 容易想象到,这种心态艺术欣赏这样模糊概念产生大的影响因为它没有正确错误答案

    It is easy to imagine that this mentality would have even more impact on a fuzzy concept like art appreciation, where there is no right or wrong answer.


  • 受到20世纪70年代那些极简抽象派艺术家们的影响

    He was influenced by the minimalists in the 1970s.


  • 讨论现代影响艺术时,一下子三个名字出现脑海中

    When discussing influential modern artists, three names immediately come to mind.


  • 1945年至1962年期间,受《加州艺术建筑杂志委托才华横溢现代建筑师们设计房屋案例研究作品集 ”,趋势又一本土影响

    The "Case Study Houses" commissioned from talented modern architects by California Arts & Architecture magazine between 1945 and 1962 were yet another homegrown influence on the "less is more" trend.


  • 尽管巴什基尔采夫不能和男性同样班级学习,但作为艺术影响

    Even though Bashkirtseff could not study in the same classes as men, she was having an impact as an artist.


  • 研究人员教师艺术开始认识到绘画是如何各种技能学科产生积极影响的。

    Researchers, teachers, and artists are starting to see how drawing can positively impact a wide variety of skills and disciplines.


  • 所有视觉艺术建筑我们生活影响最为直接因为很大程度上决定了人文环境特征

    Of all the visual arts, architecture affects our lives most directly for it determines the character of the human environment in major ways.


  • 所有视觉艺术建筑我们生活影响最为直接因为很大程度上决定了人文环境特征

    Of all the visual arts, architecture affects our lives most directly for it determines the character of the human environment in major ways.


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