• 建立了捷达轿车连杆裂解加工有限元模型分析背压力对连杆裂解加工质量影响规律。

    A finite element model for the fracture splitting of Jetta car conrod big end was established to analyze the influence of the backpressure on fracture splitting quality.


  • 并且调查表明那些压力下的面临更多的健康问题包括头疼肌肉紧张沮丧焦虑溃疡心脏病

    The survey also found that those with high stress levels were likely to experience health problems, including headaches, back pain, muscle tension, depression, anxiety, ulcers, and heart problems.


  • 当然压力来讲不全不好特别是如果生气失望或喝下5苏格兰威士忌中反应过来。

    Sure, stress can be bad for you, especially if you react to it with anger or depression or by downing five glasses of Scotch.


  • 一些特殊情况抛在一边,不要理睬它们,例如考试死记硬我们压力之下是不能有效学习的。

    Leaving aside special circumstances like cramming for a test, we don’t learn well under stress.


  • 采用泰曼-格林干涉仪测量了反射功率激光连续辐照下发生形变冷却水压造成的压力形变。

    Thermal distortion of mirrors caused by high power CW laser radiation and pressure distortion by water-cooled back pressure have been measured using a Twyman-Green interferometer.


  • 贯穿距离喷雾、喷雾轴心速度浓度衰减影响大于启喷压力

    It shows that the effects of back pressure on penetration, spray cone Angle, and decline rate of centerline velocity and concentration of the spray are greater than that of fuel injection pressure.


  • 今天10个,明天10个,日复一日这样不仅不会自己造成压力并且完成目标时,品尝到一种前所未有成功喜悦

    Today, 10 back, 10 back tomorrow, day after day, so not only will not give too much self-inflicted pressure, and when you complete the objectives, we will enjoy the success of an unprecedented joy.


  • 压力损失使发动机的排气升高,引起充气效率下降

    The pressure loss caused the increase in exhaust back pressure, leading to the decrease in charge efficiency.


  • 要想考察个人死记硬本事和在极大压力快速答题的技巧,考试或许是个不错的办法

    Exams may be a not-so-bad solution to test the ability to remember something by rote or to answer questions quickly yet under great pressure.


  • 通过大量冷态试验范围变化工况、变化喉部面积变化条件下,利用对低温流量控制系统进行研究,得到了流量系数压力恢复系数变化规律

    And water is used in cold test. Through changing operating conditions, throat area and back pressure, the change rule of discharge coefficient and pressure recovery factor were found.


  • 试验压力包括工作条件高温的校正值。

    This test pressure includes corrections for service conditions e. g. backpressure or high temperatures.


  • 考前不紧张-不要死记硬不要考试压力过大。

    Stay calm before exams - don't cram, and definitely try not to stress out during exams.


  • 考虑面上粘聚接触面上的着力,推得了粘性填土挡墙主动压力计算公式

    A formula of active earth pressure on retaining wall was proposed which considers the cohesion force on sliding plane and the adhesive force on interface of soil and retaining wall.


  • 工作水力控制阀工作压力减去水力控制阀出口压的值。

    Working pressure is the hydraulic pressure control valve before the working hydraulic control valve back pressure minus the difference.


  • 压力损失使发动机的排气升高 ,引起充气效率下降 ;

    The pressure loss caused the increase in exhaust back pressure, leading tot


  • 感焦虑压力时候,有没有出现过疼,脖子?当生活你感到有焦虑或压力,你身体会做出的响应之一就是肌肉紧张

    Have you ever had an aching back or pain in your neck when you were anxious or stressed? When you have anxiety or stress in your life, one of the ways your body responds is with muscle tension.


  • 集器压力损失标志捕集器纤维对流体流动阻碍的程度,它导致柴油机排气上升

    The flow pressure drop through the trap indicates an increase of backpressure of the exhaust system.


  • 由于文章篇幅限制,仅列出了气源压力压对空气锤工作参数影响规律。

    Owing to spatial confined, the paper enumerates air supply pressure and backpressure which influence the working parameter of the DTH hammer only.


  • 一端揭开10公分一条粘贴展板上,然后拿到覆膜机上,调理压力刚好经过展板为止

    One end of the back opened about 10 centimeters a, paste into the panels, and then get the laminating machine, conditioning pressure to just after the board so far.


  • 调节器工作以及应用需要救济压力控制精度

    Back pressure Regulators work well where applications require high precision control of back pressure or relief pressures.


  • 兆半导体模型10BP应用需要压力救济压力控制精度的最佳选择

    The Fairchild Model 10BP Back Pressure Regulator is an excellent choice for applications which require high precision control of back pressures and relief pressures.


  • 现场测试结果表明,台压力大致呈“抛物线分布与库仑土压力理论线性分布不同

    The results of field test indicate that the earth pressure of abutment, different from linear distribution of Coulomb's, acts as parabolic type.


  • 也许开始实情后来出于压力或者利益或者兼而有之原因而替人了黑锅。

    Perhaps it told the truth at the beginning, but later it was made as a scapegoat under press or for its interest or for both.


  • 下泄控制阀维持泄流上游下泄热交换器处压力防止压力过低引起流体汽化

    The letdown back-pressure regulating valve maintains pressure in the section of letdown upstream or the letdown heat exchanger to prevent the letdown liquid flashing to steam.


  • 不受影响可以达到进口压力的80%左右。

    Carrying pressing influences, about 80% that can reach the inlet pressure while carrying the pressing rate.


  • 以前也是虽然考试压力始终成不了动力,其间两次会见老外的前一天单词一个礼拜的都多,所以感觉英语学着才能掌握

    I used to have an exam is, although the pressure but always be dynamic, there is twice the foreigner, to meet the words of a week of back more than, so feel English learn is to use to master it.


  • 通过分析,本文提出了地震条件下桥台主动压力简化计算方法计算结果表明一公式合理性

    By analyses, a simplified calculation method of active earth pressure on back of abutment UN der earthquake condition has been put forward. Calculating results prove the reasonable of this method.


  • 如果只是压力长期其实这种”可以透过伸展运动矫正舒解僵硬肌肉扩胸伸展开阔心胸心情也会更好

    If the pressure is large or long-term bent back, in fact, the "hump-back" through stretching exercises to correct, relieve muscle stiffness, chest extended, open-minded, would feel better Oh!


  • 考前不紧张-不要死记硬不要考试压力过大。

    Stay calm before exams - don't cram 4, and definitely try not to stress out during exams.


  • 考前不紧张-不要死记硬不要考试压力过大。

    Stay calm before exams - don't cram 4, and definitely try not to stress out during exams.


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