• 湘军理学家罗泽南出生于湖南湘乡一个贫困家庭里。

    Luo Zenan, a rationalistic Confucian philosopher of Xiang Troop, came from a poor family of Hunan countryside.


  • 参加提姆。罗泽葬礼的嘉宾们周六的早间新闻节目上举行一个大型座谈会

    The crowd at Tim Russert's funeral would have made a great panel on his Sunday morning news show.


  • 玛丽·罗泽特·史密斯是富裕纸张制造商女儿,她1890年的一天来到赫尔馆。

    Mary Rozet Smith arrived at Hull House one day in 1890, the daughter of a wealthy paper manufacturer.


  • 在此感谢罗泽部长盛情邀请,同时也要感谢中国浦东干部管理学院此次研讨会筹备所付出辛勤努力。

    Here, I'd like to appreciate the gracious invitation of Trade Minister Tim Groser and hard work of China Executive Leadership Academy Pudong (CELAP) for preparing this workshop.


  • 美国历史博物馆导览部主任罗泽说:“7月4号一天人们想来到这里真的借此美国历史以及先民故事联系起来的时候。”

    I think July 4th is the time that people come and they really want to connect with American history and with their stories, "says Andrea Lowther, director of visitor services for the museum."


  • 美国历史博物馆导览部主任罗泽说:“7月4号一天人们想来到这里,真的借此美国历史以及先民故事联系起来的时候。”

    "I think July 4th is the time that people come and they really want to connect with American history and with their stories," says Andrea Lowther, director of visitor services for the museum.


  • 44岁的迈克尔·纳尔-阿里是伦敦市中心一名助理主教作为彻斯特主教,他是英国国教首位非白人教区主教;在肯特郡

    MICHAEL NAZIR-ALI, 44, an assistant bishop in central London; as Bishop of Rochester, the first non-white diocesan bishop of the Church of England; in Kent.


  • 2009年,国家地理研究员布·霍根位捕鱼向导西班牙托着一条135磅重、83英寸长的六须巨(学名:Silurusglanis)。

    Hogan and a wels catfish (Silurus glanis) take a swim in Spain's Ebro River, 2009.


  • 作者埃德加·赖斯·布作品封底图书俱乐部版本多次再版,极大提高了弗兰克·弗雷·大胆风格整个一代读者影响力。

    Reissues of the works of author Edgar Rice Burroughs in paper back and book club editions did much to bring Frank Frazetta's bold style to the attention of a whole new generation of readers.


  • 尽管第一比赛但是这场比赛意大利人民车队机械师车队总裁蒙特·荣誉”这位28岁的西班牙车手获得第22个分站赛冠军后

    It's only the first race, but this is credit to the people in Italy, the mechanics and President [Luca] di Montezemolo, the 28-year-old Spaniard said after recording his 22nd career victory.


  • 因为二战爆发,1940年芬兰举行奥运会被迫取消了,艾·威廉姆斯极度伤心失望只得在旧金山比利·水上舞蹈团工作

    Sorely disappointed when the advent of World War II forced the cancellation of the 1940 Olympics in Finland, Williams cut her losses by going to work for Billy Rose's San Francisco Aquacade.


  • 如果马路上,我们停下比赛你拉起来——只是有时会这样”,选手,舒克虎梯村八十多岁的老铁匠杜尔荪·阿布卡说道

    "If you fall on the asphalt, we stop the game to help you up - sometimes," says Dursun Abkhadze, Shukhuti's octogenarian blacksmith and a former lelo competitor.


  • 同样图书馆电影部门,陈列·斯特写妻子凯特,信里记录着全天的活动饮食。

    Also at the library's Theater Division are letters the actor Zero Mostel wrote to his wife, Kate, that catalog his every "gaseous" meal and bodily function.


  • 夫同时指出亚马逊所作所为表明纳税一向首要考虑的问题。

    But Mazerov argues that Amazon's actions suggest that taxes have always been a primary consideration.


  • 梅基斯所执导影片包括:《回到未来三部曲、《陷害了兔子》、《超时空接触》、《飞越长生》等。

    The director of the "Back to the Future" trilogy, "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" and "Cast Away" is known for using pioneering technology to create otherworldly action in his films.


  • 法拉利老板卢卡··蒙特希望年内实现以下目标:该公司所有车型可以配置混合动力系统

    Luca di Montezemolo, Ferrari's boss, expects hybrid systems to be available on all its models within five years.


  • 幅为布巴尔·苏姆小说“图维亚,火星少女”创作画面集中体现了弗雷·塔的奇异风格

    This panoramic tableau from Burroughs 'Barsoom novel "Thuvia, Maid of Mars" epitomizes Frazetta's singular style.


  • 塞巴斯蒂安•若•德•卡尔瓦•伊•麦(就是人们历史中所熟知巴尔侯爵),葡萄牙伟大的变革者之一,负责重建工作。

    The man in charge of reconstruction, Sebastião José Carvalho e Melo (better known to history as the Marquis of Pombal), was one of Portugal's great modernisers.


  • •蒙特·志愿一份力。

    Di Montezemolo volunteers to do his bit.


  • 2010年让人痴迷东西备受期待iPhone,其他受关注的对象还有女演员林赛韩、iPad、电视节目欢乐合唱团西海岸》。

    The top obsession of 2010 was the much-anticipated iPhone, followed by actress Lindsay Lohan, the iPad, and the television shows "Glee" and "Jersey Shore"。


  • (尽管明年预算很爽快地假定1.5%的经济增长)央行行长利科·哈丁斯基(ZeljkoRohatinski表示欧洲中央银行行长杰-克劳德·特里谢(Jean-Claude Trichet)最近警告地亚正走上“灾难路。

    Zeljko Rohatinski, governor of the central bank, says that Jean-Claude Trichet, the president of the European Central Bank, warned him recently that Croatia is on the road to “catastrophe”.


  • 海军上士迈克尔的救援工作者分发饮用水

    10Chief Petty Officer Michael Robb hands out water to sailors, Misawa city workers and local civilian volunteers during a cleanup effort.


  • 西班牙一个因斗牛而死亡斗牛士·库贝,那是1985年的事儿了。

    The last matador to die in a bullfight in Spain was Jose Cubero, or Yiyo, in 1985.


  • 还有许多地方需要提升车队经理多梅尼卡利清楚地知道蒙特·的意图,将继续法拉利达到更好水平

    With so much ground still to make up, team principal Stefano Domenicali was just as keen as Montezemolo for Ferrari to keep up the good work.


  • ·穆里尼奥圣西执教好啊可以米兰执教一周,然后去指导国际米兰。

    Will Jose Mourinho be coming to San Siro? Sure, he can coach one week at Milan and the other at Inter.


  • ·穆里尼奥圣西执教好啊可以米兰执教一周,然后去指导国际米兰。

    Will Jose Mourinho be coming to San Siro? Sure, he can coach one week at Milan and the other at Inter.


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