• 根据利比亚抵抗北约雇佣军没有使用君主标志有利比亚的绿色标志,向他们攻击

    Based on NATO Mercenaries the Libyan resistance were not using the Monarch flag, rather the Libyan Green flag when they attacked.


  • 文章揭示法律意义上的农产品品牌内涵,包括农产品普通商标、农产品集体商标、农产品证明商标绿色标志

    The article announced the contenting about the agricultural products' brand of law meaning, Including agricultural products' common trade mark, collective trade mark, proved trade mark and green sign.


  • 同时使用者可以显示器视窗上方观察 到红色绿色标志提醒使用者与否,也可以起到提示作用

    Meanwhile, the user can watch red and green signs directly over the display window, and the signs remind the user whether the dust is full and have the function of indication.


  • 词语高优先级”中等优先级”红色绿色标志图标其实词语意思相同因此这些图标就是非功能性的或者说是冗余的。

    The red and green flag ICONS before the words "High Priority" and "Medium Priority," in this case, actually have the same meaning as the words, so the ICONS are non-functional or redundant.


  • 研究者只需一个消费者不熟悉商标,便发现顾客觉得沃尔玛使用蓝色山姆绿色标志之店的红色更加环保友好

    It only took one unfamiliar logo for researchers to discover shoppers consider retailers using Walmart's blue or Sam's green in their logos to be more eco-friendly than those using Trader Joe's red.


  • 咖啡店在含有200毫克以上咖啡饮品红色标志注明,100至200毫克的用黄色标志注明,绿色标志则用来标明不足100毫克的咖啡因饮品。

    Coffee chains are putting red marks next to coffee drinks with more than 200 mg of caffeine, yellow marks beside caffeine levels of 100-200 mg and green marks next to drinks with less than 100 mg.


  • 雉鸡尽头竖起绿色帐篷标志八个位置,是1916年德国战线后方仓促地挖出来的。

    Green tents at the bottom of Pheasant Wood mark the position of eight pits dug hurriedly behind the German lines in 1916.


  • 愤世嫉俗之人CSR倡议不过欺骗性的表演,好比英国石油公司加油站外面漂亮绿色花朵标志

    The cynics will say that CSR initiatives are nothing more than misleading presentations, like the pretty green flower logo outside BP petrol stations.


  • 绿色环保组织曾经抨击圆形标志没有温室气体排放量作为标准一部分

    The RSPO has been criticised by green groups for not including greenhouse gas emissions as part of its criteria.


  • 纽约已经开始地铁建筑物采用绿色小人逃生标志

    New York is adopting the running-man sign in subways and new buildings.


  • 明亮的绿色橄榄石一种矿物标志,这种矿物富含,来自于夏威夷那些缓慢流动的火山熔岩。

    Bright green olivine is a significant mineral in Hawaii's slow-flowing basaltic lava and is rich in iron.


  • 其他很多建筑具有环保特点公告宣传声称绿色”建筑,获得能源与环境建筑认证标志

    Many other buildings include environmentally friendly features and advertise themselves asgreenbut do not seek the LEED label.


  • 款7英尺高的小人像做工精致,马克标志性的连帽上衣牛仔裤棕色毛发型以及绿色眼睛都做得惟妙惟肖,连雀斑都做出来了。

    This handcrafted 7-inch tall figurine is completely detailed from Mark’s trademark hoodie and jeans outfit, down to his curly brown hair, green eyes and freckles.


  • 绿色“非金属添加工具(metalfreetool)”标志意味着硅晶圆必须得经过台机器处理以后,才能去添加铜质电路

    The green "metal free tool" sign indicates that this machine is used in a part of the process prior to the addition of copper circuits.


  • 上周五架使用植物生物燃料的国航747飞机在北京上空进行了验证飞行,此种燃油霍尼韦尔环球油品公司(HoneywellUOP)生产。这标志中国迈入了绿色喷气机时代

    China joined the green jet age on Friday when an Air China 747 circled Beijing on a demonstration flight powered by a plant-based biofuel made by Honeywell UOP.


  • 通常果核颜色上会一些变化绿色黄色转变标志葡萄已开始进入生理成熟期那时正是丰收的最佳时机。

    There's a change in the colour of the pips that marks the onset of physiological ripeness, from green to yellow, which is the critical point at which to harvest.


  • 标志天星小轮的绿色绿色水面交相辉映。

    The deep emerald of the iconic Star Ferry echoes the seaweed green waters.


  • 1980年,科学家紫外线显微镜观察骨骼碎片注意到这些骨骼发出幽幽绿光——这种绿色荧光是骨骼含有四环系抗生素一种标志

    In 1980, a scientist looking at bone fragments under an ultraviolet microscope noticed the bones were glowing greena hallmark of the antibiotic tetracycline.


  • 这位水手手臂上方纹身两个凯尔特人”——这可不是什么绿色和平组织的标志

    The sailor has two "Celtic" tattoos on his upper arms - not very Greenpeace.


  • 必须制定完善环境标志制度环境保护法律以便保障绿色市场营销战略实施

    The environmental mark system and environmental protection law must be enacted and consummated in order to guarantee the implementation of the green marketing strategy.


  • 鼓励市场申请绿色市场认证使用相应认证标志

    Markets are encouraged to apply for green market attestation and use relevant certificate symbols.


  • 明亮地板颜色标志用途黄色普通房间绿色走廊播放多厅橙色餐厅和蓝色的行政管理。

    Bright floor colors are marking the use: yellow for common rooms, green for corridors, playing rooms and multi-hall, orange for dining rooms and blue for administration.


  • Ota支持者认为绿色小人标志两个优点象形的,而且绿色的。

    Fans of Ota's running man point to two key advantages: it's a pictogram, and it's green.


  • 走廊主要办公室一个清晰玻璃门分开,上面印着绿色26标志

    Separating the corridor from the main office is a clear glass door, which has the Green 26 logo printed on it.


  • 标志主体绿三色组成,黄色代表阳光沙滩蓝色象征海洋绿色代表生机与绿树。

    The logo by the yellow, blue, green, yellow represents the sun and the beach, blue symbolizes the sea, green represents vitality and green trees.


  • 此外收到光线明亮红色绿色尺寸深度标志

    In addition the leaf received light and brighter reds and greens adding dimension and depth to the logo.


  • 此外收到光线明亮红色绿色尺寸深度标志

    In addition the leaf received light and brighter reds and greens adding dimension and depth to the logo.


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