• 这样测绘目的保证设计文件一致性而不是绝对意义上的精确

    The goal of this survey is to produce a consistent planning document not an exact depiction.


  • 真的认为它们不会下来吗——不论是相对意义还是绝对意义上讲?

    Are you really sure they won't get cheaper again — in relative, or absolute, terms?


  • 对于泥浆录井人员测量报告天然气单位”(实际没有绝对意义)。

    In the case of the mud logger's measurement, "units" of gas (having virtually no absolute meaning) are reported.


  • 接下来要介绍,一个纯粹哲学论证,并非绝对意义,解释优劣决定强孰

    The argument I'm about to sketch is a purely philosophical argument, not really so much a matter of who can explain this or that feature of us better than anybody else.


  • 可以显示一个分区Information对话框,了解起始结束扇区绝对意义上讲是什么

    You can bring up a partition's Information dialog box to learn what its start and end sectors are in absolute terms.


  • 失业的担心,尽管绝对意义已经较低,但2008年初这个问题上一次被提出时,就已经非常显著

    Worries about job loss, though low in an absolute sense, are up significantly from early 2008, when the question was last asked.


  • 看到的,这些修正不会绝对意义提高启动性能而是延迟了启动开销这样会让用户感觉产品整体更快

    As you'll see, the corrections will not "improve" performance in an absolute sense but rather defer startup costs, giving the user the perception of an overall faster product.


  • 看到的,这些修正不会绝对意义提高启动性能而是延迟了启动开销这样会让用户感觉产品整体更快

    As you ll see, the corrections will not "improve" performance in an absolute sense but rather defer startup costs, giving the user the perception of an overall faster product.


  • 需要补充,招待行业既没有绝对意义大多数看不起,没有被中产中产收入以上的家庭看成向往或者正经的职业

    I would hasten to add, though, that hostessing is by no means looked upon favorably by most people, nor as a desirable or rewarding career by middle to upper-middle income families.


  • 生命根本没有绝对意义没有客观公正性不存在运气这种说法对生命的大多数看法(有趣、好吃好看、好用等等)都是主观的。

    Life has no absolute meaning, there is no such thing as objective justice, or luck, most of your perceptions of life (fun, tasty, nice, beautiful, etc) are subjective.


  • 于节日,圣诞节是很好,但它对中国人来说绝对没有春节的意义,西方也没有节日能和中秋节相提并论。

    As for holidays, Christmas is nice, but it can never have the meaning for Chinese that Spring Festival has, and the West has nothing to compare with Mid-autumn Festival.


  • 永恒毫无意义停滞意味着时间永远没有结束,也永远没有开始绝对令人乏味

    Timelessness - in the sense of time never ending, never beginning - is a stagnant nothing. It is absolutely uninteresting.


  • 作为图书馆员,或许任何人都了解试图知识宇宙中产生意义,这件事是绝对荒谬也是绝对必要的。

    And as such, he understood perhaps better than anyone the sheer absurdity, but absolute necessity, of attempting to derive meaning from the universe of knowledge.


  • 除此之外,关于怎样拍摄风景没有纯粹绝对定义其本身而论,具有十分宽泛意义囊括都市工业宏观自然摄影

    Despite this, there is no pure or absolute definition of what makes a landscape in photography, as such it has become very broad term, encompassing urban, industrial, macro and nature photography.


  • 于是如果生活显得充实绝对,而人们出自全身心信仰服从他们命运,那么小说毫无意义了。

    Thus, when life seems full and absolute, and men, out of an all-consuming faith, are resigned to their destinies, novels perform no service at all.


  • 哈特曼绝对权利坚持任何神学概念,在中的意义都不足与匹敌自由意志重要性,也不足以神圣天命相比。

    Hartman's absolutely right to insist that no theological concept is as important to Paradise Lost as free will on the one hand and divine providence on the other.


  • 认为关于生育技术首要问题应当某种超时空绝对道德意义是否正确”,在于我们何以可能需要这种技术。

    I believe the first question for new reproductive technologies should not be whether it is "right" in some timeless, absolute moral sense, but why we might want to do it.


  • 概念真正意义一个完全绝对理性主义者又同时接受这个那个教条,这完全可能的。

    It would be perfectly possible to be a complete and absolute Rationalist in the true sense of the term and yet accept this or that dogma.


  • 但是绝对不是任何意义上的佛教徒只是一些佛教人生观特别感兴趣。

    I am not, however, anywhere near a Buddhist. I am simply a fan of some of the philosophy.


  • 通常用于短程分支其中目标地址当前位置因此指定一个偏移量(不是绝对地址)会意义

    This is often used for short-range branches where the destination is near the current location, so specifying an offset rather than an absolute address makes more sense.


  • 告诉大家,来这儿意义绝对不仅仅是重回旧地

    What I'm trying to tell you, this is WAY more than a homecoming for me.


  • 精神主动的,这里所谓主动意义与经院哲学家曾经上帝绝对主动性的意义是相同的。

    Mind is essentially active in the same sense as the Schoolmen [Scholastics] said that God is 'absolute actuosity'.


  • 当然了,在个人实力能力上勒布朗绝对一个怪兽,从传统意义上来说的1、2名话,依旧领先。

    Still, LeBron is the superior player and the redundancy of their skill sets complicates the traditional 1-2 "pecking order.


  • 绝对惊人数字正是代表了垃圾深刻意义

    This is absolutely group of astonishing numerals , it has represented trash its profound significance.


  • 当然了,在个人实力能力上,勒布朗绝对一个怪兽,从传统意义上来说的1、2名话,依旧领先。

    Still, LeBron is the superior player and the redundancy of their skill sets complicates the traditional 1-2 "pecking order."


  • 从不必要已知中子进行刻度的这意义上讲这种装置绝对的。

    This device is absolute in the sense that it does not require calibration in a known field of neutrons .


  • 从不必要已知中子进行刻度的这意义上讲这种装置绝对的。

    This device is absolute in the sense that it does not require calibration in a known field of neutrons.


  • 从不必要已知中子进行刻度的这意义上讲这种装置绝对的。

    This device is absolute in the sense that it does not require calibration in a known field of neutrons.


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