• 那么你们两个这些脱下来。”獾子班杰简短地命令道。

    "Take them off him, then, you two," ordered the Badger briefly.


  • 如果私人计划要求供应商保持同等的生产力节省费用并且拒绝供应商将额外的成本转嫁那么节省的成本可能高得多。

    If private plans demanded similar productivity savings from providers, and refused to let providers shift additional costs to them, the savings could be much larger.


  • 如果客户优先兴趣,那么团队应该份团队根据自己判断列出的一张优先列表,客户是否认可这些

    If the customer is not interested in prioritizing then the team should hand them a list of prioritizations based on their judgment and ask the customer if he is fine with that.


  • 作者的这个段落如果选择就此结束,那么所呈现读者们的将没有结论的主题。 至此所有的内容只是阐述了“工作会经常接触技术。”

    As is known to all, in our routine work we are very often exposed to new technology.


  • 但是如果第58的时候打电话看看干什么真的那么糟糕吗?

    But is it really so bad to call him on day 58, just to see how he's doing?


  • 如果一位对你意义非凡的一封信告诉为什么那么欣赏爱慕

    Write a love letter. If you have a significant other, write a letter telling them why you love them.


  • 如果准备在下周末下下周末举办聚会,那么为什么不在客人离开时把贺卡呢?

    If you are hosting an open house in the next weekend or two why not hand them out as your guests leave?


  • 古奇那么我们应该收集所有同学意见然后把意见

    Gucci: So we should gather all our classmates' Suggestions and pass them on to him.


  • 正在摇摆不定的时候,律师再次打断:“所以如果没有任何东西那么怎么会呢?”

    On a roll, the lawyer cut him off once again, "So if I don't give any money to them, why should I give any to you?


  • 如果安全管理员要将所有权转移们自己那么需要转移另外一个人,然后再这个转移给他们。

    If security administrators want to transfer ownership to themselves, they need to transfer to someone else and have that person transfer to them in a second sequence.


  • 毫无疑问一个观点就是多数将会自然的很健康但是如果偶尔生病那么训练有素医师们应该治疗

    The implicit view is that most individuals will naturally stay healthy, but if by chance they get sick, then well-trained physicians should be available to treat them.


  • 如果这些责任合理并且恰当那么一个机会证明提升自己

    If those responsibilities are realistic and appropriate, then give them a chance to prove and improve themselves.


  • 如果与内心真实自己一致,那么会根据你留下的印像你帖上标签

    If you are inconsistent in your truth for you, then others are left to just tag you with what makes sense to them.


  • 然而经验告诉如果按照孩子能够领悟的方式讲故事那么可以理解关于复活节信息

    Yet my experience tells me that, when they are told the story in a way they can grasp, children are capable of understanding the message of Easter.


  • 总之如果身体出现了问题,那么负责照顾你的孩子独到关心呢?

    After all, if your health begins to suffer, who will be there for your children, giving them the care that only you can?


  • 测试人员经常会抱怨,分配时间太少了:例如,“要这么的时间内测试那么内容。”

    Testers frequently complain that little time is alotted to them: i.e., So much to test in such a short time.


  • 研究表明如果人们表单那么需要的东西,然后们填表,而不是先填后

    Research shows that if you want people to fill out a form, give them something they want and then ask for them to fill out the form, not vice versa.


  • 如果已经失去了亲人联系那么个电话,们知道有人想着们。

    If you have lost touch with loved ones, give them a call and let them know that someone is thinking of them.


  • 如果我们应该担心子孙后代,那么就不应该担心留债务数额

    If we should worry about our grandchildren, we shouldn't about the amount of debt we are leaving them.


  • 如果热衷于制造东西或者种植农产品,那么农贸市场直接出售地方

    If you're passionate about making things or growing them, farmers markets are a great place to sell them directly to others.


  • 意思就是说读者也许了解论文所涉及一些材料那么需要提供

    That means that your readers may not have any experience with some of the material needed to follow your thesis, so you need to give it to them.


  • 因为那么可能给他带有紫绿花点的奶酪刨丝器,”警告说

    "I might actually buy them a purple-and-green-polka-dot cheese grater just for saying that," she warns.


  • 哈伯德的确装腔作势如果仅仅只是贴上骗子标签那么就忽视性格复杂度

    Hubbard was certainly grandiose, but to label him merely a fraud is to ignore the complexity of his character.


  • 正确错误如果男人同交往了一但是还没有向你提出求婚,那么耐心最好的应对方法,因为施加压力必然吓跑

    True or false: If a man you've been dating for a year and a half hasn't gotten around to popping the question, patience is your best bet - pressure will surely scare him off.


  • 如果非常重要的另一半清楚什么那么你的工作就是展示看。

    If your significant other doesn't get what you're doing, your job is to show them.


  • 如果正在母乳喂养宝宝那么等到一个以后再使用奶嘴,确保良好的母乳喂养模式。

    If you're nursing your baby, wait until he's a month old to give him a pacifier, to make sure breastfeeding is well established.


  • 圣诞节这天衣服也是这里风俗,在圣诞节这一天,如果丈夫没有妻子买上新衣服那么家庭气氛一定会变得相当紧张的。

    It is also customary to buy new clothes for Christmas and tensions have been known to run high if a husband does not buy his wife a dress for the occasion.


  • 如果听众本来演讲话题并不兴趣那么一个下去理由们知道听下去的好处

    If your audience don't have an inherent interest in the topic of your presentation, then give them a reason for listening. Identify the benefit to them of listening.


  • 为了证明不对书房,书房长毛绒地毯枕头窝,扶手椅那么大小给他完美又趣味横生婚姻创造了些氛围。

    To prove him wrong, she went to her study, which was a den of deep-pile silk rugs and pillows the size of armchairs, to create some scenes of a marriage that was both perfect and hilarious.


  • 通过组织结构缩小更小单位——团队那么大,真正能够决策权利——就算庞大的公司都能也能变得对手更灵活

    By breaking down into smaller organizational units such as teams-and giving them real decision-making power - even the largest companies can become nimbler than their competitors.


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