• 他们决定这份工作

    They decided to offer the job to Jo.


  • 要求最新销售统计数字她送来。

    She sent for the latest sales figures.


  • 很大危险克拉维斯看。

    You're taking a big risk showing this to Kravis.


  • 他们毫不隐讳地信息传达教育部长支持批评意见

    They have sent barely coded messages to the secretary of education endorsing this criticism.


  • 安娜

    He tossed the ball to Anna.


  • 主人伊恩我们介绍其他客人

    Ian, our host, introduced us to the other guests.


  • 那位法官案子费用起诉方

    The judge awarded the costs of the case to the petitioners.


  • 他们成功地他们知识传达别人

    They successfully communicate their knowledge to others.


  • 孩子靠得住的人—父母那儿

    I've left the kids in safe handswith my parents.


  • 其中比基尼妹妹萨拉,她穿正合身

    I gave one of the bikinis to my sister Sara and it fit like a glove.


  • 所看到告诉执勤让我总站打电话

    I related to the duty officer what I'd seen and was told to telephone the main station.


  • 同一方法推荐其他医生没有任何疑虑。

    I have no qualms about recommending the same approach to other doctors.


  • 用力一推,将她向后推倒在扶手椅上

    He gave her a hard push which toppled her backwards into an armchair.


  • 热狗了街上然后不知谁了,连带芥末全都吃了个精光。

    He dropped his hot dog on the pavement and someone's dog ate it, mustard and all.


  • 喜欢搬出名人名字抬高自己,杰克逊·布朗吉他

    He doesn't like to name-drop, but he has made a guitar for Jackson Browne.


  • 凯文进行了一个疗程针灸治疗,6银针分别扎头皮的关键穴位上。

    I gave Kevin a course of acupuncture using six needles strategically placed on the scalp.


  • 他们缓缓地向下放入驾驶舱设法狭小空间系上了安全带

    They lowered him gradually into the cockpit. Somehow they squeezed him in the tight space, and strapped him in.


  • 外科小组名成员此事泄露同行医生后者转而又将此透露了一位记者

    One of the members of the surgical team leaked the story to a fellow physician who, in turn, confided in a reporter.


  • 一定录制节目抹掉了。

    You must have wiped off that programme I recorded.


  • 安娜

    He tossed Anna the ball.


  • 我们试图工作分摊部门。

    We attempted to spread the workload between the departments.


  • 总是小心饮料

    He always spilled the drinks.


  • 喝醉了球迷行为不轨比赛搅了。

    The game was marred by the behaviour of drunken fans.


  • 不想移居国外但是比尔说服了。

    I didn't want to move abroad but Bill talked me into it.


  • 铁匠他们大部分时间用来修理工具钉蹄铁。

    Blacksmiths spent most of their time repairing tools and shoeing horses.


  • 福克斯向前跨了一步马来语对表示了欢迎,接着他正式介绍杰克

    Fox stepped forward, welcomed him in Malay, and presented him to Jack.


  • 格蕾特汉斯递上

    Gretel presents Hans with a knife.


  • 以后每天都前一天硬币数目她。

    Each day after that, he gave her the number of pennies he had given her the day before, multiplied by itself.


  • 温迪她们梳子中的

    He gave Wendy one of their combs.


  • 一个问题如何这些东西牲畜特别是

    The next question that arises is how I am going to give this to the livestock, and to the cows in particular.


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