• 一旦达成协议,必须保证每月订购一定数量因为只有这样才能确保经常供应

    In case we come to an agreement, it would be necessary that you guarantee to place orders for a certain quantity every month because, only by this way, will a regular supply be ensured.


  • 救世军商店是获得容易卖物品经常性的供应

    The Salvation Army shops depend on regular supplies of saleable items.


  • 人们经常使用供应短缺人口流动解释房价但是这些基本因素推动房租上涨

    Scarcity of supply or population shifts are often used to rationalise high house prices, but such fundamentals should push up rents, too.


  • 2003年入侵伊拉克期间美国海军陆战队经常发现自己没了燃料供应

    During the invasion of Iraq in 2003, America's marines often found themselves outrunning their fuel supplies.


  • 意味着赋予它们结论现实意义时,需要小心注意。 不过两点经常供应不足或是因为特别重视事情忽略

    This means that using their results to say anything of practical import needs care and caveats, both of which can often be in short supply, or stripped out to make a point.


  • 释放季莫申科是明智的选择,虽然智慧乌克兰经常面临供应短缺。

    Letting her go would be the wisest course even if wisdom in Ukraine is often in short supply.


  • 我们经常相处中感到失望原因之一就是,我们总是希望他人满足我们的需求,而这种需求只有才能供应

    One of the reasons we are often disappointed in our relationships is because we're asking another human being to meet needs that only God can meet.


  • 一问题经常表现供应是否制造商品产品所有权产品以及当事各方相对规模大小

    This question often turns on whether the manufacturer produces a commodity product or a proprietary one and the relative size of the parties.


  • 尽管航天器卫星经常使用太阳能电池板,然而,开发太空储能浩大供应稳定太阳能方面,这项计划将是首次重大的尝试

    Although spacecraft and satellites routinely use solar panels, the project marks the first serious attempt to take advantage of the powerful and near-constant supply of sunshine in space.


  • 因为供应有限这些地王经常囤积土地试图垄断市场希望他们手中的所土地的价值快速增长

    Because the supply is limited, these land Kings usually hoard real estate and attempt to corner markets, expecting their holdings to grow further in value.


  • 弗里德曼经常认为成就容易破碎的,因为自由市场稳定货币供应许多敌人特别是政客中间

    But Mr Friedman always recognised that his success was fragile; free markets and stable money have lots of enemies, particularly among politicians.


  • 扳倒尤科斯不算经常要挟邻国声称切断石油燃气供应

    In addition to mugging Yukos, it has often intimidated its neighbours with threats to cut off their oil or gas supplies.


  • 虽然几乎所有国家都会公布基本药物清单公共卫生机构药物供应经常匮乏

    Although nearly all countries publish an essential medicines list, the availability of medicines at public-health facilities is often poor.


  • 由于血液使用之前只能储存有限时间,因此经常需要定期供应血液。

    There is a constant need for regular blood supply because blood can be stored for only a limited time before use.


  • 想像一下,如果经常需要查找提供一些加拿大流行的商品供应名称地址,将会是怎样的情景。

    Imagine that you often need to look up the names and addresses of suppliers that supply a few popular items in Canada.


  • 我们那些根本没有的东西而付费:我们没有他们也不给我们处理垃圾,水,一般都脏的而且经常无法供应

    "It defies logic that we pay for electricity we do not have, refuse they do not collect and water that is dirty and frequently unavailable, " Majiri rails.


  • 保持社区安全饮水的充足供应污水的适当处理,同时提倡注意个人卫生比如经常洗手可减少甲型肝炎传播

    Adequate supplies of safe-drinking water and proper disposal of sewage within communities, combined with personal hygiene practices, such as regular hand-washing, reduce the spread of HAV.


  • 生物认证供应经常忽略另一个问题输入机制安全性

    Another problem that biometrics vendors often overlook is the security of the input mechanism.


  • 产品供应经常提供SOA解决方案需要的大量功能

    Product vendors often provide a lot of features you don't need in your SOA solution.


  • 集成项目经常考虑了供应(有效集成所涉及的软件服务)的管理人员负责进行。

    Integration projects are often undertaken by managers with a vendor in mind, either for software or services to effect the integration.


  • 日本北部大多数受灾地区气温经常降到零度以下的情况下,仍然没有电力供应

    Most of the affected areas in northern Japan are still without electricity while the temperature in the region has frequently fallen below freezing.


  • 最初公司经常战术外包项目选择当时适合的供应

    Initially, companies often outsourced projects tactically, selecting whatever vendor made sense at the time.


  • 客户不管是否选择捆绑业务,都会得到优惠的服务,所以必要的话可以经常供应

    New customers, whether bundling services or not, usually get the best deals, so it may be necessary to switch providers.


  • 意味着更改pdp供应(经常具有专用性)的情况下,可以不用更改pep

    This means that if you change PDP vendors, which are often proprietary, the PEP can be left unchanged.


  • 不同于美国德国全球信贷供应经合组织称,去年经常账户盈余达到惊人的7.7%。

    And unlike America, Germany is a supplier of global credit: its current-account surplus was a hefty 7.7% of GDP last year, according to the OECD.


  • 购买者经常检查资源库供应获取确认消息

    The purchaser checks the repository from time to time to get a confirmation message from the supplier.


  • 假如某天,营养专家开发出一种针对幼儿营养不良神药,它还是高蛋白、不冷藏的食物,即便婴孩经常饥饿而死尼日尔偏远小镇等地,它仍能以免费的形式供应——假如一切发生,会出现怎样的情形?

    A protein-rich substance that doesn’t require refrigeration? One that is free and is available even in remote towns like this one in Niger where babies routinely die of hunger-related causes?


  • 我们经常能成功地说服企业供应为了研究的方便PushToTest签订合同,并我们一个开源许可发布这些研究。

    Often we are successful convincing an enterprise or vendor that contracts with PushToTest for primary research to let us publish the research under an open source license.


  • WolfgangMeinig开办了一家汽车行业调查公司,他说供应经常消费者提供名为“现金折扣”的折扣——为了获得将来的合同。

    Wolfgang Meinig, who runs an auto-industry research group, says suppliers sometimes give their customers a discount.


  • WolfgangMeinig开办了一家汽车行业调查公司,他说供应经常消费者提供名为“现金折扣”的折扣——为了获得将来的合同。

    Wolfgang Meinig, who runs an auto-industry research group, says suppliers sometimes give their customers a discount.


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