• 深水地平线出事前,那里已有40出现一起近海油井严重泄漏的事件。

    Before Deepwater Horizon foundered there had not been a big leak from an offshore oil well for 40 years.


  • 清洁船员们点燃了深海地平线附近海面的几处浮燃烧产生的烟雾海面升起

    Smoke rises from surface oil being burned by cleanup crews near the Deepwater Horizon blowout.


  • 深水地平线倾覆海底,5个多星期显而易见,因此而造成原油泄露仍在持续

    It has been more than five weeks since the Deepwater Horizon rig sank, and the oil spill that resulted is very conspicuously continuing.


  • 管理者石油公司深水地平线的悲剧,吸取有益的经验而且必将提高安全保障水平。

    Both regulators and oil firms will learn useful lessons from the Deepwater Horizon fiasco, and safety will surely improve as a result.


  • 对照控制电气原理、端子接线图,电缆对应线号把控制箱电动装置的端子连接起来。 。

    Connect the terminals on the control cabinet with those of the electric actuator by the cable as perelectric schematic diagram and terminal wiring diagram of control cabinet.


  • 距离路易斯安那海岸线66公里处,一座钻井平台(深海地平线)于420日(星期二)发生多次事故。

    The problems on the Deepwater Horizon oil rig, 41 miles (66km) off the Louisiana coast, began on Tuesday April 20th.


  • 墨西哥湾日产原油16亿几乎全国总产量三分之一石油开采不会因为深水地平线号事故中止

    The Gulf of Mexico produces more than 1.6 billion barrels of crude oil a day, almost a third of the country's total production, and drilling will not cease because of the Deepwater Horizon accident.


  • 2007年美国宇航局地平线宇宙飞船在途径木星飞往冥王星路上就捕捉到了其中一个帘的温度。

    NASA's New Horizons spacecraft picked up the heat from one of these great curtains of fire in 2007 as the probe passed by Jupiter en route to Pluto.


  • IAU定义不会改变我们将要探测器地平线号探测冥王星事实科学家仍旧因我们探测数据而兴奋不已。

    The IAU definition, "doesn't change the fact that we're going to visit Pluto with [the New Horizons] spacecraft, and scientists are still going to go hog wild over all the data we collect.


  • 方法:抽取每位投照技师一定数量照片,遮盖投照日期、X线辨认标志集体阅片对每张胶片图像质量进行评比打分

    Methods: we select each technician's X-ray film works at random, shielding the date, the number and other signals that help to identify, then assess collectively.


  • 海岸警卫队星期二晚上爆炸发生墨西哥湾距路易斯安那州大约84公里深水地平线钻井平台,爆炸导致受伤

    The Coast Guard says the explosion late Tuesday also injured seven people at the Deepwater Horizon oil rig, located in the Gulf of Mexico about 84 kilometers from the state of Louisiana.


  • 深海地平线作业买单,而且原定运营油井石油公司BP,表示:至今为止,他们已经用这种方式回收了80多万桶石油。

    BP, the oil company which was paying for the Deepwater Horizon's work and was due to operate Macondo, says it has recovered over 800,000 barrels of oil this way so far.


  • 深海地平线作业买单,而且原定运营多油井石油公司BP,表示:至今为止,他们已经用这种方式回收了80多万桶石油。

    BP, the oil company which was paying for the Deepwater Horizon's work and was due to operate Macondo, says it has recovered over 800, 000 barrels of oil this way so far.


  • 7月16日辽宁省大连市附近的黄海海域条输油管道发生爆炸,石油流失量相当于英国石油公司深水地平线一小部分。

    The two pipelines that exploded on July 16 in the Yellow Sea, near Dalian in Liaoning province, only hemorrhaged a small fraction of the oil that BP's Deepwater Horizon did.


  • 7月15日Macondo(马贡多)油井一个沉重井盖标志着深水地平线号这场戏剧(包括损失后果)新的一幕开始

    The fitting of a heavy, three valve-cap on the Macondo oil well on July 15th marked the opening of just such a new act in the drama of the Deepwater Horizon, its loss and its aftermath.


  • 遭遇厄运深水地平线钻探平台曾经赫然漂泊的片海上,如今漂浮只庞大的混编队伍:两个类似钻井平台钻井船--发现者企业

    Where once the ill-fated Deepwater Horizon drilling rig floated in solitary splendour, there are now two similar rigs, along with the Discoverer Enterprise, a drilling ship;


  • 通地铁1线建设已经开始快半年了。

    It is almost half a year since workers started building the underground Line 1 in Nantong.


  • 消息!南通地铁一线预计很快就会投入使用。

    Good news! The Underground Line 1 in Nantong is expected to come into service soon.


  • 我们完成地铁3线的建设后,环游城市将会更容易。

    When we finish building the Subway Line 3, it will be easier to travel around the city.


  • 坐地铁一线(运营时间为06:30-23:30),在世界之窗站下车,从 A 出口出去,然后步行约3分钟即可到达欢乐谷。

    By subway Line 1 (running between 06: 30 - 23: 30), get off at the stop of Window of the World Station and leave from Exit A, then walk for about 3 minutes to Happy Valley.


  • 迪波内戈罗穿过条小溪开始选择1线

    Diponegoro begins to carry Route 1 after crossing a stream.


  • 周一早上6点,进入8线中山路。 (译注:8线无此站,应是作者弄错。)

    At 6 am on Monday, I dived underground into the Zhongshan Road station on Line 8.


  • 此外,长近200米的西直门地铁"空中换乘长廊"今天启用,使乘客可方便换乘地铁2线城铁13线

    Meanwhile, a 200m-long overpass will also be put into use at Xizhimen Station today, facilitating transfer between Line 2 and Line 13.


  • 而在2006年,因南京地铁线施工,又有200棵梧桐移除。

    Nearly 200 more were removed to build Nanjing Subway Line Two in 2006.


  • 2上午西安地铁线洒金桥施工现场发生塌方事故,两名工人被埋身亡。

    The Sajin Bridge subway station under construction in Xi'an caved in Sunday morning, killing 2 workers.


  • 西城新街口一带,离地铁2线4线非常,交通方便。

    I live in Xicheng district near Xinjiekou very close to the subway. So travelling along line 4 or 2 should be no problem.


  • 沿地铁M15线终点首都国际机场),设立多个交通乘换点。

    Multiple transit stations are proposed along the M15 subway line, which ends at the International Airport.


  • 沿地铁M15线终点首都国际机场),设立多个交通乘换点。

    Multiple transit stations are proposed along the M15 subway line, which ends at the International Airport.


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