• 事实上如果管理层采用新的精益绿色管理模式超越合规性可以产生现金同时节约成本

    In fact, going beyond compliance saves cost at the same time that it generates cash, provided that management adopts the new lean and green model.


  • 管理层必须决定组织是否准备项目组合管理实践引入实现提到前头

    Management must also determine if the organization is ready to move ahead with portfolio management practices introduction and implementation.


  • 成功申请者可能得到管理层供应链管理职位,而且作为薪酬方案一部分,他们还将获得这家私营公司的股票期权。

    Successful applicants will probably take up jobs in management or supply chain management in the privately owned company, which gives share options as part of the pay packet.


  • 如果一个公司资源分配过程没有好好管理的话,战略的执行结果将完全不同管理层预想

    If a company's resource allocation process is not managed masterfully, what emerges from it can be very different from what management intended.


  • 管理层需要确定项目组合管理实践实现策略开发提供所需输入组织出发点

    Management needs to identify an organizational starting point that will provide needed input to the development of an implementation strategy for portfolio management practices.


  • 实体管理层负责实体管理确保容器对象事务完整性

    The entity management layer is responsible for entity management and ensuring the transaction integrity of that object within the container.


  • 正在修补风险管理范式银行管理层,在补足资本金以便放贷方面步子迈得很大。

    Bank managements, currently repairing their flawed risk management paradigm, have been moving aggressively to build adequate capital to enable them to lend.


  • PM经常期望RUP辅助他们管理任务例如获得资金批准保护来自高级管理层“补偿购入”。

    PMs often expect RUP to help with their administration tasks, such as acquiring funding approval or securing "buy-ins" from the senior management.


  • 管理培训计划方面职位最终目标参与市场管理层

    A position in management training programs with the eventual goal of participating in the management rank of marketing.


  • 实现承诺为了组织执行管理层所形成(并编制)的项目组合管理工作区中的连续操作

    Commitment to the implementation and for continuous operations in the portfolio management workspace made (and documented) by the executive management of the organization.


  • 但是随着源自管理量度自动化系统到来例如SourceIQ管理层现在可以复杂性作为至关重要维度加入开发治理计划中。

    But with the advent of automated systems for deriving management metrics, such as SourceIQ, management can now incorporate complexity as a vital dimension to its development governance program.


  • HealthSouth不是一个具有代表性公司几年它还深陷企业丑闻(之前的公司管理层管理下)。

    HealthSouth is hardly a representative firm, having been the centre of a notable corporate scandal a few years ago (under previous management).


  • Richard说:“科技日益更新竞争也日渐激烈,所以以前公司管理才要求不断变动工作性质但是管理层显然低估这样做后果。”

    The former management needed to change the nature of peoples’ jobs due to technological change and increased competition, ” says Mr Richard, “but the company underestimated the consequences.”


  • 同时掘金队管理层认为,布兹德里克不是一个老练的教练,管理层喜欢半场进攻的套路。

    They also didn't like his style of halfcourt offense.


  • 北岩银行新任管理层也不见得管理层更出色(北岩银行曾经是一家老迈毫无生气的住宅抵押贷款提供商,上届管理层创新性地成功转型证券化巨头并因此获得了巨大荣誉)。

    The bank's new bosses may yet prove to be no better than its old (who were once feted for their innovation in transforming a sleepy old building society into a securitisation dynamo).


  • 设立管理层职工沟通管理层使命支持过程中的角色职责

    Establishes the roles and responsibilities of management in communicating their support for this new mission to the workforce.


  • 设备管理api程序员提供了许多访问设备管理层丰富资源方法

    The device Manager API provides many ways for programmers to access the riches of device management.


  • 处于管理层股东牢记,给那些管理股票只能管理帮助但是并不能代替公司管理

    Outside shareholders should remember that loading up the people at the top with shares can be an aid to corporate governance, but not a substitute for it.


  • 如果我们把这些度量数据报告管理层管理层追踪的话,开发人员很快找到一些窍门来规避它们,这样失去了本来应有的价值

    If they’re reported to and tracked by the management, developers will soon find ways to game them and they will lose their real value to the business.


  • 同样管理层收购中,管理层所得的免费股权合计超过15%,实际上通常低于这个比例。

    Similarly, I think management's free equity in a buy-out should never be more than 15 per cent combined, and usually materially less than that.


  • 技术技能较低层次管理层比较重要这个层次的管理必须处理具体问题

    Technical skills are shown to be more important at lower management levels, where supervisors must deal with concrete problems.


  • 企业管理倾向于以企业为中心。企业管理认为每一个计划行动方向必须管理层开始自上而下一级一级地实施下来

    Management tends to be 'corporate-centred' and thinks that every piece of planning and direction has to start at the top and be 'cascaded down', hierarchically.


  • 实施敏捷意味着更多责任下放团队,所以当团队跟管理层说“”的时候,管理层能够接纳意见。

    Adopting agile means pushing more responsibility down into the hands of your teams, and with this requires that management be receptive to these teams telling them "no".


  • 一些企业减薪针对管理人士高级管理层还有很多公司正在采取全员减薪分层减薪方案

    At some companies, the cuts affect only executive and senior management levels, but many others are adopting an across-the-board approach or tiered salary reductions.


  • 一些企业减薪针对管理人士高级管理层还有很多公司正在采取全员减薪分层减薪方案

    At some companies, the cuts affect only executive and senior management levels, but many others are adopting an across-the-board approach or tiered salary reductions.


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