• 每个轨道天体之间碰撞产生了巨大的热量能量

    Within each orbit, collisions between planetesimals generated immense heat and energy.


  • 碰撞假说一个问题这种方式形成卫星如何月球现在近乎圆形轨道上运行的。

    One problem with the collision hypothesis is the question of how a satellite formed in this way could have settled into the nearly circular orbit that the Moon has today.


  • 灶神星许多小行星共同具有这种特征谱。这些更小行星的轨道表明它们那次碰撞剥落下来其中大约5%的陨石到了地球上

    It shares this with a number of smaller asteroids whose orbits suggest they were spalled off in the collision, and with about 5% of the meteorites which fall to Earth.


  • 一旦发现某个星体构成地球月球碰撞威胁,月球制造的宇宙火箭即使改变轨道以解除威胁。

    Those objects that once presented a threat of collision with the Earth or the Moon will have had their orbits altered by Moon-constructed spacecraft.


  • 开始可能不会这样认为,因为太阳系彗星发生过碰撞行星火星远,那样的轨道上水永远是以的形式存在。

    On first blush, you might think not: the planet where the comet or comets came to grief is farther out than Mars, in an orbit where water would be permanently frozen.


  • 这种情况下每一碰撞产生新的碎片引发更多产生碎片碰撞直到地球轨道出现无可救药堵塞航天器甚至卫星无法使用。

    In that scenario, each collision would generate new debris, causing more debris-generating collisions, until low Earth orbit becomes hopelessly clogged and unusable by spacecraft or even satellites.


  • 其中尝试一个小行星推出运行轨道一架将收集关于碰撞效果的有效数据

    One will attempt to push the asteroid off its course while the second will collect valuable data from the impact.


  • 意味着他们不但处于不同高度轨道有约10度的交角,没有碰撞危险

    This means that not only were they at different altitudes but also their orbits intersected at about a 10-degree Angle. There was no danger of collision.


  • 研究学者认为我们月球一个巨大如火星物体撞击地球时形成的,碰撞产生圆形的碎屑沿着地球轨道飞行。

    Researchers believe that our moon was created when a giant object the size of Mars hit the early Earth, sending out a disc of debris orbiting our planet.


  • 报告作者所称,轨道中的碎片越多碰撞产生更多垃圾碎片可能性高,这将进一步增加更多碰撞机会

    The more debris that is in orbit, the greater the chance of collisions that create more pieces of junk, which further increases the chance of still more collisions.


  • 地球金星大一点碰撞之后太阳系恢复正常地球轨道不会受到影响。

    The new planet would be a little bit bigger than Venus, and the Solar System would be a little more regular after the collision, but the Earth's orbit would not be affected.


  • 包括运行轨道高于低于现有铁路避免平交道其他区域隔离以免行人、动物公路车辆碰撞

    This includes running tracks above or below roadways to avoid railroad crossings and fencing off areas to avoid collisions with animals, people and road vehicles.


  • 就是说现在轨道残骸数量已经到达了一个数值,然后它们就慢慢开始自己相互碰撞,这样就会产生新的碎片

    That is, the amount of debris... Currently in orbit has reached a threshold where it will continually collide with itself, further increasing the population of orbital debris.


  • 一个大小火星相当轨道可能地球轨道交叉行星最终与地球发生了碰撞

    One planet, about the size of Mars, probably had an orbit which crosses Earth's, and eventually a collision occurred.


  • 微粒形成块,团块之间相互碰撞,周而复始直到给定轨道所有物质集中一个物体——行星

    Specks form into clumps, these collide with other clumps, and the process continues until all the matter in any given orbit is concentrated into one object—a planet.


  • 随着越来越卫星送入轨道它们避免碰到碎片相互碰撞的难度越来越大。

    As more and more satellites are blasted into orbit, the challenges of keeping them from hitting debris or each other are growing.


  • 去年甚至还发生了颗卫星相撞的事件,碰撞产生碎片散布在整个轨道,更增加了其他航天器运行风险

    Last year, two satellites even collided, showering their orbit with tiny fragments that now pose additional risk to operational spacecraft.


  • 一些更小行星具有这样的光谱,从它们运行的轨道来看,它们灶神碰撞中的脱落物,拥有陨石数量约是落到地球表面陨石数量5%。

    It shares this with a number of smaller asteroids whose orbits suggest they were spalled off in the collision, and with about 5% of the meteorites which fall to Earth.


  • 但是仍旧成千上万颗小行星它们轨道地球碰撞

    But there are also thousands of asteroids whose orbits put them on a collision course with Earth.


  • 现在约有2万间太空垃圾地球低轨道运行其中大部分航天器分离部分或者碰撞残骸

    Some 20,000 pieces of rubbish are currently being monitored in low-Earth orbit, the majority of which are discarded bits of spacecraft or debris from collisions.


  • 目前,科学家们正在对近地轨道两万太空垃圾进行检测,其中绝大多数来自碰撞残骸太空飞船废弃物

    Some 20, 000 pieces of rubbish are currently being monitored in low-Earth orbit, the majority of which are discarded bits of spacecraft or debris from collisions.


  • 过去半个世纪中,近轨道已经变得杂乱无章、布满残骸航天部门科学家们警告说卫星和载人太空船遭遇碰撞危险越来越大

    Over the last half-century, low Earth orbit has become so littered with debris that space agencies and scientists warn of the increasing danger of collisions for satellites and manned spacecraft.


  • 糟糕是,类似碰撞都会制造出大堆碎片,有可能引发导致低地轨道不可使用的连锁碰撞反应

    Worse, each strike like that creates a cloud of shrapnel, potentially setting off a chain reaction of collisions that could render low orbit unusable.


  • 碰撞一旦结束轨道恢复正常形状电子必须吸收能量才能保持新的轨道上。

    Once the collision is over, the orbits return to their normal shape, and electrons have to absorb energy to stay in the new higher orbit.


  • 如果真的话意味着稳定太阳系中的行星有可能脱出轨道发生碰撞

    So if that's true, then it means that it's possible for planets in a stable solar system to somehow get off track and run into each other.


  • 碰撞结果伊亚地球外层物质被抛环绕地球的轨道最终自身引力下聚合月球

    The resulting impact blasted the outer layers of Theia and Earth into orbit, which eventually coalesced under their own gravity to form the moon.


  • 碰撞结果伊亚地球外层物质被抛环绕地球的轨道最终自身引力下聚合月球

    The resulting impact blasted the outer layers of Theia and Earth into orbit, which eventually coalesced under their own gravity to form the moon.


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