• 公众也许硬骨头但是可以同事那里获得尊重

    The general public may well be a tough sell, but you can find respect from your peers.


  • 墨斗鱼硬骨头或者章鱼) ,把他晾干。然后用那个磨牙

    The hard bone of ink fish ( or octopus ), his air. next wherewith grind one ' s teeth.


  • 男方身上与女方接触部位覆盖很厚肌肉组织因此部分没有硬骨头

    The male pubic area is covered with thick tissue, so this area doesn’t consist only of hard bones.


  • 男方身上与女方接触部位覆盖很厚肌肉组织因此部分没有硬骨头

    The male pubic area is covered with thick tissue, so this area doesn't consist only of hard bones.


  • 尤其是比,这块伦敦硬骨头没有多年来没胜过我们我们需要控制比赛

    London Derby. Don't beat us for many years and we had to control the game.


  • 清洁牙齿时候需要注意要么有规律犬只硬骨头咀嚼,要么要手动去除齿斑菌

    Cleanliness of teeth requires a bit of attention - either give your dogs regular hard bones to chew or remove the plaque build up manually.


  • 可是还是赌气分手,你知道吗一刻硬骨头一样阵阵剧痛

    But you still want a fit of anger and broke up with me, you know, my heart at that moment is like tooth decay, bite into hard bone, like bursts of pain!


  • 开发新的芯片市场当然不是容易的事,手机业务尤其困难可能会成为英特尔面前的一硬骨头

    Of course, cracking new chip markets isn't easy, and the cell phone business may prove an especially tough nut for Intel.


  • 坚毅的战士人格熏陶下,当代作家继承了鲜明的爱憎立场捍卫真理献身硬骨头精神

    Inspired by his strong personality, they have also inherited his distinctive attitudes towards love and hatred and his brave spirit of devoting his life to the defense of truth.


  • 紧急设计魅力之一有这样认识:我们不能可靠地预测什么变成硬骨头但是我们应该对此保持警惕。

    Part of the appeal of emergent design is the realization that we cannot reliably predict what is going to be tough, but we should keep a wary eye out for it.


  • 虽然这样穷困,但我这硬骨头始终屈服,不向有钱低头,更不像别人认为女人出路有钱丈夫

    Destitute as I am, I can bear my privation with great fortitude. I never yield, never bow to the rich, never think that a woman's way out is to marry a wealthy man.


  • 现在高中生普遍语法是块“硬骨头”,大部分的语法教学方法采取填鸭式教学方法,效果收效不大。

    At present, however, high school students commonly feel English grammar hard to learn. They are fed up with the cramming method of teaching grammar, with which they cannot have a strong memory.


  • 实际上资深开发人员预测那样的“硬骨头”方面并不更好他们只是相信,那个神秘的硬骨头最终出现

    In fact, senior developers don't get that much better at predicting the hard stuff; they get better at guessing that mysterious hard stuff will eventually rear its head.


  • 第一胜利明显,是地缘胜利,中国避开了雄心壮志希拉里,她可是经验老道硬骨头,在打击敌人方面可谓战功赫赫

    The first victory is the obvious one, the geopolitical victory; China no longer faces the prospect of Hillary Clinton, a tough, experienced opponent with a record of standing up to bullies.


  • 希望这样记录能够延续下去但是每支博尔顿交战的队伍都知道,博尔顿硬骨头我们上场联赛没有能够取胜。”格兰特指出

    'I hope the statistic will continue but any team that plays Bolton knows it is a difficult game there and in the league we didn't win lately,' Grant pointed out.


  • 希望这样记录能够延续下去但是每支博尔顿交战的队伍都知道,博尔顿硬骨头我们上场联赛没有能够取胜。”格兰特指出

    'I hope the statistic will continue but any team that plays Bolton knows it is a difficult game there and in the league we didn't win lately,' Grant pointed out.


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