• 正如破译密码西班牙战争有着更广泛意义一样,试图晋升努力充分说明英国社会的情况。

    Just as the code breaking has its wider relevance in the struggle for Spain, so his attempts to make his way up the promotion ladder speak volumes about British society.


  • 训练进行通信破译密码

    He was trained in communications and deciphering codes.


  • 专家认为黑客很容易可以骗过系统比如系统接受的频率破译密码

    But experts say that the hackers simply learn to trick the system, by making guesses at an acceptable rate, for instance.


  • Shulman先生:“我们往往认为破译密码非常耗时需要逐个尝试密码用户名组合。”

    "We tend to think of password guessing as a very time-consuming attack in which I take each account and try a large number of name-and-password combinations," Mr. Shulman said.


  • 不得试图以“黑客行径破译密码其他方法非法进入任何超越的网站使用其服务、或连接有关计算机系统网络

    You may not attempt to gain unauthorized access to any KOE site or service, computer systems or networks connected to any KOE site or service, through hacking, password mining or any other means.


  • 不得试图以以“黑客行径破译密码其他方法非法进入任何超越的网站使用其服务、或连接有关计算机系统或网络。

    You may not attempt to gain unauthorized access to any KOE site or service, computer systems or networks connected to any KOE site or service, through hacking, password mining or any other means.


  • 超级计算机可帮助解决棘手的科学问题包括模拟新药等商业产品以及模拟武器设计破译密码防务相关的应用

    Super computers help tackle the toughest scientific problems, including simulating commercial products like new drugs and defense-related applications such as weapons design and code breaking.


  • 二战期间图灵莱切里公园工作,这里是英国破译密码中心段时间里他作为Hut8部门这个部门负责德国海军密码翻译工作。

    During the Second World War Turing worked at Bletchley Park, Britain's code-breaking centre, and was for a time head of Hut 8, the section responsible for German naval cryptanalysis.


  • 开始相信这个故事恩尼格玛密码故事、以及二战德国密码破译一样激动人心,一样重要

    I became convinced that this story was every bit as exciting and significant as that of Enigma and the breaking of German codes in the Second World War.


  • 弗里德曼看来我们需要专家帮忙破译危机密码

    In Friedman's view, we need experts to help decipher our crises.


  • 阿兰·图灵是一位数学家著名工作就是破译德国恩尼格玛密码。1952年,他被判“严重猥亵罪”并且被迫进行了化学阉割治疗。

    Alan Turing, a mathematician most famous for his work on breaking the German Enigma codes, was convicted of 'gross indecency' in 1952 and sentenced to chemical castration.


  • 不幸的是,世界各地青蛙遭受灭绝的厄运,或许通过此次破译基因密码,我们赶在它们灭绝之前做点什么,挽救这种稀有生物。

    Unfortunately, frogs the world over are suffering a mass extinction. Perhaps something in the newly cracked genetic code can help save them before they croak.


  • 为了帮助破译女性密码我们访问了一些女性,她们乐于与我们分享女性最大秘密

    To help you crack the code, we talked to women who were willing to divulge their biggest tells.


  • 由于电脑普及网速加快,黑客分钟破译数千密码

    Because of the prevalence of fast computers and speedy networks, hackers can fire off thousands of password guesses per minute.


  • 尽管密码专家根据Abe books上的书页,成功破译了其文字编译体系,但仍无法解释这些文字的含义。

    The language has also proven to be indecipherable, though according to its page on Abe Books, cryptologists have managed to decipher the numbering system.


  • 美国研究者称,神秘伏尼手稿——令密码破译专家语言学家头疼了将近一个世纪的奇书,十五世纪羊皮纸上的。

    The enigmatic Voynich Manuscript, a mysterious book that has frustrated codebreakers and linguists for a century, was penned on 15th-century parchment pages, according to U.S. researchers.


  • 希望公众或许能破译这份密码看成是业余爱好或者是游戏一份工作。

    He hopes a member of the public might connect it with a hobby, a game or a line of work.


  • 因此破译大脑密码电脑芯片对接一个热点前沿课题类似于天文学上破解dna密码那样。

    Therefore, understanding brain code, and connecting it with a computer chip, is the next pivotal frontier, analogous to how cracking the DNA code astronomically progressed science.


  • 奇并未插手布朗一案阅读判决书发现了那些斜体字母,他写道:“经过反复试验我们发现有个公式恰好可用来破译法官的密码。”

    "After much trial and error, we found a formula which fitted," wrote Tench, who had nothing to do with the Brown case but discovered the italicized letters when studying the ruling.


  • 盟军密码捕获密码密码帮助破译恩尼格玛密码

    The Enigma code was broken by Allied cryptanalysts, helped in part by the capture of machines and code tables.


  • 它们本是无计可施只能停止破译但是朱利安·艾桑伊密码了解甚多,以前曾设计密码编写的软件破译工作看到了曙光。

    They may have their work cut out, however, as Julian Assange has a strong knowledge of cryptography, having developed cryptographic software in the past.


  • 关于不敢知道因此加上密码直到,你把它破译

    I have a dream, about you, but I dare not to let you know, so I put it with password, until one day, you decipher it.


  • 狱中ReagnFBI一起破译创造复杂密码讽刺的是他把自己创造的密码忘了

    While in prison, Regan worked with the FBI to decipher the complex code, which he had created but, ironically, had forgotten.


  • 联邦调查局密码破译小组现在没有破译出1999年Ricky McCormck身上发现密码

    The FBI's code unit has not been able to crack the code found with the body of Ricky McCormick in 1999.


  • 由于盟军破译工作保持机密直至1970年代恩尼格玛密码用于一些国家——包括西班牙佛朗哥(Franco )——直到1950年代。

    Because the Allied codebreaking effort remained secret until the 1970s, Enigma machines were still used by some countriesincluding the Franco government in Spainuntil the 1950s.


  • Olson一个好的密码破译需要恒心高度自信心

    Olson says a good crpytanalyst needs tenacity and high self-esteem.


  • Olson一个好的密码破译需要恒心高度自信心

    Olson says a good crpytanalyst needs tenacity and high self-esteem.


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