• 谈判破裂意味着和平进程暂时受阻

    The breakdown in talks represents a temporary setback in the peace process.


  • 婚姻常常双方缺点破裂

    Marriages usually break down as a result of the shortcomings of both partners.


  • 鲍威尔背部椎间盘破裂,因此卧床

    Powell ruptured a disc in his back and was laid up for a year.


  • 两面派行为暴露使婚姻破裂生活了。

    Marriages were broken and lives ruined by the revelation of double-dealing.


  • 这些事件尚未造成各国政治联系严重破裂

    The incidents have not yet caused a major rupture in the political ties between countries.


  • 油轮外部金属覆层破裂一瞬间,开始漏油

    The tanker began spilling oil the moment her outer plating ruptured.


  • 结束简要探讨引起家庭破裂某些因素。

    The chapter concludes with a brief examination of some of the factors causing family break-up.


  • 昨天私自占地者警察野蛮冲突使这座城市的执政联盟破裂

    Brutal clashes between squatters and police yesterday ruptured the city's governing coalition.


  • 婚姻破裂时,孩子们卷入父母间日益恶化情绪漩涡中。

    When marriages break down children are swept into the vortex of their parents' embittered emotions.


  • 维修人员无法识别位于高层公寓大楼深处破裂管道

    Repair crews did not have a way of identifying broken pipes located deep within a high-rise apartment building.


  • 看来为了种子吸收水分,种子外壳必须裂开破裂

    It appears that the shell has to crack open or break down somewhat to allow the seed to soak up water.


  • 密封盖的塑料管玻璃管好,因为它们轻,而且如果处理不当容易破裂

    Plastic tubes with secure tops are better than glass because they are lighter, and do not break as easily if mishandled.


  • 卡拉克说:“我们发现女性面对疾病时出现婚姻破裂几率男性的两。”

    "We found that women are doubly vulnerable to marital break-up in the face of illness," Karraker said.


  • 冷战结束十年两次泡沫破裂过去20里,美国一直在寻找经济叙事

    For the last 20 years from the end of the cold war through two burst bubbles in a single decade the US has been casting about for its next economic narrative.


  • 冷战结束十年次经济泡沫破裂过去20里,美国一直在寻找经济叙事

    For the last 20 yearsfrom the end of the cold war through two burst bubbles in a single decadethe US has been casting about for its next economic narrative.


  • 然而,确实存在一种剧烈的行业扩张称为超速非理性繁荣,它通常产业泡沫破裂而终结。

    But, there's a type of rapid expansion, what might be called the hysterical or irrational boom that pretty much always leads to a bust.


  • 浮动冰架破裂时,海平面影响很小;而与之不同固定在基岩冰盖将会使海面炸毁

    Unlike floating ice shelves which have little impact on sea level when they break up, the ice sheet is anchored to bedrock will blow the sea surface.


  • 对未来执着导致了美国生活混乱历史遗忘家庭破裂比率以及对自然资源疯狂浪费

    Future-mindedness contributes to the disorder in American life, the obliviousness to history, the high rates of family breakdown, the frenzied waste of natural resources.


  • 由于PS 波以不同相当恒定速度传播它们到达间隔震源初始破裂距离比例增加

    Because P and S waves travel at different but fairly constant speeds, the interval between their arrivals increases in proportion to the distance from the earthquake focus, or initial rupture point.


  • 即使是股市泡沫破裂之后今天美国风险投资公司——它们从事的注未来的业务——也让所有其他国家公司相形见绌

    Even today, after the bursting of the stock-market bubble, American venture-capital firmswhich are in the business of betting on the future—dwarf the firms from all other nations.


  • 这个真空一个坚固的外壳不会破裂

    The vacuum flask has a strong casing, which won't crack or chip.


  • 朱莉婚姻处于破裂边缘感到难过。

    I'm sad that Julie's marriage is on the verge of splitting up.


  • 为一手造成他们婚姻破裂做出补偿。

    He wanted to make amends for causing their marriage to fail.


  • 和平谈判濒于破裂

    The peace talks were on the verge of collapse.


  • 破裂家庭仍然是一个持续分裂社会的有力象征

    The divided family remains a powerful metaphor for a society that continued to tear itself apart.


  • 邻居家车库煤气主管道破裂了,煤气渗漏我们

    A gas main had cracked under my neighbour's garage and gas had seeped into our homes.


  • 父母婚姻破裂后,罗茜田园诗一般世界骤然结束了。

    Rosie's idyllic world came to an abrupt end when her parents' marriage broke up.


  • 一个得克萨斯花花公子不明智行为导致了她的婚姻破裂

    It was her unreasonable behaviour with a Texan playboy which broke up her marriage.


  • 其他叛军领袖政府代表参加的和平谈判上周未能达成协议破裂不久之后恢复

    Peace talks involving other rebel leaders and government representatives broke up without agreement last week, but are due to resume shortly.


  • 其他叛军领袖政府代表参加的和平谈判上周未能达成协议破裂不久之后恢复

    Peace talks involving other rebel leaders and government representatives broke up without agreement last week, but are due to resume shortly.


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