• 场景太太签署纪录书后,詹姆士

    Scene: After Mrs. Chen signed the inspection record, James Wilson shows Mrs.


  • 淡季看楼好处多多舒适问题发现价格优惠

    Low season Kanlou benefits DOS: Yi found comfort issue price concessions!


  • 去年他们每天上百个要求看楼电话情况形成了鲜明对比。

    This year they received hundreds of requests daily telephone Kanlou situation stands in sharp contrast.


  • 主要用于高尔夫球观光游览电动车车等动力运行车辆

    Mainly used for golf car, sight-seeing cars, tour electric cars, see floor car dynamic operation vehicles.


  • 罗伯茨教授,请你一份看楼记录书,可否报告身份证号码作为记录参考。

    Mr. Robets, would you please sign an inspection record for me?May I have your identity number for reference?


  • 场景太太签署纪录书后,詹姆士威尔逊带陈太太到约翰逊先生房子实地视察。

    Scene: After Mrs. Chen signed the inspection record, James Wilson shows Mrs. Chen to Mr. Johnson's house.


  • 场景太太签署纪录书后,詹姆士威尔逊带陈太太到约翰逊先生房子实地视察。门铃响了

    Scene: After Mrs. Chen signed the inspection record, James Wilson shows Mrs. Chen to Mr. Johnson's house. Bell rings.


  • 安徽毫州(关帝庙该省著名文物建筑不仅处古代的庙宇而且附有戏台看楼,是所带有公共建筑性建筑。

    Great Temple of Emperor Guan at Boxian County, Anhui Province, is a famous ancient building. It is not only an temple but also a public building with stage for performence and balcony for audience.


  • 迈克尔一大片瓦砾中依然完好无损

    Michael pointed out to me that in all the rubble, there was one building that remained untouched.


  • 第二次敲门时扇窗户打开了,还是那只蜗牛

    At that second knock, a window on the third floor opened and the same Snail looked out.


  • 接下来套三居室公寓套房我们新建成的出租房。

    Next, I'd like to show you a three-bedroom apartment on the second floor, which is a newly-built one we have for rent.


  • 目前可能的,因为建筑工人正在那里加建另一其余值得

    It's not possible to go upstairs at present as builders are working there adding another floor, but the rest's well worth seeing.


  • 侧面这座宝塔就像在跳——朝着上下相邻相反方向移动。

    Viewed from the side, the pagoda seemed to be doing a snake dance—with each consecutive floor moving in the opposite direction to its neighbours above and below.


  • 远处,这座九层高、茶壶形状的博物馆就像是某种巨大的艺术品。

    From far away, the nine-storey teapot-shaped museum looks like some kind of huge work of art.


  • 接着朝下意识第一第七之间空空如也的空间

    Then I looked down again and realized that between the first floor and the seventh floor there was nothing but empty space.


  • 我们进发的时候,过头著校舍,唯一见的就是站窗口的那个士兵,目送著我的离去。

    As we were marching home, I turned to look at the schoolhouse.And who should I see, but my soldier in the first floor window.Just staring.


  • 白天就这样消逝了,我们火葬场回来走进我们那条小巷时,抬头父亲间屋子。

    The day wore on, we returned from the cremation, and as we turned into our lane I looked up at the house towards my father's rooms on the third storey.


  • 回话之前抬头6至今我还没法解释自己当时为什么那么做,我透过6中间位置窗户到一个女人上半身

    I was about to respond when I looked up at the 6th floor, to this day I have no idea why, and in the window at about the middle of the building I saw the head and upper torso of a woman.


  • 阳台上,我们25,一那个男人正双手把着阳台在外边。

    So I went out onto the balcony, we live on the 25th floor, and found this man hanging over the edge by his fingertips.


  • 来到扇门,就孔往里,结果到了着两只长长的犄角教父

    And when he had climbed the fifth, he came to the door of a room and peeped through the keyhole. There he saw the godfather who had a pair of long horns.


  • 26每天早晨阳台锻炼

    You see, I live on the 26th floor of my apartment building, and every morning I do my exercises out on my balcony.


  • 这座神像乍像是狭窄无窗办公,它高高矗立在墨西哥城市郊Tultitlán,这里居民多是工人

    THE statue looks at first like a narrow, windowless office building towering over the skyline of Tultitlán, a working-class suburb of Mexico City.


  • 星期五(4月16日),乘客波兰克拉科夫机场候机窗户

    Passengers look out from the Windows of Krakow airport, Poland, Friday, April 16.


  • 27的视野。

    View from 27th floor. December 1931.


  • 本杰明我们要搬栋公寓那里15公里的路程。

    Benjamin: Oh, you see, we are on the 8th floor, and moving into the 6th floor in another building. It is about 15 kilometers to get there.


  • 牵着》一起寻找梦蝶》,然后我们坐在花满》上烟花》。

    "I want to hold your hand" to search for "Butterfly", then we sat on the "flowers" look "laugh" fireworks.


  • 如果我们公司的话,我们公司办公,在我们的客户培训,在我们的员工食堂到处都可以,体现中国文化语录警句。

    If you pay a visit to our company, in our administrative building, in our customer-training area, in our staff canteen, you can see many quotations and aphorisms illustrating Chinese culture.


  • 如果我们公司的话,我们公司办公,在我们的客户培训,在我们的员工食堂到处都可以,体现中国文化语录警句。

    If you pay a visit to our company, in our administrative building, in our customer-training area, in our staff canteen, you can see many quotations and aphorisms illustrating Chinese culture.


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