• 我们所有病人问题大致相似

    All our patients have broadly similar problems.


  • 与列宁有着不同寻常的相似之处。

    He bears a striking resemblance to Lenin.


  • 这份报告强调之间相似

    The report highlights the similarity between the two groups.


  • 迪多长得离奇相似

    She bears an uncanny resemblance to Dido.


  • 他们有着出奇相似嗓音

    They have uncannily similar voices.


  • 人都医生他们相似仅此而已

    They are both doctors but that is where the similarity ends.


  • 仆人们穿着相似,只是没那么华丽耀眼。

    Her servants were similarly, if less ostentatiously attired.


  • 他们融洽关系部分来自于他们相似目标

    Their harmonious relationship resulted in part from their similar goals.


  • 被告请求将21相似犯罪罪行考虑在内。

    The defendant asked for 21 similar offences to be taken into account.


  • 研究人动物之间错综复杂的相似不同之处。

    He was studying the complex similarities and differences between humans and animals.


  • 瞧不起威廉·皮特尽管他们所持有观点相似

    He despised William Pitt, notwithstanding the similar views they both held.


  • 华盛顿莫斯科认为克什米尔问题上持有相似观点

    Washington and Moscow are believed to have similar views on Kashmir.


  • 共和国《国家报》政治独立报纸具有相似特征

    La Repubblica and El Pais are politically independent newspapers which share similar characteristics.


  • 也是25岁,也是波士顿人,但是他们相似之处仅限于

    Heather is also 25 and from Boston, but the similarity ends there.


  • 尽管有这些表面的相似相比早期小说一部更悲观的作品

    Despite these superficial resemblances, this is a darker work than her earlier novels.


  • 石膏做成的,又没有生命,与皮肤毫无相似之处。

    It was made of plaster, hard and white and lifeless, bearing no resemblance to human flesh.


  • 由于发音相似有时会产生误解

    Misunderstandings happen sometimes because of the similar sounding words.


  • 彗星组成上与气态巨行星相似

    Comets are similar in composition to the gas giants.


  • 他们某些潜在相似

    They have certain underlying similarities.


  • 构成上相似惊人的

    The compositional similarity is striking.


  • 今天短途移民动机国际移民非常相似

    Today, the motives of people who move short distances are very similar to those of international migrants.


  • 落基山脉地图极为相似

    The two maps of the Rockies correspond closely.


  • 认为夸大件事的相似之处。

    I think he exaggerates the parallelism between the two cases.


  • 这些神话彼此惊人的相似之处

    These myths have a startling likeness to one another.


  • 20世纪80年代显著的相似之处

    There are significant parallels with the 1980s.


  • 这些观念弗洛伊德思想相似之处

    These ideas have parallels in Freud's thought too.


  • 对不同国家民乐详细研究表明它们有很多相似之处。

    Detailed study of folk music from a variety of countries reveals many close parallels.


  • 20世纪60年代90年代后期存在有趣的相似处。

    There are interesting parallels between the 1960s and the late 1990s.


  • 熟悉军事冲突读者们发现一个越南战争大致相似的事件。

    Readers familiar with military conflict will find a vague parallel to the Vietnam War.


  • 球与球体有点相似

    The puck is a little like a ball.


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