• 话说,直回面积社会认知能力似乎联系绝非简单性别差异

    In other words, there does seem to be a relationship between SG size and social perception, but it is not a simple male-female difference.


  • 显露硬膜下结构时,内镜方可显露海绵侧壁前方可显露双侧嗅神经

    To expose subdural structures, lateral wall of cavernous sinus in lateral, olfactory nerves and rectal gyri in front were revealed under endoscope.


  • 中文刺激激活了左侧、双侧直回以及扣带前部部位英文刺激激活了中央前等脑区。

    The gyrus temporalis medius and gyrus rectus and anterior gyrus cinguli were only activated by Chinese stimuli while gyrus precentralis were only activated by English stimuli.


  • 个成年女性而言较大造成她较强人际敏感性还是因为她三十年来生活一个移情反应能力较为突出的群体中,耳濡目染所致?

    Is women’s larger SG the cause of their social sensitivity, or the consequence of living some 30 years in a group that practices greater empathetic responding?


  • 先是座位下面,她希望在自己能够离开高速公路停下来之前,在那里

    She said the snake first slid back under the seat, and she hoped it would stay there until she was able to get off the highway and stop.


  • 虽然就情况而言次第44英里骑行一点走极端了,但是我一以来经常骑自行车

    In my case, I went a little extreme with that initial 44 mile bike ride, but I've been biking regularly ever since.


  • 有时真的因为忽视感觉抱歉所以我会一些有歉意信息解释为什么我不能电话/邮件/信息

    Sometimes I felt really sorry for him being ignored by me so I would send some lame apologetic message with an excuse of why I can't answer his calls/emails/messages.


  • 就着手篇文章,努力加工,思想成形。我一在想这样一个问题:什么设备智能的,什么设备是傻瓜的。

    I wrote about this a while back but I've been refining and sharpening my thinking on the question of which devices will be smart and which devices will be dumb.


  • 一历史时期唯一将会熟悉繁荣

    My only memory of this historic point in time will be the prosperity I have always known.


  • 我们应该分辨情感事实何等快乐事:感觉孤单凄凉时侯,我们信心:“看不见,我觉不到你,但是你始终在这里,所以我一是这样的我。”

    Distinguish between the fact of God's presence, and the emotion of the fact. It is a happy thing when the soul seems desolate and deserted, if our faith can say, "I see Thee not."


  • 是否领导能力实现选民一些希望(胜利演说中许诺过的),则了。

    But whether or not Mr Kan has the leadership ability to fulfil something of the voters' aspirations, as he promised in his victory speech, is a different matter.


  • 使得DB2行为预期的一样:扫描器等到INSERT事务提交滚,然后数据 —— 这和平常一样。

    This makes DB2 behave as one would expect: the scanner waits until the INSERT transaction commits or rolls back and then return the data - business as usual.


  • 亨利不能等孩子们挖好防御工事,要来不及之前她们自己的卧室才行。

    I keep telling Henry that he can’t let them bunker down. Get them out before it’s too late.


  • 另一半停止短信时,确实很令人难受,不过惨的是,分手他们却电话纠缠着你不放。

    It's hard to accept when the other person just stops returning phone messages, but it's even worse when they keep calling after the break-up.


  • 爆炸弹片击碎了停在附近的卡车挡风玻璃,于是刚才都一静静地远处看着一切的店主表现出几分焦虑

    Shrapnel cracks the windshield of a van parked nearby, and the shopkeepers, quietly watching from a distance until now, become agitated for the first time.


  • 每晚,慢慢小窝,那里正对着石头雕像胸口,小鸟心中满是信任安全感。 石头雕像那双漆黑的眼睛似乎在看顾的酣眠。

    Every evening it crept trustfully into its corner against the stone breast of the image, and the darkling eyes seemed to keep watch over its slumbers.


  • 最后我们启动计时器处理程序(如清单6)处理以下场景:Web服务客户机处理程序一没有被调用导致一个超时。

    Finally, we start a timer handler, as shown in Listing 6, to handle the scenario where the Web service client callback handler is never called, which will result in a timeout.


  • 如果没有提供函数,那么send函数阻塞,一等到服务器响应到达或者引发HTTP错误

    If there was no callback function provided, the send function blocks and waits until the server response arrives, or else it raises HTTP errors.


  • 年初乔布斯病暂苹果三月发布iPad2

    Mr Jobs has been on sick leave from Apple since early this year but returned in March to announce the iPad 2.


  • Ext努力可访问特性引入框架很突出。

    Ext has been hard at work introducing accessibility features into the framework, and this is a big one.


  • 清单1Person类型类型系列文章中一作为示例使用。

    Just in case you're joining the series now, Listing 1 is a recap of the Person type, which is the long-running example-in-progress for the series.


  • 一切结束这样的谈论会停息,对湖人来说最好消息,毕竟,他们可能保持一个整体的湖人。

    It won't be over till it's over but in the best possible news for the Lakers, they may still get to keep being the Lakers, after all.


  • 经验对于去处的来说,允许我可以心思中朔,了解,让它在我的思维中寻得一个位置,在那儿,它存留24而且很可能这生中,一持续下去

    What I've done with it sitting still, going back to it in my head, trying to understand it, finding a place for it in my thinking, that's lasted 24 years already and will probably last a lifetime.


  • 奥利弗知道需要多长时间,在铺子去路上他一一声不吭,着自己所见所闻一切

    Oliver wondered how long that would take, and remained silent all the way back to the shop, thinking about everything that he had seen and heard.


  • 有一连续22个小时不休,泡图书馆里埋头苦读可怕有机化学期中考试做准备,一学到深夜

    One late night, holed up in the library, studying for the dreaded organic chemistry midterm, I went 22 hours without sleep.


  • 有一连续22个小时不休,泡图书馆里埋头苦读可怕有机化学期中考试做准备,一学到深夜

    One late night, holed up in the library, studying for the dreaded organic chemistry midterm, I went 22 hours without sleep.


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