• 佛罗里达州工作时一游客打交道。

    When I worked in Florida I dealt with tourists all the time.


  • 直和同学们说英语,晚上还他们一起出去玩。

    I'm speaking English with my classmates all the time and going out in the evenings with them.


  • 果你不明白为什么一直和朋友争吵,问问自己在什么地方与朋友有分歧,而不是为什么争吵。

    If you don't understand why you keep arguing with a friend, ask yourself what you disagree on instead of why you're arguing.


  • 被问话女士管家自从赛曼太太后,她克拉拉住在一起。

    The lady so addressed was the housekeeper, who had lived with Clara since Mrs. Sesemann's death.


  • twitter日本子公司twitter的主站有所不同

    Twitter's Japanese subsidiary has always been somewhat different from Twitter's main site.


  • 对于假冒商家斗争的科技公司建立专卖店现在他们头痛的。

    Shopkeepers setting up fake Apple stores are the latest headache for a technology company that has a history of dealing with imposters.


  • 自从来到深圳,一个在线通讯公司有联系,还是一家烧烤餐馆连锁店合作者

    Since being in Shenzhen he has been involved in an online communications company and was a partner in a chain of barbecue restaurants.


  • 经过这么多年事情渐渐明朗,库尔辞职新闻集团的执行官们保持良好关系

    It has become very clear in the years since his resignation that Coulson and News Int executives have remained on very good terms.


  • 亨利不能等孩子们挖好防御工事,要来不及之前她们自己的卧室才行。

    I keep telling Henry that he can’t let them bunker down. Get them out before it’s too late.


  • Fatima家中姐妹从小到大男孩纠缠不清,无法有交集的现实

    Fatima grew up in a house with sisters who were always obsessing over boys, a reality that Fatima says she could never relate to.


  • 也许某些(哥哥吃得一样但是狮子一样的健康)有用但是对没用

    It may work for some people (my brother eats like a pig but is as fit as a lion) but it definitely doesn't for me.


  • 势能增加方向相反作用力会将其推回就是为什么稳定平衡的状态。

    The force is always opposing the direction of increasing potential energy, so the force will drive it back and so that's why we call this a stable equilibrium.


  • 最近项有中川秀恭久提出倡议可能阻碍麻生太郎09年度财政预算案通过

    Until recently, a move led by Mr Nakagawa and Mr Shiozaki looked as if it might derail passage of the next fiscal year's budget.


  • 确实一个很棒的功能并且能够我们需要常常点击任务栏就可以一朋友保持联系

    This is certainly a great feature and will allow users to stay in touch with friends, without the need to periodically click on the taskbar.


  • 查尔斯王子一卡米拉·帕克·博斯纠缠不清,这让戴安娜越来越不满据传后来也曾有过外遇

    Charles maintained his long-standing friendship with Camilla Parker-Bowles, while Diana grew increasingly unhappy, allegedly entering into affairs of her own.


  • 此种渴望多米尼克如影相随。 这个花花公子是英国记者兼电影制作者,从小就马匹中穿梭

    This longing has never left Dominic Prince, a British journalist, film-maker and bon viveur, who spent his childhood hurtling around on ponies.


  • 雷切尔身体并不弱:过去几个月里伊朗一阿拉伯游牧族都因人一起驻扎在以色列的沙漠中。

    Rachel is no weed: in the past few months she has been on assignment in Iran and camped out with Bedouins in the Israeli desert.


  • 尽管正确的姿势感觉起来应该自然的,但如果忘了如何开始做起来可能会感到呆板僵硬。

    Although good posture should be natural, you may feel wooden or stiff at first if you've forgotten the sensation of sitting and standing up straight.


  • 埃德·维勒(EdWeiler)美国宇航局首席天文学家,他1979年以来“哈勃”项目密切合作

    Ed Weiler is NASA's chief astronomer. Mr. Weiler has worked closely with the Hubble program since nineteen seventy-nine.


  • 这个夏天霍华德哈基姆·奥拉朱旺一起训练,并且这个结果,大看上去做一名教练员中锋一样

    Howard worked with Hakeem Olajuwon this summer, and based on the results thus far, Dream looks like he might be as good of a coach as he was a center.


  • 但是过去5以来,13男演员布莱恩·奥斯汀·格林(Brian Austin Green)过着正常的男女生活。

    But, for the past five years, she has been in a monogamous relationship with actor Brian Austin Green, who is 13 years her senior.


  • 吉格斯特拉福德效力的这些年中,一最好的队友合作——其中包括罗伊·基恩大卫·贝克·汉姆——学会了去适应没有他们日子

    Giggs has played alongside the best at Old Trafford - Roy Keane and David Beckham among them - and learnt to adapt after they had moved on.


  • 美国男足国际足球顶尖赛事无缘不同的是,美国女足已经取得了2次世界杯的冠军。 男足50年代至90年代甚至没有冲出过各大赛事的预选赛

    While the U.S. women have won two world championships, the men have long been outsiders and didn't even qualify for the showcase event between 1950 and '90.


  • 我们蛋糕海报涂色

    We'd been making cakes and colouring the posters.


  • 自从 1990 年以来,差不多法国居住工作

    He has lived and worked in France almost continuously since 1990.


  • 瘾君子其他不良分子混在一起

    He's been mixing with drug addicts and other undesirables.


  • 这家公司印度保持着贸易往来

    The company has maintained trade contacts with India.


  • 这家公司印度保持着贸易往来

    The company has maintained trade contacts with India.


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