• 施拉德酒吧侍应签了收据

    Schrader initialed the chit for the barman.


  • 凯利无法看清那个人影还是女的

    Kelly couldn't focus his eyes well enough to tell if the figure was male or female.


  • 为了清理土地收割香蕉他们决定需要劳力

    To clear the land and harvest the bananas, they decided they needed a male workforce.


  • 公司严格着装规定—所有职员穿西服

    The company has a strict dress codeall male employees are expected to wear suits.


  • 已婚上司办公室里下级搞不正当关系。

    Married male supervisors were carrying on affairs with female subordinates in the office.


  • 这话出自年初住进医院的一位口,语气强硬。

    It was tough talk, coming from a man who had begun the year in a hospital bed.


  • 王》关于一群被荒岛上的英国学童的小说

    'Lord of the Flies' is a novel about English schoolboys marooned on a desert island.


  • 名妇女道路暴行中袭击一名司机而正警方追捕

    Two women were being hunted by police after a road rage attack on a male motorist.


  • 那位系着领结的粗壮的酒吧招待走过来请他们点菜。“早上先生。跟以往一样?”

    The stout barman in a bow tie presented himself to take their order. "Good morning, sir. The usual?"


  • 房间里,一位展示第一,在旁边条线

    In a room, a man is shown Line 1, and next to it are three lines.


  • 恋爱中的射手要求伴侣一起,给予全部的精神支持

    Sagittarius man in love would want his partner to stand by him and give him complete emotional support.


  • 所在的部门管理职位空缺;最终有一位候选人入选。

    I had a management position open in my department; and the two finalists were a man and a woman.


  • 周日刚刚回去工作不久一个理发师就出现了,主动提出病人理发

    Soon after she made it back to work on Sunday, a male hairdresser turned up offering to cut the patients' hair.


  • 当局华州的取回落下的一只野鸡时,一猎犬追击

    A pack of hunting dogs shot an Iowa man as he went to retrieve a fallen pheasant, authorities said.


  • DHL速递办公室附近枪手开车接近他们开火尚未知国籍死亡

    A man and a woman of unknown nationalities died when gunmen driving by opened fire on their car near the DHL courier office.


  • 在汽车站《泰晤士报》的评论一条新闻新闻以“从前啊”几个字开头这是英语童话故事典型开头

    The man reading the Times at the bus stop remarks on a story that begins with the words "Once upon a time", the classic opening for fairy tales in English.


  • 亲切热情地,侍者快速地端来了点排骨

    Obligingly, the waiter returned lickety-split with the orders of ribs.


  • 一位联合国发言人行动运送20救济物资

    A UN spokesman said that the mission will carry 20 tons of relief supplies.


  • 如,他们可以猜出你是是女,还有你的年龄和兴趣。

    For example, they can guess if you are male or female, how old you are, and your interests.


  • 究人员雇佣的一位演员先抢了她的食物。

    An actor hired by the researchers grabbed her food first.


  • 人听到了我说的话,在我走之前拦住了我。

    A man heard it and stopped me just before I went away.


  • 统是“寿星”或“女寿星”应尽可能往嘴里塞满面条,然后吃掉它们。

    The tradition is that the "birthday boy" or "birthday girl" should fill their mouth with as many long noodles as they can and then eat them.


  • 组一一女,但是女生的右腿要和生的左腿绑在一起。

    There should be a boy and a girl in each group, but the right leg of the girl and the left leg of the boy should be tied together.


  • 伦多一位子要给一位合适的女士提供免费环游全球的飞机票。但是有限制。

    A Toronto man is offering a free round-the-world air to the right woman. But restrictions apply.


  • 很快起身到餐室训斥管家,然后吩咐女仆。

    She soon got up again to go to the dining-room, criticising the butler and giving orders to the maid.


  • 性别他们来说更为重要因为亲吻脸颊通常发生女性之间或者之间,不是两个之间。

    Gender matters more for them because check-kissing often only happens between women or a man and a woman but not two men.


  • 亲切热情地,侍者快速地端来排骨

    Obligingly, the waiter returned lickety-split with the ribs


  • 长子继承权幼子继承制广泛传播。

    Male primogeniture was far more widespread than male ultimogeniture.


  • 拉拉都拥有不对称大脑半球

    Straight men and lesbians have asymmetrical brain hemispheres.


  • 拉拉都拥有不对称大脑半球

    Straight men and lesbians have asymmetrical brain hemispheres.


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