• 萧红丰富情感世界以及作为女性自我意识小说《生死场》中,通过不同的女性人物形象塑造,被呈现得极为鲜明。

    In her novel Shengsichang, Xiao Hong's complex emotion and her female consciousness are represented by the shape of different female images.


  • 某些夜晚,她感觉见面会像是置身于外百老汇秀场,狂热生死攸关混乱

    Some nights it felt as though the meeting were in fact an Off Off Broadway show, feverish, vital, undisciplined.


  • 顽固分子困兽犹斗一些“激进人士”盼望发生动乱,至少渴望抗击盟军战斗移往阿尔卑斯山的防守阵地,在那里进行最后英勇无惧的生死决战

    Diehards remained and some “ultras” longed for the apocalypse, or at least for taking the fight against the Allies to a redoubt in the Alps, there to die in a final courageous shoot-out.


  • 国王发现女儿小伙子相爱的事,马上就监狱,并选好日子在国王的公审场决定其生死。

    One day, the king discovered the relationship between his daughter and the young man. The man was immediately put in prison.


  • 想象一下这样场景:2011年六月的某个夜晚,湖人热火即将NBA总决赛第七上演生死大战。

    Imagine this scene: the Lakers and Heat are about to meet in Game 7 of the 2011 NBA Finals.


  • 但是规则未知并且赌注极高生死决斗,也是一个会逐渐位主角认识的事实

    But the rules are unknown and the stakes high: this is a duel to the death, a fact only gradually revealed to its two main players.


  • 09年莱切斯特城征战甲,之后代表沃特福德出赛英冠,而这个赛季竞技发挥的很出色。 克莱弗利仍旧专注于维冈竞技最后一斯托克城的保级生死战,但是不忘记关注一下自己在未来的道路。

    Cleverley's focus remains on helping Wigan avoid relegation in his final game for the Latics against Stoke, but he is also looking further into the future.


  • 乌拉圭蒙特维多起飞的例行航程,却成为了攸关他们生死的场奋战

    What was supposed to be a routine flight from Montevideo, Uruguay turned into a fight for their lives.


  • 半夜厕所成了一场生死犹历险

    What had started as a walk at night to the outhouse had turned into a life and death adventure!


  • 有些看着只是打着玩大多数人却全神贯注于牌局中,仿佛每一输赢生死攸关。

    While a few seemed to play just for fun, most folks were focused on the game as if their life depended on winning the round.


  • 浩瀚宇宙之中多少个平行我们?有多少场生死覆灭?又有多少静默轮回

    How many of us in the parallel vast universe are there? How many times live and die? How many silent reincarnations?


  • 周二晚上衣军团法国人碰面,决定生死比赛。

    The Azzurri take on France on Tuesday night in what has been billed as' the game of death '.


  • 他们激烈地争吵着,争吵很快演变成场生死搏斗

    They fiercely disputed which of them should drink first, and were soon engaged in the agonies of a mortal combat.


  • 热情勇敢的巴黎掩护飞行员们德军展开一场场惊险紧张又幽默滑稽可笑的生死游戏。

    In Paris, brave man under the cover of the German pilots and holds breathtaking nervous and humorous and funny.


  • 不久,大家发现其实也是外星人。观铃长出翅膀小镇上空土豆展开了一场生死决战

    It is then revealed that Misuzu is actually an alien as well, and she sprouts wings and engages in mortal combat with the Potato in the sky above the town.


  • 当晚替罪羊:最后时刻错失底角投篮国王比赛中在那个角度进过一个球,不过显然他没有意识到那第七场生死战。

    Goat of the night: Peja Stojakovic didn't clank a corner jumper off the side of the backboard in crunch time, as he did when he was with the Kings, but he didn't exactly distinguish himself in Game 7.


  • 拉加贝克球队周三将客场迎战北爱尔兰,这是生死攸关的08年欧洲杯小组赛

    Lars Lagerbeck's side visit Northern Ireland on Wednesday in a vital Euro 2008 qualifier.


  • 国王发现女儿小伙子相爱的事,马上就了监狱,并选好日子国王的公审场决定其生死。

    One day, the king discovered the relationship between his daughter and the young man. The man was immediately put in prison. A day was set for his trial in the king's public arena.


  • 拳头对拳头的生死就要展开勾拳勾拳,再吃我一记

    Kill your time with these 5 Rangers! A fist to fist war has just started. Throw a left hook, a right hook, or even a reverse roundhouse kick!


  • 拳头对拳头的生死就要展开勾拳勾拳,再吃我一记

    Kill your time with these 5 Rangers! A fist to fist war has just started. Throw a left hook, a right hook, or even a reverse roundhouse kick!


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