• 他们生命自身憧憬儿女

    They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.


  • 米米病毒似乎属于地球生命一族——甚至也许会改写生命自身规则。

    Mimivirus seems to be part of the story of life on Earth - and it may even rewrite the book of life itself.


  • 恰好道明一个基本的道理:表面的热闹远远逊色艺术生命自身魅力

    It proves a rationale: the exterior jollification is far less attractive than the charm of art life itself.


  • DNA已经描述可能生命自身起源之后某个时间出现高科技分子

    DNA has been described as a "high tech" molecule which probably arose some time after the origin of life itself.


  • 可能骚动不安的、纠结扭曲的,时而可能还会嚣张狂放,但最终必将是朴素深沉的——它尊重的是生命自身的原则。

    May involved in anxiety, tangled mentality, or even hard-to-control anger, they are plain and profound in nature and respect life itself.


  • 是以生命自身基点以燃烧自身代价心灵体验生命中的每一细节、一株树,都会倾注全部激情

    One used his own life as the base and ignited his own self as the cost. He experienced every detail of life with his heart and poured all his passion even to a grass or a tree.


  • 事后一次交谈中,丽斌这样剖析创作的原始动机:“很多艺术家不同方式探寻一些本源的、生命自身的问题。”

    During a talk after it, he told me his motivation and said: "Many artists will in pursuit of the life itself in all kinds of ways."


  • 目前警察只有自身他人生命受到威胁情况下,先鸣枪示警然后可以向犯罪分子开火

    At present, they can shoot only if their life or that of others is in danger, after firing a warning shot.


  • 指导意见草案声明辅助自杀方面并不可以替代有关法律规定,最近有些企图结束自身生命病人试图使该项法律得到通过

    The draft advice states that it should not be seen as a substitute for the guidance on the law on assisted suicide that patients seeking to end their lives have recently tried to obtain.


  • 关乎自身生命决定前,想象自己临近死亡

    When making decisions about your life, imagine yourself on your own deathbed.


  • 如今,连救护车自身遭到攻击,因为匪徒们试图阻止救护车挽救敌人生命

    Now ambulances themselves are coming under fire, as gangsters try to stop them saving the lives of their enemies.


  • 此外蠕虫设计为能够作为自身生命周期一部分进行复制,通常,表示不断扫描感染复制,过程中感染更多系统

    Additionally, a worm is designed to replicate as part of its life cycle, which in most cases means that it will scan, infect, and replicate over and over again, infecting more systems along the way.


  • 他们轻视生命行将就木,他们自身也是中毒者。大地已经厌倦他们他们去罢!

    Despisers of life are they, decaying ones and poisoned ones themselves, of whom the earth is weary: so away with them!


  • 蓝色星球还有附近自身引力挽留住我们白色月亮于是我们生命速度旋转

    This blue planet, and near her, the white moon that holds us in her gravitational pull so that we spin at the speed of life.


  • 自动化可以确保soa治理自身集成SOA生命周期

    This automation ensures that SOA governance stitches itself into the SOA life cycle.


  • 我们生命过程中,我们在体验着自身心跳呼吸节奏甚至新陈代谢脑电波活动细微律动

    We live with the rhythms of our own heartbeat and respiration and the more subtle rhythms of metabolic and brain wave activity.


  • ·罗《经济学人讣告编辑,著有《俄耳普斯:生命作为雪莱诗人对于自身寻觅》。

    Ann Wroe is the obituaries editor of the Economist and author of "Orpheus: the Song of Life" and "Being Shelley: the Poet's Search for Himself".


  • 其他影响行星气候适合生命稳定性的就是自身年龄构成尺寸以及所在体系邻近星星位置

    Other factors impacting a planet's climate and suitability for life include its star's age, composition and the size and location of sibling planets in the system.


  • 资产作为资产生命周期一部分生产出来它们可能许多项目使用一个项目都处于自身周期之中。

    Assets are produced as part of the asset lifecycle, and they may be consumed in many projects, each with its own lifecycle.


  • 那些我们我们感触生命自身具有非同一般的影响真诚可爱善良的人容易感受到这种力量

    Those we love have a unique power to influence how we feel about life and about ourselves, and genuinely nice, good-hearted people are much more apt to exercise that power for the better.


  • 然而,《就是讲述起源故事;女性作为永恒生命孕育者,在岁月变迁中最后必须孕育自身

    The Rainbow, then, is the story of those origins; of woman as the eternal life-giver who, through time and change, is finally driven to give birth to herself.


  • 自由自身生命活力控制因为如何渡过自己一生个人责任所在,也只有我才能对自己负责。

    Myfreedom is my control of my own life-energy, for the uses of which I, alone, amtherefore responsible.


  • 我们可能甘心情愿永远保持无知。……因此我们生命我们这个易碎星球意义只能我们自身智慧勇气来决定

    We could not happily have remained ignorant forever... the significance of our lives and our fragile planet is then determined only by our own wisdom and courage.


  • 翻译欠缺但是如果优秀作品要在时空延续自身生命,也只能这么做了。

    Translation is inadequate, but it's all we have if good writing is to have its life extended, spatially and temporally.


  • 危及自身生命健康问题搏斗的过程中,堕胎问题看得越来越重要支持赞成堕胎的候选人不是易事。

    As he struggled with his own life-threatening health problems, the issue became more and more important to him, and he had a hard time supporting pro-choice candidates.


  • 危及自身生命健康问题搏斗的过程中,堕胎问题看得越来越重要支持赞成堕胎的候选人不是易事。

    As he struggled with his own life-threatening health problems, the issue became more and more important to him, and he had a hard time supporting pro-choice candidates.


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