• 他们将这个树桩当成真的孩子来对待,取名奥提克甚至妻子假装怀孕

    The couple pretends that the child is a real baby, naming it Otik and even going so far as to fake a pregnancy.


  • 甚至不能妻子倾诉尽管它们他的小说提供不为人知基础

    He could not confide them even to his wife, although they provide the unacknowledged foundation of his fiction.


  • 甚至西奥多·罗斯福总统时,妻子孩子画像

    She even had portraits of the wife and children of Theodore Roosevelt, while he was president.


  • 站在那儿显得那么孤单甚至妻子女儿他在生活知之甚少

    He seemed so alone standing there; even his wife and daughter knew little of his life on the bridge.


  • 巴马甚至内阁政策会议也会应用妻子的话,如果认为建议特别中肯的话

    Barack Obama even quotes his wife in policy meetings with his cabinet if he thinks her advice has been especially pertinent.


  • 目前正在一对夫妇进行治疗对夫妇中,妻子甚至不能容忍丈夫其他女人

    He's currently treating a couple in which the wife cannot tolerate her husband even looking at other women.


  • 这个让人沮丧事实我们忘记我们妻子父母姐妹的,甚至孩子生日常常我们陷入困境。

    This sad fact routinely gets us in trouble as we forget the birthdays of our wives, mothers, sisters, even children.


  • 这些都是男人们甚至自己妻子谈论敏感话题,但是熟悉环境给了他们畅所欲言的空间,他们谈论自己的症状,向他人咨询一些问题

    They're touchy issues that men can be unwilling to talk about, even with their wives, but the familiar environment gives them the space to open up about their symptoms and for others to ask questions.


  • 辛格的妻子甚至拒绝来威胁丈夫,还是妥协了,她认为自己应该对丈夫忠诚忍受恶臭

    His wife even threatened to stop sleeping with him, but she gave in first, insisting she should be loyal and put up with the stench.


  • 可能道德问题所困扰无论竞选捐款丑闻还是白水门事件,甚至妻子信誉。

    He may be beset by ethical problems, whether over campaign finance or Whitewater indictments, even conceivably of his wife.


  • 富有丈夫甚至他们妻子鞋子摆出来对外进行炫耀,以示他们爱人的多么娇小。

    Rich husbands would even put their wife's shoes on display to show off to the world how minute their loved ones' feet were.


  • 虽然这些年来吝啬甚至使他妻子发疯心底却深藏着一个秘密

    But over the years, even as he drove his wife nuts with his parsimony, he harbored a deep secret.


  • 南亚有些地方没有得到丈夫许可下妻子甚至不能孩子医院

    In parts of South Asia, wives may not even take their children to hospital without getting their husband's permission.


  • 这个制度肯定没有使得穆萨维害怕一个相当温和改革家甚至那位令人生畏的妻子

    The regime surely did not fear Mousavi, who is a pretty tame sort of reformer, or even his formidable wife.


  • 甚至庄重方式三位现任妻子(一度五位)介绍民众,还是赢得民众的赞美

    He has even won praise for the dignified way he has presented his three current wives (he has had at least five) to the public.


  • 但是妻子身材小巧玲珑,性格恬静,是一个不折不扣的家庭主妇,他甚至喜欢外出就餐

    Meanwhile, his wife is petite, quiet and a complete homebody. She doesn't even like to go out to dinner.


  • 根据一项新的研究意味着,与妻子一样甚至还多情况相比很可能对事业有着更高满意度

    According to a new study, this means I likely have significantly higher career satisfaction than if my wife earned the same or more than me.


  • 尽管如此,邓纳姆妻子南希仍然设法抓住他们甚至上百万美国老年人来说深为重要东西

    But Dunham and his wife, Nancy, still managed to hold on to something deeply important to them - and to millions of other older Americans.


  • 张照片让我们想到拍摄了如此大量照片需要妻子甚至他的两个小孩付出艰苦努力。

    The image reminds us about the man behind this extraordinary collection of images and the effort required of him, his wife and two young children to make this project.


  • 很可能对你了如指掌,知道你的住址妻子工作甚至是你孩子学校

    Probably this guy knows all about him, where he lives, and where his wife works and his kids go to school.


  • 妻子惊叹,“,他俩走路的姿势都是一样,”真的,别人也告诉我们举止,包括讲话手势甚至声音很相似

    His wife said, "Look, they even walk the same way," and indeed I am told our mannerisms, the way we move our hands when we speak, even our voices are similar.


  • 问题篇文章中,认为这个讯息有吸引力年轻女子很多妻子虽然不是所有甚至年轻男子

    The problem of course is, in this text, the people who find that message very compelling are young women, a lot of wives, although not all of them, and even young men.


  • 甚至很难做完分内家务活妻子非常沮丧

    I even had trouble keeping up my end of the household chores, which my wife found very frustrating.


  • 一家跨国公司董事反对40%的配额表示老板们直接指派自己妻子甚至女朋友

    A board member of a multinational company who opposes the 40% quota said that bosses could simply appoint their wives or-more subtly-their girlfriends.


  • 她们无法想象自己还成为妻子甚至妈妈——对于那个只有依靠婚姻才能被社会接受、获得财富来源时代来说,这无疑让她们感到前景渺茫。

    They could no longer assume that they would become wives and mothers-a terrifying prospect in an era when women relied on marriage for social acceptability and financial resources.


  • 她们无法想象自己还成为妻子甚至妈妈——对于那个只有依靠婚姻才能被社会接受、获得财富来源时代来说,这无疑让她们感到前景渺茫。

    They could no longer assume that they would become wives and mothers-a terrifying prospect in an era when women relied on marriage for social acceptability and financial resources.


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