• 最近研究表明可以识别各自的“鱼群伙伴”、社会威望甚至相关的人际关系。

    Recent research had shown that fish recognised individual "shoal mates", social prestige and even tracked relationships.


  • 这种方法关键在于两点,一是服务作为关键启动程序进行访问,二是生态系统多个系统甚至业务伙伴之间数据处理交互

    This approach hinges on the use of services as the key enabler to access and on the interaction of data and processing between multiple systems or even business partners in an ecosystem.


  • 可以服务提供业务合作伙伴客户甚至订户允许他们成为您业务流程中不可分割部分

    You can offer your services to your business partners, customers, and even subscribers, and allow them to become integral parts of your business processes.


  • 我们可以而且必须更多地依赖盟国伙伴-我们传统盟友的力量正在不断地削弱甚至削弱得我们还

    We can and must place greater reliance on allies and partners -- Our traditional allies are losing steam even faster than are we.


  • 并且每一个伙伴链接定义了很多操作这些操作可以在内部实现的操作,甚至可以映射执行任务而调用外部服务中的操作的操作行为。

    A partner link defines operations that may be implemented internally or may even map to operations in external Web services that may be invoked in order to fulfil the task.


  • 就像一个锻炼一支胳膊的奇形怪状举重者一样,伙伴专事甚至过度的锻炼军事条臂膀。

    Like a misshapen weightlifter who exercises only one arm, the partnership bulks up its military limb, perhaps even overworks it.


  • 每个女人都能拿到并保管几个星期写下朋友们回忆,写下她现在生活上的细节并附上照片甚至写下让她伙伴回答问题

    Each woman gets to keep it for a few weeks, writing down her memories of the friends, details of her current life, photos, even questions for her PALS to answer.


  • 曾经接受高盛公司彻底调查被证实清白之前,他的经营伙伴甚至已经被捕入狱。

    He had been through an exhaustive investigation of Goldman Sachs that featured one of his partners being hauled away in handcuffs before he was cleared.


  • 明年大型药厂有大的动作,包括曾经被他们斥为盲目模仿者屡屡违规者竞争对手学习模仿甚至成为合作伙伴

    The coming year will bring dramatic moves by Big Pharma to learn from, copy and even get into bed with the rivals it once decried as copycats and scofflaws.


  • 我们只对自己人效忠——我们的朋友,我们的伙伴以及熟人甚至我们的拳击练习的对手。

    Our allegiance is to ourselves-our friends, our new Allies and acquaintances, even our sparring partners.


  • 今年早些时候,KKR合作伙伴甚至曾经考虑放弃上市计划,而如今他们却显得如此迫不及待。

    By early this year KKR's partners were considering abandoning the IPO for good.


  • 这里最终结果就是甚至一些后期绑定形式存在引例之中;在Web服务伙伴之间的紧耦合依旧存在。

    The end result here is that even some form of late binding exists in the cited example; the tight coupling between Web services partners is still present.


  • 69美元甚至不够伙伴出去好一点的晚餐,真的超所值。

    69 doesn’t pay for a single nice dinner out for you and your partner so the price is truly peanuts.


  • 看起来是再简单不过了,但是甚至可以利用LinkedIn了解竞争对手以及客户合作伙伴团队

    Scope out the competition, customers, partners, etc. This seems like it’s a no-brainer, but you can use LinkedIn to scope out the competition’s team as well as the team of customers and partners.


  • 甚至可能生意伙伴代理人经纪人公关律师或是其他身边

    It could even be your business partner, agent, broker, publicist, lawyer, or other person near you.


  • 正如任何一位新兴公司元老告诉一样,建立一家公司压力足以破坏甚至强有力的伙伴关系

    As any veteran of a start-up will tell you, the strains of building a company can be enough to undermine even the strongest partnerships.


  • 这些合作伙伴可以开发完成过渡方法甚至允许退役结束之前同时使用新旧两种形式身份验证

    Those partners can transition to this method as their development completes, and they can even allow for both the new and older forms of authentication until over the cutover is complete.


  • 这些烦人的家伙可能生意伙伴、同事、朋友甚至可能是家人亲戚

    They can be business associates, fellow colleagues, friends, or even family members and relatives.


  • ESB具有渗透性本质因为可以不同部门业务单元甚至业务合作伙伴进行应用程序集成

    An ESB is by nature pervasive because it can integrate applications across different departments, business units or even business partners.


  • 应该指出成功伙伴关系之又少,大多失败了商人往往阿尔法(支配欲强烈),商人们趋逐利的行为甚至可以毁掉坚固的友谊。

    It must be said that successful partnerships are rather rarer than failed ones: business people tend to be alpha types, and money and fame can destroy even the solidest friendships.


  • 谷歌数码方面的优势扩展汽车领域,成为汽车业的一个供应商合作伙伴甚至原始设备制造商

    Or does Google plan to extend its digital mastery into the automotive industry as a supplier, partner, or original equipment manufacturer?


  • 这些交易带来问题——那就是是否是苹果公司合作伙伴或者是一些途径接触这些合作伙伴不法分子也许会泄露出的甚至偷盗来的样机来创造盈利。

    These transactions raise questions of whether Apple's partners - or unscrupulous people with access to those partners - might create a business out of pilfering and leaking products.


  • 甚至帖子里也提到Instagram而且作为四方的合作伙伴应用上照片可以同步Instagram。

    Foursquare even makes mention of Instagram in its post, noting that, as a Foursquare partner, photos taken with the app can be syndicated over to Instagram.


  • 有关的传言满天飞,关于新的iphone的,关于升级MacBook的,关于传说中的touchscreentablet的,甚至还有关于Verizon可能的伙伴关系的。

    Rumors about new iPhones, upgraded MacBooks and a highly anticipated touchscreen tablet abound, and there’s even gossip about a possible partnership with Verizon.


  • 甚至鸟儿布尔人咕哝着:“即便沼泽蕉鹃也的栖息地,他的伙伴,他的鸟群。”

    Even the birds were better off than Afrikaners, he grumbled: “Even the marsh-lourie has his sleeping-place and his fellows, his lourie-people.”


  • 甚至鸟儿布尔人咕哝着:“即便沼泽蕉鹃也的栖息地,他的伙伴,他的鸟群。”

    Even the birds were better off than Afrikaners, he grumbled: “Even the marsh-lourie has his sleeping-place and his fellows, his lourie-people.”


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