• 汉斯·里格尔德国波恩发明狗熊橡皮糖

    The gummi bear was invented in Bonn, Germany by Hans Riegel.


  • 一些动物四肢行走老虎狮子大熊猫狗熊

    Some animals can walk by four legs, such as tigers, lions, pandas and bears.


  • 亲戚邻居们狗熊掰棒子,他也根本听进去

    His relatives and neighbours remarked that he was being a bear collecting corns, but he didn't care.


  • 亲戚邻居们狗熊掰棒子,也根本听不进去。

    His relatives and neighbours sneered at him, saying that he would never be able to learn anything.


  • 关于节目的延展阅读可以狗熊说”邮件周刊中收到。

    If you want to read something more about the episode, you can subscribe the BearTalking Weekly mail.


  • 约翰那个狗熊叔叔,不断地好吃的塞嘴里

    John: You should act as the uncle who plays with the big bear and doesn't stop sending nice food to my mouth.


  • 第二天清晨第一缕阳光照到树冠时候狗熊小猫熊醒来了。

    Early next morning, the little bear and the little cat bear woke up when the first sunshine shined on the crown of the tree.


  • 狗熊走开之前眼睛紧闭的一声倒在地上,只是而已。

    He threw himself on the ground with his eyes closed, waiting for death as it were, before the bear went away.


  • 狗熊突然开窍:“咱俩都会爬树为什么到树上去原因呢?”

    An idea suddenly dawned on the little bear, "We both can climb, so why not climb up and find out the reason?"


  • 我见到很多动物,比如:老虎熊猫狮子大象长颈鹿以及狗熊等等

    There are many kinds of animals, the tigers, the pandas, the lions, the elephants, the giraffes, the bears and so on.


  • 棕熊已经不年轻了,长相男性狗熊里还算不错,够有智慧,而且非常喜欢讲笑话

    He was an old fellow, kind-faced and wise in the ways of bears and men, but very fond of joking.


  • 清教徒之所以憎恨“折磨狗熊”游戏,并非因为狗熊痛苦而是因为它给观众欢乐

    The Puritan hated bear - bait not because it gave pain to the bear but because it gave pleasure to the spectator.


  • 清教徒之所以憎恨“折磨狗熊”游戏,并非因为狗熊痛苦而是因为它给观众欢乐

    The Puritan hate bear - bait not because it give pain to the bear but because it give pleasure to the spectator.


  • 清教徒之所以憎恨“折磨狗熊”游戏,并非因为狗熊痛苦而是因为它给观众欢乐

    The Puritan hate bear - bait not because it gives pain to the bear but because it gives pleasure to the spectator.


  • 奈何,喝醉董方舟就狗熊一样,四肢全都被住,就膝盖起来

    Ark Tung getting drunk what then heel the black bear is similar, push to all push not to open, the arms and legses are all suppressed, even lift knees not to get up!


  • 猎人们会合之前,他一直狗熊保持稳妥距离;会合他们便冲上前去中弄狗熊

    He kept a discreet distance until the hunters joined him; then they went forward and removed the bear from the net.


  • 狗熊告诉件奇怪的事:“昨天中午叶子睡觉,突然,一阵哗哗的大雨了。

    The little bear told the cat bear a strange thing, " Yesterday at noon, I was sleeping under a large leaf tree when suddenly a heavy downpour woke me up."


  • 网络互联网论坛社交网站出现,却让口碑拥有惊人速度一个产品全球英雄变成狗熊能力

    But the advent of the web, internet forums and social networking sites has given WOM the power to turn a product from global hero to zero with frightening speed.


  • 袋熊一种健壮结实穴居的、澳大利亚袋熊科有袋动物,有些狗熊主要树叶植物的为食。

    Any of several stocky, burrowing, Australian marsupials of the family Vombatidae, somewhat resembling a small bear and feeding mainly on grass, leaves, and roots.


  • 最后一个场上跌成大字型球员正是德州州长里克·佩里在开始竞选两个不到的时间内成功英雄变成狗熊

    The latest figure spread-eagled haplessly on the field is that of Rick Perry, the governor of Texas, who has managed to go from hero to zero after less than two months in the race.


  • 你们可以帐篷些露营小点,讲鬼故事,然后孩子钻进他们睡袋后,爸爸穿上狗熊营地里到处翻

    You can pitch a tent and you can make "2 s 'mores" and tell ghost stories and then, when the kids are all snuggled into their sleeping bags, Dad can slip into a bear suit and 3 ransack the campsite.


  • 罗宾逊满脸笑容好像承认人类竟然参加狗熊的混战是多么的荒谬眼神中,我分明看到好像确实参与了战斗

    Robinson smiles, as if to admit the absurdity of a man jumping into a bear fight. But in his eyes there's a hint that he might have done it.


  • 无论如何,我们还是狮子老虎狗熊横行世界里茁壮成长起来了,当然身边还伴随一些花鸟鱼虫什么的,我们的成就幸福都源于大自然

    Finally, we have evolved in a world of lions and tigers and bears; of plants and birds and rocks and things. We get pleasure and fulfillment from the natural world.364.


  • 兔子愿望感到费解,但是还是说出自己第二个愿望:希望附近其他森林里狗熊也都变成母的,然后金蛙实现了这个愿望。

    Mr. Bear was amazed at Mr. Rabbit's wish, but carried on with his second wish. He wished that all the bears in the neighboring forests were females as well, and the frog granted his wish.


  • 前一阵子小舅子一起搞了个固定门口垃圾桶玩意儿。 有了这个,夜里不怕狗熊还是浣熊啥的把垃圾桶搞撒的满地的垃圾里捡吃的。

    Recently I built a garbage-can holder with my brother-in-law, so that bears and raccoons wouldn't rip through my trash in the middle of the night.


  • 前一阵子小舅子一起搞了个固定门口垃圾桶玩意儿。 有了这个,夜里不怕狗熊还是浣熊啥的把垃圾桶搞撒的满地的垃圾里捡吃的。

    Recently I built a garbage-can holder with my brother-in-law, so that bears and raccoons wouldn't rip through my trash in the middle of the night.


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