• 去年四月英国石油公司墨西哥湾深海石油钻井爆炸后,大量石油被泄漏到了海洋里;尽管人们已经清理大部分泄漏的石油,但生活在墨西哥湾的渔民仍然感到未来渺茫

    Even though much of the oil that spilled from last April's Deepwater Horizon rig explosion has been cleaned up, the future is still murky for people who make a living plying Gulf waters.


  • 2010年4月20,发生深水地平线海上钻井平台剧烈爆炸墨西哥湾水域灾难性原油泄漏拉开了帷幕。

    On April 20, 2010, a deadly explosion at the Deepwater Horizon offshore drilling platform started a catastrophic oil leak into the waters of the Gulf of Mexico.


  • 图中,密西西比三角洲位于左侧由于深水地平线钻井平台爆炸沉没而泄漏出来银色漩涡清晰可见。

    With the Mississippi Delta on the left, the silvery swirling oil slick from the April 20 explosion and subsequent sinking of the Deepwater Horizon drilling platform is highly visible.


  • 其中两2月进行另一次4月就在钻井爆炸几天

    Two of the tests were conducted in February and one at the beginning of April, just days before the rig exploded.


  • 工程人员担心深水地平线钻井平台4月爆炸下沉以后,管道可能受损,这次事故夺取平台十一工作人员的生命。

    Engineers feared the pipe may have been damaged after the Deepwater Horizon drill rig exploded and sank in April, killing 11 workers on the rig.


  • 对于墨西哥湾石油钻井平台爆炸我们首先可能干吗墨西哥湾那个鬼地方钻井

    In the case of the oil rig explosion, we might be asking why we are drilling in the Gulf of Mexico in the first place.


  • 西弗吉尼亚州煤矿爆炸英国石油公司在墨西哥湾钻井平台漏油事故听证会联邦调查就是国会议员们正在努力解决问题。

    That's the problem lawmakers are wrestling with amid hearings and federal investigations of the Upper Big Branch mine blast in West Virginia and the BP oil rig collapse in the Gulf of Mexico.


  • 石油钻井平台为大多数石油钻井平台不会自行爆炸自动海洋石油。

    In the oil rig example, most oil RIGS do not explode or spew oil into the ocean.


  • 对于我们中的大多数来说知道为什么石油钻井平台发生爆炸没有多大的实际意义一个奇怪独特的事件人类似乎天生就要知道为什么这种奇怪的事件居然会发生。

    There isn't much practical significance for most of us to know why this oil rig exploded, but it is a strange and unique event, and humans seem wired to want to know why these strange events occur.


  • 自从今年四月深水地平线钻井平台发生爆炸之后原油在源源不断流向墨西哥湾。

    Oil is continuing to leak into the Gulf of Mexico following the explosion on the Deepwater Horizon oil rig in April.


  • 石油巨头BP公司伦敦举行年度高层会议抗议者扰乱,去年钻井平台爆炸,引发大量石油向墨西哥湾泄漏以来的首次抗议活动。

    Protests have interrupted the annual general meeting in London of the oil giant BP, the first since last year's oil rig blast and huge oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.


  • 墨西哥湾泄漏事故可能成为美国历史严重环境灾难钻井平台爆炸导致11名工人身亡

    The Gulf spill could be one of the worst environmental disasters in U. S. history and the rig explosion killed 11 workers.


  • 这次事件中可能爆炸猛烈降低事故对于环境冲击。因为钻井大部分燃油原油可能最初大火烧掉了。

    In this case, the sheer ferocity of the accident might have had lessened its environmental impact - much of the fuel oil and crude onboard the rig may have burned up in the initial fire.


  • 德利希望这次交易去年墨西哥湾钻井平台爆炸石油泄漏事件产生的疑虑消除。

    Mr Dudley had hoped that this big deal would lift the cloud of last year's tragic rig blast and oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.


  • 年前深水地平线钻井平台爆炸致使上百原油流入墨西哥湾,在灾难性事件发生后玛丽尝试一下没有石油生活

    About a year ago, following the Deepwater Horizon oil rig catastrophe that released millions of barrels of oil into the Gulf of Mexico, Mary Richert decided that she wanted to live a life free of oil.


  • 一项调查表明BP哈里·伯顿墨西哥湾处BP钻井发生爆炸的几周前就知悉它们海底的BP钻井水泥配料存在缺陷。

    BP and Halliburton knew weeks before an explosion tore through a BP rig in the Gulf of Mexico that the cement mix they planned to pump into an undersea BP well was faulty, a probe found.


  • 钻井平台爆炸美国沿着一贯的能源政策路线蹒跚前行。

    Before the rig exploded, America was inching fitfully towards a coherent energy policy.


  • 英国安全与健康执行局文件破坏主要几个石油公司声明份声明宣称去年墨西哥湾深海地平线钻井平台发生夺去11名工人声明的爆炸永远不会发生在他们身上。

    The HSE documents also undermine claims by the major oil companies that last year's Deepwater Horizon explosion in the Gulf of Mexico that killed 11 workers was unlikely to ever happen to them.


  • 最近,在墨西哥湾的深海钻井平台爆炸之后敏感罗盘指引着工程师进行了钻凿减压的工作。

    Recently, highly sensitive compasses guided engineers as they drilled relief Wells in the Gulf of Mexico after the Deepwater Horizon blowout.


  • 能源开采历史一向一系列推动变化灾难为里程碑:帕玻尔·阿尔法钻井平台爆炸三里核事故、切尔诺贝利核泄漏事故,以及埃克森·瓦尔迪兹号溢油事故。

    The history of energy extraction has been marked by a number of disasters that have driven change: Piper Alpha, Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, and the Exxon Valdez to name but a few.


  • 爆炸发生钻井平台沉入海底连接海床油井的输油管道破裂

    Two days after the explosion, the rig sank to the ocean floor, and a pipe connected to the well on the sea floor broke.


  • 事实上,早在四月二十日“深海地平线”钻井平台爆炸事故发生奥巴马就已经失策

    In truth, Obama began playing the wrong CARDS even before the April 20 explosion of the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig.


  • 石油钻台工人工作危险。去年4月越洋有限公司位于墨西哥湾钻井平台发生爆炸,导致11名工人死亡就是个例子。

    A roustabout's job is dangerous, as shown by the explosion aboard the Transocean Ltd. oil drilling rig in the Gulf of Mexico that killed 11 workers in April.


  • 4月20,位于美国墨西哥湾的座英国石油公司钻井平台爆炸起火。此次爆炸造成11人死亡,数百万加仑原油流入墨西哥湾水域

    A BP drilling rig in the Gulf of Mexico exploded on April 20, killing 11 workers and sending millions of gallons of oil into the water.


  • 去年4月20日墨西哥湾深水钻井平台起火发生爆炸11名工作人员遇难

    Last year on April twentieth the Deepwater Horizon oil drilling rig exploded in flames in the Gulf of Mexico. Eleven workers were killed.


  • 深水地平线”钻井平台四月发生爆炸,造成十一死亡

    The explosion of the Deepwater Horizon rig in April killed 11 people.


  • 4月20深水地平线钻井平台爆炸以来,英国石油公司一直竭力阻止原油泄漏此次爆炸导致英国石油股价暴跌

    BP has been battling to stop oil spilling out of the well since an explosion on the Deepwater Horizon rig on April 20, an event which triggered a steep plunge in the firm's share price.


  • 故事大家再熟悉不过:2010年420日,“深水地平线”钻井平台爆炸造成十一名工作人员死亡成为美国近海钻探史上最大石油泄漏事故

    The story is all too-familiar: on April 20, 2010, the Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded, killing eleven workers and creating the largest oil spill in the history of U.S. offshore drilling.


  • 4月份深水地平线钻井平台引发爆炸11名工人身亡油井发生泄漏立即成为美国历史严重的原油泄漏事故。

    The Deepwater Horizon rig explosion in April killed 11 workers and triggered the oil spill, which quickly turned into the worst oil disaster in U.S. history. Read more on BP.


  • 4月份深水地平线钻井平台引发爆炸11名工人身亡油井发生泄漏立即成为美国历史严重的原油泄漏事故。

    The Deepwater Horizon rig explosion in April killed 11 workers and triggered the oil spill, which quickly turned into the worst oil disaster in U.S. history. Read more on BP.


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